Chapter 3
hello family
Here is a new chapter, I hope you will like it
Good reading !!!
I can't go a minute without thinking about this maid, this girl haunts my thoughts , since our meeting if I can call her that I can't stop thinking about her, which is why I put her down and always humiliate so as not to meet her again , and yet there is nothing special about her, why does she fascinate so much ? sick.
Malick: why am I thinking of that filthy village girl, she's only a maid after all , and me the world knows that the Grand PDG Malick S é ca n't have any girl, I'm handsome and rich, I knock girls off...
I quickly erase this thought
I say no, no and no I refuse the idea that I like this girl it's absurd, No I refuse she is not made for me...
On reflection , I think I may be going too strong with my insults, but she didn't have to slap me that bitch , the height is that Richard takes his defense , it is the height. Speaking of which , I think I owe her an apology, she's not a poor girl who's gonna confuse us
Malick: I have to call my friend to apologize, yes that's the thing to do
....I dial the number , on the second ring , he picks up
Richard: hello
Malick: brother , I really messed up , I shouldn't have behaved like that, I regret the hurtful words I threw at you, I really want to apologize, you know how I am, I never calculate what I say sorry...
Richard : humm stop being stupid , if you continue like that you will lose her forever, you know that she is a very attractive , beautiful, responsible and respectful girl
Malick: but what are you talking about, old man, don't think I'm going to apologize to her , never mind
Richard: stop being silly if you care about this girl, you should change your behavior because she hates you more and more you know, and I see how you stared at her, she likes you î t I know.
Malick: stop it man! Me in love with this girl? You took a good look at me , I do n't hang out with that kind of girl bro , I remind you that I'm the CEO of Relux , I do n't hang out with anyone, let alone this Mari.. ..I do not know what
Richard:? ok you prefer not to see the truth in the face , in any case be careful , i am rarely wrong about these kinds of things amigo
Malick: let's change the subject, and if not tell me about your new project.....
Richard explained his project.....
A few days later ....
Modou , Mariem 's brother , fell ill with cancer which had only appeared now.
in Mariem I had to go see his boss Malick , beg him if necessary to ask him to give him those few days he had left to be able to help his brother who was in the hospital one day . time already _ _
After entering his office _ _ _
Mariem: Hello Mr.
Malick: Hum, what do you want Malick always concentrating on his files without even looking at him
Mariem: by the way, there is my brother who is very ill and who is hospitalized in the hospital, I would like to be by these sides , I would like you to grant me these few days left for me to take care of him.
Malick: don't even think about it, you'll stop when I decide and not before
Malick: close the door behind you
Yes Malick had refused Mariem 's request
Mariem was disgusted , disappointed , red with anger , went home with tears in her eyes, sometimes she thought that the boss was only so mean , but there , she concluded that he was heartless
I had spent the 2,000,000 for the operation that my brother was to undergo the next day, all these savings flew away ...
Mariem: why us why, why, whyoooooiiiiiii?, my God you took our dad away from us, did n't take Modou away from us ????? make sure that his operation tomorrow goes well, that he is a success , it is true that I will not be present when he enters the operating room , that saddens me the most high point.
Mariem: I've never seen someone as wicked as Mr. Malick, a heartless man, a cruel man?
The next day at the Hotel Mariem very weak because she had not eaten since the day before, and was crying while working, they had no one to count on
Mariem was not well and didn't know what to do to help her, because he knew she hated him , even if it was done on purpose . s,
A few minutes had passed and Mariem could no longer hold on, she was trying so hard to do her job, even though she had a terrible headache , suddenly she collapsed on the ground and then black hole...
Malick who has been watching him since, having seen the whole scene, rushed out and left his office.
Malick runs to help him
Arriving next to her , he shakes her but she does n't react ... Malick was in a panic, why isn't she reacting , she's so fragile, I can't stand him something happens to him through my fault, I make him work a lot
Malick: Mariem, Mariem what do you have?
he carries him in his big arms and brings him to his office then calls his doctor
Once the doctor finished the consultation, he affirmed that Mariem was weak, that she was not eating well and prescribed her medication ? then he went away
Half an hour later Mariem wakes up and finds that she was in Malick's office.
Mariem: what? what am I doing here ? Where is my brother ?, where ....
Malick: shhuuuuuutt calm down Mariem, you fainted and I brought you here so that the doctor could examine you, but thanks to God you have nothing, he makes you eat, eat well and also you should rest a few hours here before going home, you can stay here it does n't bother me
Mariem gets up to leave, Malick rushed over and stood in front of the door preventing Mariem from leaving.
Mariem: leave in front of me sir
Malick: the doctor asked me to keep you here for a few minutes before leaving, it's not good for your health
Mariem: my health ? Since when do you care about the health of your employees , you never cared about people, no feelings .... in short, push you I have to go, I don't have time, I repeat step aside in front of the door I am going to see my brother at the hospital , he needs me by his side ,
Malick: so it's true, I thought that...
Mariem: what did you think, that I was lying, that 's it , and for the last time leave in front of me or I'll hit you, I'm not kidding, and it's not a game either . Family is important to me?
Malick not knowing what to say....
Malick: I'll leave here on condition that you accept that I drop you off at the hospital , I'm afraid you'll relapse again by taking public transport, it's not good in your condition .
Mariem: (thinks) scared!? this Mr. is fine, it looks like he's lost his mind , but I'll get to the hospital faster if he drops me off
Mariem : I accept because I am in a hurry to get to the hospital and be next to my brother
Malick: wise decision
What do you think about this chapter ?
Did Malick change ??
And what makes Malick so unpleasant ?
Does he have a family?
Is it possible that he is in love with Mariem??
Comment and tell me what you think .
Sorry for the mistakes !!
Good reading