Chapter 8
Good reading!
Chez Nabou, Malick's family home
Mingué arrived home and told her mother everything she had discovered .
Nabou: you have his friend Richard's number, don't you?
Mingu é : yes
Nabou: call him and pass him to me I will talk to him myself
Awa dials Richard 's number
Mingu é : ok wait it rings
Richard: Hello oh ,
Mingu é : yes it's ok Richii , don't leave my mum would like to talk to you, I'll pass it to you
Richard: ok pass it to me then
Nabou: hello my son how are you, it's been a long time since malick took an apartment you left us , we don't see you anymore
Richard: no mum don't say that , yet I often ask Mingué about you , and you know with the activities I 'm running out of time but I'll come back without fail
Nabou: that would make me really happy, but tell me, I heard that you work with Mariem and I would like you to give me her number , we asked everywhere but no one knows where she lives , his address and nobody has his phone number , you could help us
Richard: oh I'm really sorry mum , before I came here I lost my phone and lost all my contacts, I even had a deal to offer her but I couldn't find her
Namou: Oh dear? we were so close to the goal
Richard: is there a problem with her mom Nabou ?
Nabou: yes I can say your friend is in love with him but refuses to admit it, 2 weeks ago I found him in his office crying because he no longer goes to see this Mariem, because he was his last day of work? can you believe it???
Richard:??? I knew he was in love with this girl but categorically refused to admit it , but mom you know Mariem hates him now , it 's complicated in fact
Nabou: why does he hate her then, what's the story?
Richard: he humiliated him several times, I would say all the time, I tell you he didn't miss it . one day it was even the last contract that linked me to Mariem , I don't know how he knew that Mariem was in my suite, it was to explain to him what we were saying . saw about the shoot that I scheduled of course
But Malick barged into my room and called this one a prostitute , he insinuated that he slept with anyone
Nabou: what? ! It's his worst fault , he does n't think before he speaks if he 's angry , he never controls himself
Richard: after this argument when he called me to apologize, I advised him to change if he loved Mariem, that's not how he 's going to conquer her ... he answered me : no brother you know me am not interested in this kind of girl...
Nabou: he's a real jerk
Malik: ??? lol
Nabou: no, but it's true Come on, I'll leave you, I think Mingu wants to talk to you too. thank you my son
Richard: you're welcome mum
Nabou gives the phone to Mingué _ _
Mingu é : Richii I miss you
Richard: I miss you too
Mingué : why did you prefer to marry another woman than me, I know you do n't hate me
Richard: stop Mingue , we 've already talked about it , you're like a little sister , you want your brother to kill me
Mingu é : kill you because we love each other
Richard: I never told you that I loved you
Mingu é : your look betrays you my love
Richard: you can stop calling me that and if mum can hear you
Mingu é : way it's not a problem
Richard: I'm too old for you, look for a man your age , I've moved on , I'm married
Mingu é : it's you I want my love
Richard: ok ok what a mule head, I'll leave you to more
Mingu é : no more my heart ☺
Richard: (think) why can't I forget this kid, oh fuck Richard, malick will kill you
At Salam,
2 weeks have passed , Mariem still hadn't found a job, she always comes home looking sad and dejected and one day he find salam on the front door
Mariem: hey Salam how are you, what are you doing sitting there alone?
Salam: I have a few things to tell you Mariem
Mariem: (fear) heuuu yes tell me
Salam declared his feelings to Mariem and as soon as he wanted to kiss her
Mariem stepped back 2 feet stopped him dead and told him that she was not interested , that they are just good friends now no more then she went on her way to see her little family in the living room
Angry salam (think): I fed and housed them but even a little bsx , who does she think she is, she refuses me she will pay me for everything I spent on them , my house is not a welcoming house me, either with money or with sex, will be my pure yeah that 's it, he's going to sleep with me that's for sure .
The next day, at dinner , Salam puts drugs in the dishes of Kadia, Modou and Mariem for once they have lost consciousness, he will take advantage of the situation to abuse her.
Luckily Mariem said she wasn't hungry that day ,
Once he served them the dishes he returned to his room, and waited for the effects of the drugs to manifest.
On the other side Mariem amazed : but why do they fall asleep if, maybe they are tired ....
Mariem: I'm going to do like them I'm so tired then
Ten minutes passed Salam entered their room and started to touch Mariem .
Mariem jumped out of bed
Mariem: what are you doing Salam
Salam: surprised , you didn't eat your meal?
Mariem surprised
Mariem: ah I understand now you put some things in our dishes to be able to abuse me
Salam: we can do it now, I won't hurt, go let yourself do it you'll love bb, it remains that you and me nobody will know anything about it, let me do it
With his words he began to touch him
Mariem starts to cry
Mariem: no please leave me, mom help me, help
Salam firmly grabs these 2 hands and kisses her with force and when he started to undress her Mariem manages to grab a bottle and hits her on the head , then he escapes to get some water. help because definitely salam is crazy ..
Salam got up and chased him since the blow was n't that strong .
Mariem: oh help help me she cried
Mariem had taken a while to open the door?, so Malick grabbed her after pacing outside the house...
But she did not let it go and defended herself from all these forces,
Malick passed by with his car? without recognizing that it was Mariem , he got down from his see and went to save Mariem
Malick kicked him until he couldn't get up ...
Malick was disgusted and angry to see this happen , abusing a girl is mean
Mariem threw herself into Malick's arms without realizing that it was her former boss whom she hated so much that she had just kissed...
Malick: That 'll teach you never to touch a defenseless woman , you monster, a gentleman never does that to a woman, you're going to rot in prison,
Then turns to look at her calm down girl this guy will never hurt you again
Mariem recognized the way and quickly released Malick
Malick: what are you? I looked for you everywhere Mariem come with me I will protect you please I will help you
Mariem: sniff sniff? he drugged my mother and my little brother to be able to rape me they are inside the house
He grits his teeth at the understanding of this
She shows him the direction of the house
Malick: let's get them and get out of here
After getting them out of there
Malick took them to his 3 bedroom apartment
Malick: Mariem your mom can take the big room with your brother and you can take the other room
Mariem: ok sir, thank you very much god bless you you saved us thank you again Mr
Malick: go ahead and rest, it's nothing, don't worry , go and rest in the bedroom, and try to rest
Mariem: I'm not sleepy, I can stay there after I 'll go to sleep
Malick: so I'll stay here with you, keep you company if you want
in tears remembering the scene at Salam 's house started crying again
Mariem:??? he tried to abuse me lord why us, dad your family is suffering at the moment why you left us, sir tell me why are you going through so many obstacles, do n't we deserve to be happy
Her heart sank
Malick takes Mariem in his arms and consoles her, wipes her tears
Malick: it's okay it's over, I'll make sure you miss nothing I promise you, I'll never allow anything to happen to you again, I never see you suffer like this
He takes her in his arms, and gently takes her head , lays it on his chest to reassure her .
After a while without moving
Malick: it's over don't cry anymore, I'll get you some water
After drinking water Mariem finally calmed down, Malick then asked her to tell her his story.
Mariem told him all his story, and Malick regretted everything he had done and asked to forgive him.
Mariem: stop , sir, in fact, if I hadn't known you, where was I going to meet Monsieur Richard, or was I going to find money for my brother's operation ?
Malick:?? ok now let's go to sleep you need it
Mariem: ok sir
Malick: please call me Malick
Mariem mouse??: ok Malick
What do you think of the rapprochement?
Will he finally confess his feelings to Mariem?
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