Chapter 14
Good reading !
Mingué was about to leave her mother asks her when she is coming back
Nabou: and when do you plan to come back?
Mingu é : when I feel like it mom you too! She looks at her father , ☺ ️ I will miss you dad
dear little mom
Nabou: and you won't miss me, that 's it
Mingu é : no! You will spend morning, noon and evening calling me you can't do without me.... tell mom how are you going to do after my wedding ????
Nabou: follow you to your husband of course little impolite
Mingu é : ??? oh my mom darling way, and one more thing I forbid you to call me all the time otherwise I will block you
Nabou: I'm not going to call you get out of here
Mingu é : ? ? take care byyyyyeeeeeee
Arrived at Malick 's , Mariem was very happy to see her again, they hugged and laughed, it was as if they had known each other since
Mingué : Tell me, I hope something interesting happened during my absence .
Mariem: nothing interesting , you know that without you nothing will happen
Mingu é :??? you mean since i left no one hugged you
Mariem: stop , it's because we're not like brothers
Mingu é :? hide your face, it's to your granny that you should say that
Mingué : things will start to change from now on , because I'm here, I hope you changed your pajamas like I told you
Mariem: yes but I'm not dating
Mingu é : ? mad tite, and Malick
Mariem: he hasn't come home from work yet
Mingu é : and Richii?
he hasn't come home yet
Mingu é : ok I see
Someone minutes later
someone rang the doorbell
Mingu é : it's them surely , I'm going to open? all excited
Mingué was far from imagining the person who is behind the door
Mingu é : What the hell are you doing here, get out of here before I stick one on you..
Saly: but Mingu is ...
Mingu é : shut your mouth and don't call my name anymore or I'll kick your ass
Mariem: what are these cries, we hear you from the living room
Mingué : Mariem please do n't get involved
Mariem : but you speak badly to him there, Mingu é nevertheless
Mingu é : you see this girl in front of you, she's the devil himself, a plague, the worst girl in the world...
Mingu é : I'm going to calm down and you leave this house immediately
Saly: I need to talk to malick...
Mingu é the slap! without giving him time to continue
Mingué : listen to me very carefully , he no longer wants to see you or speak to you, and no longer repeats his name in your mouth
Saly: I'll wait for her downstairs
Mingu é : even if malick is here, you will not enter this house me alive
She slams the door
In the office
On the other side Malick discussed with his lawyer to recover the land from Mariem 's family
Lawyer: it 's already won Mr. Sene , the evidence is tangible, just a few days to get them out of this house
Malick: thank you sir see you tomorrow inchallah
Suddenly Malick receives a call from an unknown number?
Malick: Hello oh
Saly: hello Malick
Malick immediately recognizes the voice of his ex-girlfriend
Malick: what do you want from me Saly
Saly: I need to talk to you please
Malick: I'm still at the office
Saly: I'm in front of your building
Malick: I'll be there in an hour
Saly: ok I'm waiting for you
Malick calls Richard to tell him that saly had just called him
Richard: I hope you don't talk to him man
Malick: I want to listen to what she has to say to me
Richard: you're messing with her, with everything she's done to you, you're forgetting that she made you sink, I hope you don't still have feelings for her?
Malick: don't worry , I don't feel anything for her anymore, she actually disgusts me , I just want to know what she said to me, I really want to understand
Richard: I'll be home soon, but I'm not going to say hello to her so you know ?
Malick: ok all to them then
Richard arrives home and finds Mingué so angry .
Richard:? ? very happy to see my little one
Mingu é : am not in the mood Richii
Richard: I admit you don't look good on your plate, tell me please, I don't like seeing you like that
Mingu é : can you imagine that this bitchy room is there , why did she come back again, she did too much harm like that why does she come back again?
Me here she won't put these paws in this house
Richard: I understand but calm down bb
Mingu é : so you are aware
Richard: yes he called é malick to tell her that she is downstairs, that she would like to talk to her
Mingué : let them talk to each other wherever they want but not here, why does he even agree to talk to her ?
Richard: calm down please, come in the room
Mingu é : I'm not moving from here okay, go ahead
ok I change after I come back
10 minutes later malick arrived and found saly downstairs in his car
Malick: hello , how are you?
Hi: yes well and you
Malick: what do you have to tell me?
Saly: we can't talk about it here
Malick: I don't see myself going somewhere with you, you see I just got home from work I just want to rest..., either we talk here in the car or we go up to my apartment
Saly: but Mingu é does not want me to enter the apartment
Malick (thinks): Mingu é is back then? ♀ ️ maybe I can convince her to let me talk to her for a while
Malick: come on let's go talk upstairs
He rings the doorbell , mingué rushes to open it
Mingu é : Malick you can come in, you can't! get out of here
Malick: leave the re-entry for a few minutes
Mingu é : me alive, she won't put her paws in this house I said, you can't believe it try to cross the door, you will know today how the water managed to get into coco
Malick: stop your whims and let her in, it's my place
Malick grabs Saly's hand and says to her:
Malick: come with me
Immediately Mingu ripped off Saly 's wig and started hitting her...
Richard grabs mingu é so she won't hurt him
Mingué : richiii let go of me , bitchy room, do you think maybe I've changed ? have you forgotten me ? I settle things amicably , I never changed
Malik:? I beg you stop
Mingué : no, no and no I'm not going to stop , if you want to talk, don't sleep here..
If you value your life don't move from there
Richard: it's not good what you're doing
Mingu é : I don't care okay, don't talk to me anymore, and don't catch me anymore ok let go of me
Malick: too much is too much here it's at home, I bring whoever I want
Mingu é : here it is at my brother 's house so I beat the crap out of whoever I want
Malick: (thinks) I can't do anything, she took all the faults on the mom and dad side
Malick: saly wait for me downstairs, I'm changing and I'm coming
Mingu é : here you go , do whatever you want but not here, out of here Aythia
and waits for malick downstairs shocked
Malick come out of the room and when he met mingué 's eyes he couldn't help laughing she is so aggressive, Richard also bursts out laughing
Malik:? I pity the man who is going to marry you
Richard: I was even ashamed when she tore off her wig and kicked him??
Malik:? here it is at my brother's lol , it's as if she was talking about someone other than me?
Mariem: after she says I kick the ass who I want????
Mingu é : still angry eurrhh ? she goes to the room
Mariem: I'm going to talk to him
Malick: I'm going, I'm going to listen to what she's going to tell me
Richard: ok see you later
In the bedroom
Mariem found Mingu é crying
Mariem: why are you crying darling , stop you will make me cry too
Mingué : Mariem , I don't want my brother to suffer any more, this girl is a real viper , she was Malick's ex, she abandoned him at the worst moment of her life to run away with one of these collaborators, just because he had a lot more money than Malick...
Malick had had an accident it 's been 3 years now, he was in a wheelchair and depressed , desperate the height of all this this plague wrote him a message telling him that their relationship was finished, that she couldn't be coupled with a disability , that Malick won't be able to take care of her?
My brother was unrecognizable , had no taste for life, we were so close before his accident, that he didn't even want mom to scold me if I did something stupid . .....I called him my saviour! But after that he changed he didn't talk to anyone , he always preferred to be alone , if I go to talk to him he shouts at me, and asks me not to come into his room anymore, I cried every day. tears from my body because he was my friend my everything. .. I was a minor at that time, I didn't go anywhere, I was always at home
he was the one who kept me company, after that I felt alone I cried every night the same for mom and dad....we suffered a lot and I think it was she who caused this accident . ..
Mariem: (after this revelation my heart ached , I can understand Malick's behavior) cry the more it's over, it 's all over
Mingué : when I see her I remember all those bad times we had because of her, my brother really loved brother must get away from her because also it is because of her that he made this shock
Mariem: calm down darling you need more than you think about that it's behind us now
Mingu é : I'm afraid to relive it again???
Richard was listening behind the door, he suddenly enters the room and takes Mingué in his arms
Richard: there you don't cry anymore bb I'm here now , I'll never let that girl hurt you.
Richard: I knew that behind this girl full of character hides a very sensitive soul ...I'm very proud of you my baby ... I don't want to see anymore your tears ok
Mingu é : ok my love kiss me
Mariem: hmm? I'm leaving
Richard: she knows about us
Mingu é : yes do n't worry
Richard kissed Mingué passionately , she began to smile afterwards .
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