“When your momma had you I told her to bring you to me often but she wouldn’t listen. Now you’re grown and traced your way like a vampire,” grandma said and heaved a bowl. “Look what we got here Brian.” She smiled chic to chic, showing him the fresh spinach she was plucking in her garden before he arrived.
He had not seen his grandma until now. She was purposeful and stronger than her age. His mother had narrated her business proficiency and how she became one of the richest farmers in her time. Her husband had died in her prime and nothing more was he told about her. Brian smiled back at her and from his sitting point he could see the massive canopy of vegetation in her farm, and obsessed laborers in blue overall that spelt Century Farm at the back
“I am gonna prepare you spinach rice. You kids need spinach for your dicks to become penis.” She laughed alone and stole a glance at Brian who was lost in thought.
Kate; her dashing looks were haunting him but he refocused his mind when grandma said, “Where are you, boy? I know you’re missing home but I promise you the best of fun while you stay,” she nudged him on the shoulder, “Let’s join them in the farm and make some money.
Brian chuckled, “Do you still farm?”
“Very well,” she grunted. Although she had cloned into a bent posture due to her arthritis she still tried to work out best in the farm. She was of the believe that old age was not a death warrant and life’s expectation for an 85-year-old was more fun than any other stage of life. She did some weeding with the weed operator and indulged Brian in discussion about her empire which she started with her late husband years after they married as young lovers. It had kicked off as a rear garden in the yard and when they saw a dire need to make a living and keep life meaningful at old age they decided to turn it into an empire; in few years their rear garden had amassed into a large plant edifice with cash crops and ornamental plants ready for exportation.
“The rest of the story is full of tragedy, boy,” said grandma after wiping a sweat on her brow.
“What tragedy?” requested Brian, tuning his interest in the discussion.
She plucked a basketful of spinach and cabbage and watched one of the laborers come to her aid to take them into the barns. “You just got in I will disturb you with my sad story later. The sun is too heavy for tragedy.” She looked into the sky and said to a laborer that walked past her “It may fall at night ensure our foods and animals are safe from ill fate.”
The laborer acknowledged, “Yes, ma,” and walked away.
A young lady who was among the laborers came in Brian’s sight. She resembled Kate in her totality except for her larger backside that rolled with each step.
Grandma noticed Brian and said, “Take your eyes off her. The man over there is her husband and she’s just a Mexican who’s unfortunate with stature. She’s no kid.”
Brian squatted to her for more information knowing she would always go into details.
“Except she and her husband I don’t give my laborers shelter. Three children have passed through her vagina and that is not your spec for a woman.”
“I – I,” he stuttered, “I am not interested in women now. I just want to achieve my dream.” Brian pinched himself to know if those words actually came from him. The moment he said it Kate’s charming face flashed in his head, the wonderful time they spent together under the influence of oneness and fantasy, how she really wanted him and willing to give him her body and his urge to restrain, the night he wished her in the shower and owned her nakedness.
“You know children like you believe things are going to work as plan forgetting that time happens to everything. “ she looked upon Brian “given time your statement may change and you may find a maddening love.”
Brian cleared his throat, “For now or perhaps never will I fall in love,” he helped her with the basket of oranges.
She winked, “You sound like a lover on the run.” She paused to gaze upon Brian. “Anyways let’s leave that for another day. Now tell me what brought you to Miami. I know schools are still in session so don’t mention some damn holiday.”
“I want- “ he wondered why he had been stuttering; as though leaving the past and moving on wasn’t a feat to dare, as though he was yet to make up his mind, and death was the penalty if he ever did, it was a done deal-mind made up. “I want to start life afresh,” his mouth raced.
“I wasn’t told Miami is a life supermarket where you come to pick a new life,” grandma muttered, starting to walk but Brian took the lead, “Kid don’t you know what is called ladies’ first.” Brian stilled and she took the lead into the sitting room. “Perhaps you’re here to learn that and how to treat ladies nicely.”
In the sitting room, she lit up the fire chamber and poured coffee for two. ”What about your school is it among the life you will start afresh?” she queried.
“I will start afresh here, replied Brian, getting hold of his warm coffee.
“Before you touched down here your momma told me it was a brief stay.” She sipped and stared at Brian who faced down.
His face gathered flames and eyes blazed red as he asked, “Don’t you want me around”
“Hell no, Mr. Cinderella, chop off my flabby breast if I wish so. But I want your concrete plans so that I can support you way up,” she disclosed.
Brian’s burning countenance and tranquility gave her the answer and she recalled “Uh you have said your concrete plans already, relocating to Miami and starting school afresh.”
She went away and Brian eased a breath of relief. He gulped his coffee and turned on the TV; a movie was showing and the female character was all tears, lamenting to a young man over how lovelorn she would be if he walked out of her life. Quickly he turned off the TV when images of Kate struck in his head. She wouldn’t bother about his whereabouts. Neither would she be lovelorn; Tony was there for her. Parting was a medicine for him and he prayed the future not to bring them together again. Hadn’t she toiled with the heart he gave her? And when he thought they were having a thing, a savor, Kate revealed tony to be her boyfriend and accused him falsely of rape. He busied himself with his phone until he zoned out.
His phone buzzed repeatedly before he woke up, rubbed his eyes and beheld his caller – Tony had been the caller.