At dawn my school bag still hung across my shoulders. I barely could shut my eyes to sleep and my eyes seemed much heavy with slumber now. I gleamed once thought of the past even hit me in the head. I was between the devil and the deep blue sea. Indecisiveness had taken over me that I was open to take advice from any damn person now.
While Professor Duncan was mid way preparing for school, then came a ding-dong at the door. I could perceive the million questions that stood on his puzzled looks and I could tell professor wasn’t expecting any visitor.
With my hands tightly gripping my school bag, I puzzled and wondered if it were my father’s enemies. Probably they might have gotten wet ears about my destination and decided to do away with me. These were shifters and they were good at locating their enemies.
Since there were unable to find the virus in our house, the previous night, they would have been informed someone was probably with it, with perfect guess; my very self. And about now it would be to hunt me down or die trying; I thought.
The ding dong went on and Professor Duncan found himself in my room as fast as thunder. His eyes burnt red and his hands trembled even more intense than mine.
Tinge of fear beclouded his face as he asked me in whispers.
“Are you expecting anyone here?”
I shook my head and scowled nervously daring to have a perfect thought of who the visitor could be. Professor Duncan had the right to ask me such questions because I was already the target of some enemies. I wasn’t far from any of them and I wasn’t too close either. If they could get my father, they could also get me
“Did you tell anyone of your whereabouts?” he whispered yet again, his jaw dropping and lips tightly pressed in uncertainty and fear.
I shook my head, swallowed a dry lump, as the ding dong came with a slight bang on the door this time. My hands almost left my body and my pounding heartbeat had increased beyond repair.
“My father’s enemies?” I mumbled and blinked a million times in fear as Prof squatted to me. I wondered how sure I was about the visitor at the door. Although with the recent occurrence in my life any slightest action that triggered fear was attributed to my father’s enemies.
“They raided my family house yesterday night,” I whispered. That was the much I knew about them.
“Your fathers enemies? Who are they?” he asked as I felt the sweat of nervousness in his palms.
I didn’t know much about those battalion of shape-shifters that raided our house the other night. I only could term them my father’s enemies.
“Yes, they are the same shape-shifters that murdered my parents the other night.
“Shape-shifters? Why would shape-shifters murder your parents? Are we enemies? And what are they doing here now?”
Professor Duncan was asking much question. He got to be joking if he thought I was going to tell him about the virus.
My father’s warning still blared in my head.
He was yet to ask further question when the ding-dong and bang interrupted him.
He snorted, grinned stood to his feet, went to his wardrobe and pulled out a rifle.
“This staircase leads to the penthouse. Should it be I die, run into the penthouse and run for your life,” he advised and dashed out cautiously.
I was already fidgety. My entire body trembled as a weakling that I was.
Could it be that they traced me to this place? What is happening?
Without giving my thought much grilling, I started tip-toeing on the staircase.
Before I could disappear into the penthouse, I heard voices; familiar voices.
Julius was around.
With a breath of relief I ran down to my room and reached to the door.
Professor Duncan was mad at me, once I dashed out to the sitting room.
“I thought you said no one knew you were here,” he groaned, his gaze upon Julius.
I nodded, “Yes of course no one knew I was here?”
His eyes widened at me, “Really? Then why is Julius here? How did he know?”
I stared at Julius and he had a stony face. I wondered how Professor Duncan expected me to explain that Julius had rare ability that I couldn’t explain. All he had ever told me came to pass. This was totally strange.
My lips tightened as I choked back my reply.
“I will be leaving for school. Are you boys joining me in the car?”
Julius winked at me to answer in the negative.
“No,” I replied, “I am not feeling too strong after the tragedy that befell my family the other day night.”
Prof. shook his head, stroked my hair, “It’s OK, Greg. Everything is going to be fine.” He turned his gaze to Julius, “Take good care of him while I am away. Have this rifle,” he handed Julius his rifle, “Protect yourselves while I am away.
Once he gave us his rifle, he bade us bye and sputtered away in his saloon car.
I barked at Julius, “Who the hell are you? All you have ever revealed to me happened. If you don’t tell me the strange powers you posses, and all I need to know about you, please use the door, our friendship is over?” I picked up my school bag, “if you don’t want to speak up, I will leave for school and I don’t want to see you in my life anymore!” I barked further.
His eyes bleached to scary, fish-like grey, stared in the space as he revealed, “Don’t you dare go to school! Your bullies await you at the school field. Once they see you at sight, they will murder you,” Julius said, sat on the sofa and said yet further, “Have a seat if you really want to know about me and what befell your family the other night.”