Emily (POV)
I woke up with a killer headache ..ouch I groaned I looked at my nightstand and found my phone ..typical me no phone calls ...I check the time and it was late ..it was 7pm ..oh my God I promised Elsa to be there early what have I done ..
I srumbled out of my bed took a shower , I wore a simple dress which was quite nice and reached on my knees ,I went to the kitchen and prepared soup , porridge , some and some fruits ..I hurriedly put my things on the big basket and went walked out ..
I hailed a cab and went to the hospital , my heart was beating faster. ..I started thinking what if Elsa hates me because I am late ??..I am so stupid ..oh my goodness and in no time I reached the hospital ..I asked for her room and passed through the hall way ..I could feel my arms being cold ,oh my goodness this is it ..I knocked the door and went inside ...
I was relieved seeing Elsa sleeping peacefully ,I smiled at the thought that she made it .. suddenly I heard the door open and walked in the doctor ,I greet her and she greets me with a big smile ...goodness girl you are early she tells me ,,noway I am late today. I promised Elsa that I would be here early ,, don't worry she has been sleeping ...okay ,, so is anything wrong doctor?..I ask her me being curious ...no everything is good with her ,she has a good health and a fighter too I think because of her little one ..the surgery went well and we are able to remove all the toxic and we cleaned the wound and I think she has to stay for some few days so that we could check her more ..thank you so much doctor I said with a smile ..
Emily ...I heard a hoarse voice calling me and I knew it was Elsa. .oh my dear you are awake I said with a smile ...water ...she tells me and I took the water from the table and hold it for her to drink ..she then smiled at me and tells me I did it Emily ..so how are you feeling the doctor asks her ,....some pain on my lower part of the abdomen ..ow it's fine anything else ?..umm no just tired , good ...after an hour the nurse will be here to take some tests on you ...okay I better leave you two alone .. soon she goes out ...
I smile at Elsa , so how are you feeling mama bear I missed you she tells me ,I laughed ,for only a night? I am and she pouts and nods her head like a baby I just shake my head and assist her to sit ...I took out the food and put it on the table and give her some soup ...so tell me mama bear how is my little tiny baby doing?..I ask her and she gives me a wild smile and tells me she's fine in a baby voice ,I just laugh and she eats her food while we chat ...I don't tell her anything about what happened ,I don't want her to worry much and she was done eating ..soon the nurse came and sedated her and I stayed with her until she was asleep ..
Soon I left her a note saying I'll visit her in the evening and left ....I took a public bus because I wanted to go to the beach ..I reached sooner than I thought ..
I took my things and put them on the sand and walked on the waterside ..it was so calm and breezy ...and all I could hear was only the sound of the waves ..I wasn't the only one there but I was alone and it gave me a peace of mind ..
I started roaming on the waterside ,I wanted to swim but I didn't have a swim suit , soon I just walked and played with the water while walking but soon I bumped into a wall , a wall? ..I asked myself but then I remembered i was on the beach how ?..I looked up and i thought that I made a mistake of looking ..it was a man , he had looks like really good looks...holy shit ...I felt myself drooling ..mannnn...he was a piece of art work I m telling you ..soon I snapped out of my daze and walked back giving us a space ..ow sorry sir I wasn't looking where I was going ..he was way too taller because he was towering my whole body ...he just gaze into my eyes and I didn't tell you how beautiful were his eyes ..no way I ain't going to tell ... they are Soo captivating..I hold my breath and wanted to walk away but he suddenly said ..hi ..
Oh my goodness his voice was like song in my ears so I just said hi shyly and walk away from the awkward moment but then when I was walking back I felt him following me but I just stayed quite and played with the waves and water moving..I just laughed and just enjoy my day while the handsome guy was following me behind but I couldn't care less ...
But then I went out of the water and sat down on the palace where my things are and sat down and ate ..I remembered I didn't eat anything when I went to the hospital ..I sat down on the small coral stones and open my big basket and take the soup and drink it ,,I saw the hot guy coming on my way ..I act like I dint see him and took some of my fruits and eat ..
then he came on my way where I was sitting and sat next to me , he sighed and looked at me ..I looked at the water while i ate my fruits but then he came close to me and I felt my heart skip a beat and moved but then he told me something un expected ....
Can I have some ?...I was so shocked but then I shared the fruits with him and my soup ...he didn't say anything but kept on eating while staring at me ....
hmm ...weird ....I thought ...