I got down to the underground cives beneath my mansion expecting a fucking answer explaining what the hell just happened
I lost 6 of my men and 3 of them had sustained injuries that needed immediate medical attention Getting closer to where my right hand man Leonardo who was present at my wedding earlier
He was muttering to Rico our head of security we had a struck a deal three years ago on a Mexican stake out and since then he had proven himself loyal to me over and over throughout the past years
"Che cazzo è appena successo?"
I ask them what the fuck just happened in my native tongue
Rico walked closer to me pulling out three passport pictures fixing a toothpick in-between his teeth "These men sir they not my men "
I scan the pictures with my eyes "are they responsible for this ?" I ask
"I assume these men ,they are members of the fang "
"How the fuck did they get past fucking security Rico " I place my cigarette in my mouth lighting it up
"I don't know for sure boss,but we managed to suspend one of them " Leonardo said walking towards where I assume the bastard lay
On getting there he grabbed him by the chains that held both his hands in a lock hurling him to his feet and pulling him in my direction before throwing him at the mercy of my feet blood spilling from his mouth
I look at Rico and he moves towards the cunt dragging his head up with so much force I was sure there would be visible cracks with no hair to hold on to Rico simply held him by the neck forcing him to meet my gaze
I pull out my gun aiming it at the spot between his neck and shoulders
"Who are you "I say looking at him dead In the eye puffing my cigarette
""Mi jefe te mataría Sufrirás mucho."
He said spitting at my feet , clocking my gun I shoot him on his shoulder
"wrong answer"
He's loud wauls of agony filled the underground space
"who are you ? and how did you and the others manage to breach security" I ask again
"aye aye I owe you nothing kill me "
A cold smile shadowed my lips
At the sound of his name he stepped forward
"Get me my equipment" With that he away from me
Tossing and turning on the mattress every bit of sleep drained from my eyes I sit up looking at the dark space for the second time today , a gentle breeze blew from the windows turning my eyes towards the curtains I stand up from the bed to shut the windows
And trace my hands gently across the wall looking for a light switch when I find it I turn the lights on getting a good view of the room I was going to spend my days here I might as well get accustomed to it ,The room was large that's for sure and the decor was quite simple well as simple as a very rich person would make it
wrapping my hands around the music box on the vanity I sit on the little stool opening it as the familiar hymn of twinkle twinkle star played throughout the room sighing in the familiarity of it I stand up letting my legs lead me out of the bedroom and down the staircase to the living room since I couldn't sleep I might as well explore the mansion, I thought to myself as a trail of awe followed me everywhere I turned in complete amazement of the decor of this house ! I was close to the kitchen where I had met two lovely ladies who I think where both chefs but they only bowed their head to me and turned in the opposite direction I was about leaving When I heard some sounds I followed it to a door few steps away from the kitchen entrance it blended into the wall it was hard to find the knob when I finally found it I trailed inside taking careful steps down the steep stairs that led me to an underground basement on the sight of Luka walking I crouched into some barrels concealing myself from him and his men and I peeped from the spaces in between them
A man whose face was so bloodied I couldn't even make his features anymore was held up by a bigger guy while Luka moved around him in predator steps stretching a hand out another man placed a bat in his hands he immediately used it to whack the already injures man on his head spurts of blood shot out from the newly opened wound and a clinging nausea gripped my inner stomach
"How did you get in " Luka said dribbling the bat on his fingertips possibly unconcerned about the bits of blood dropping out of it
crouching down to his level he seemed to whisper something to him before hitting him with the bat again
He rose up from where her crouched down earlier a sinister smile on his lips "you've wasted my time
Mario" and the sound of gunshots filled the room I held my mouth to prevent me from screaming out, I just witnessed a murder oh God ,oh God
forcing my legs to move I pull myself up stumbling towards the entrance I had come in from
I was married to a criminal
Pulling out the bloodied bat out of his back for the second time the bastard couldn't even scream for help if he tried, then I take out my dagger teasing him with the tip of it "Mario, how did you manage to breach security" After about 15 minutes of pure torture I had managed to get his name and the name of the colleagues with Leonardo already running background checks
He belonged to a criminal group "the fangs of Mexico " they were the biggest drug dealers in the whole of Mexico and apparently came to infiltrate my supply,I mean I would get their anger since I had shot dead their leader Romeo in a criss cross in Mumbai few weeks ago He had the goods I had the weapons and the men so I took over he's share and profit
But something that doesn't make sense is how they were able to penetrate my mansion. The place was built like a fortress and security was tight ! staring at the bloodied figure on the floor I rose from where I had crouched to his level
"you have wasted my time Mario and for that I would send you to see your grandmama early" I say shooting him six bullets on the chest and two through his skull
"Clean up this mess" I say walking towards the entrance when I notice a suspicious movement by the barrels pulling my gun out I ran towards it
but I found nothing there
except the hint of something so feminine and fruity, Scrunching up my nose inhaling the scent I place the gun back in my pocket and exit the place