When I opened my eyes and unfamiliar darkness hit me followed by a scent I didn't recognize it lifting my head from the comfort of the pillows I look around unable to place anything in the darkness of the room
except the back and forth movement of something or someone cradling the blankets around myself as a sad bit of protection
"Who's there ?" I ask my eyes focused on the back and forth movement
"Go back to sleep " The voice of my supposed husband resonated through the room like a force chills ran through my spine at the sound of it
"What do you want from me now ?" I ask in a sound of defeat leaving my chest my heart pounding so loudly I could hear it from my ears
He sat there silently staring at me, I could only see his silhouette due to how dark it was in the room At the thought of that alone had me cowering in fear
was he going to kill me decide that I wasn't worth the effort anyway or sell to some high end humans traffickers for a few chunks of change
I thought to myself putting my hand around my body
The sound of gunshots afar had my eyes darting towards the figure in front of me
"Fuck, get down"
obeying his command without a second thought I got down putting my hands to my ears as I shook in fear
the gunshots neared and the sound of shattering glass and sirens blasting out filled my ears
"Do not move from this spot" He said standing up heading towards the door while simultaneously pulling out a pistol and clocking it before opening the front door
the door closed behind him and I could only hear the faint sounds of orders being yelled at by who I assumed was Luka
"Miss Miss " I heard the comforting voice of Albert and I stood up from where I was hiding rushing towards the sound of his voice outside the door sobs already bursting out of me
"was this really going to be my life I haven't even been here for 24 hours and there is already a shootout going on
oh father what kind of dangerous men did you get involved with I thought as Albert led me through a flight of stairs towards an underground cellar he opened the door and led me inside while following suit turning on the lights
It looked like a reservoir,or some kind if storage it had food lined in all the shelves and a small bucket of bathroom essentials aggressively wiping away my tears I turned to Albert folding my hands against my chest fooling anyone thinking I looked intimidating
"what the shit is going on" I ask staring at him expectedly waiting for an answer
"Please calm down miss I will assure you that you would remain safe" He said in the calmest of voices he polished intonation flicking against my agitated one
"safe?? how is any of this safe ? we are going to die" I say my voice shaking
"we will not die miss, now calm down"
Enjoying the comfortable feel of his tone I calmed down a bit "I would appreciate it deeply if you at least told what was going on " The sound of far off gunshots had me clinging tighter to myself
"There was an unexpected invasion which could only be , because there was some kind of opening"
he said calmly staring idly at his watch as gunshots sounded through the room impossibly closer than where they were before
"So what ? there is a rat " I ask looking up at him
"we have no proof of that but all evidence point in that direction, but don't worry it should be over in a few minutes "He said glancing at his watch again
" And how often do these happen?"
"A few times a year , we haven't had one like this in a couple of months "
Sitting myself on the ground I relax myself against the nearby shelf "what am I going to do Albert"
Surprisingly he sat next to me "However do you mean miss"
must he be so polite ,how does a man like this end up here anyway?
" Giovanni but my friends call me Gia" I say stretching my hands towards his
He takes it shaking me gently but firmly "Albert, Albert Mire" he said smiling gently
" Your boss ..Luka "
I start out but he quickly finishes "He is not a bad man miss ..I mean gia" he said correcting himself
"I find that hard to believe " I say pushing some free hair behind my ears and out of my view
"you will see ,common I believe it is over by now "
He said standing up while stretching his arm towards mine hurling me up like I weigh nothing