Emily (POV)
Miley are you going to ditch me today too ? I am free today and want to hang around with you , ugh I am bored so tell me are you free tonight ? oh my Emily I can't come today I amstuck and haveloads ofworkbut we can arrange something this weekend if it's okay with you .
Week end is more way far and I can't wait to meet you and have fun but i t's fine I guess I ‘ll go to the park and paint some more you know obsessionon painting ? okay then Miley see you love u girly and take care .
Ugh I am so frustrated today , I was called in an interview and yet they didn't give me an actual answer and I am so anxious right now because I don't know what to do , I have to earn some more money to survive and live comfortable .Ugh it was a long day but I wanted to go to the park and erase what's in my mind .
It took me more than 20 minutes to walk from my apartment to the park ,when I got there, there wasn't a lot of people just how I liked it ,
I sat on the empty benches and then brought up my knees to the chest and sighed .I liked the silence it gave me an ease of mind and to think more .I kept on thinking that I was a run away teenager from home ,I kept on thinking if I did the right thing but I know when my father would catch me I m done for and would never see a day without his abuse and my mother she was such a pain in the ass she never cared even if my dad would beat me up to the verge of death .
Deep in my heart I was empty and it ached because I know this isn't the life I wanted and it hurts .I wanted to live without the fears of anyone but it was impossible as because I was the unwanted but useful child to my so called parents .
The cool breeze blew and suddenly I was snapped out of my daze by someone's hand on my shoulder . I was scared and didn't look back at all I acted like nothing happened but inside I was silently praying that I was not caughtby him...
I composed myself and turned slowly looking for my intruder and I saw a girl and my heartbeats slow down ,she was around my age and was looking at me with her doe big eyes but I couldn't understand her, Her eyes were empty and she looked quite and skinny and it broke my heart seeing her dried tears and she was wearing rags .I stood up and went to her and u touched her soft hands and an unknown tear slipped down from my eyes and she lost it she cried on my embrace and I just hold her ,I didn't know what to do I mean she is a stranger among all people she chose me and she was on my arms, she was under weight and she needed my help I knew that she had blonde curls and had big doe brown eyes .
I helped her to calm down and asked her what's wrong with her but she couldn't speak .She just looked at me and gaze her sight on her fingers. I don't want to imagine what happened to her because I knew she was a victim of abuse and I just couldn't stand it i asked her can you walk so that we could get you home and clean up?
She nod her head and we started walking silently and our hands were holding each other ,but soon when I was crossing the road to my apartment she stopped and told me miss you don't know me and I can't go to your place I don't want to be a cause of problems or a burden , I looked at her with the look that I hated when I first came to this place but I couldn't help it she was so broken and sad and empty.
Don't worry girl I am going to help you infact I live alone okay? She looks at my eyes and nods slowly I think she has some trust issues and I am not going to blame her because I was in her state before and it was worse , my body was not even recognized I was beaten black and blue and was wearing rags like hers and I couldn't speak nor eat at all because I had some few broken ribs , open wounds , couldn't even walk because of my under weight but I am thank full of the old couples who took me in and treat me I was forever indebted to them , my past was harsh and I often remember it like it's like yesterday because it still haunts me ,I sighed heavily and I didn't know when I was even in deep thoughts but was snapped out of them when I saw the girl looking at me ..
She looked like she knew what I was thinking and so she shake my arm and i too her arm and went directly to the apartment ,I took her in and I told her to take a seat on the couch .
My apartment was not that big ,it had two bedrooms two bathrooms one large dining room combined with the kitchen .It was small and yet cosy and made sure that it was clean . I love silence so I would take even a month staying inside my apartment when I made sure that all groceries are inside .
I didn't have anything to do than paint and find clients either online, in the parks , outside on some random places and that's what gave me income although it wasn't that much but I surely appreciate ..
I went to the bathroom and prepared a warm bubble bath and added some strawberry scent on the bath tub and went to the dining room looking for her . She was so silent and I knew because she was a victim she didn't want to talk much I took her hands and interrupted her in her thoughts and led her to the bathroom ,I helped her undress and made her sit on the bath tub .
I stayed with her and finally asked me can you please help me wash up my hair? I smiled widely and nod my head like a rabbit and scrubbed her hair so smoothly and did a scalp massage and when I was done I got out and she finished bathing and I asked her to use the towels which I placed beside the tub .
I went to my room and took one of the dresses which was simple and cute and followed her ,I saw her coming out if the bathroom and immediately she stiffened when she saw me like she was scared .The girl was so beautiful and cute after she had wore the dress .I smiled at her and she gave me a weak one but I didn't blame her and we sat on silence .
I walked her to the kitchen isle and heat up some food which was in the fridge .I served her and she started eating fast that I was so amazed ,Slow down young lady there's more ,sorry she said and I told her it's okay .
When she was done eating I took her to the dining room and she and I were all silent. She started fidgeting the Hem of the dress with her fingers and so I asked her what's your name ? what happened ? I thought she want going to talk but I was patience waiting for the answers.
my name is Elsa and I am 19 years I told her that I am Emily, but oh my she looked younger than her age. She then got silent and I looked at her noticing her tears streaming down like waterfall . I stood up from my seat and went near her and embraced her I know how really hard it is giving an explanation to some one especially when you are a victim of abuse so I told her to calm down and I saw her drifting to sleep .
I went in my room and took a big blanket and embraced her with it and she snuggled with it and gave up a heavy yet relaxing sigh .I smiled inwardly and stayed with her the whole night .
Early in the morning I head a commotion but I couldn't understand because I wasn't fully awake but then after some minutes I opened my eyes seeing the heavenly sunlight and I quickly closed my eyes then I opened them but then I remember Elsa I looked at a place where I left her and it was empty and the blanket was embraced on me ,quickly I stand up and wanted to find her but what I saw amazed me she was in the kitchen doing I don't know what ,I walked slowly to the kitchen isle and saw her preparing tea ,omelette and some buns I was welcomed with the sweet smell of her cooking ,
Good morning how did you sleep ? morning I slept well she told me with a nervous smile . l helped her preparing the table and we sat quietly eating our breakfasts. The food was nice and tastes heavenly I tell her she smiles widely and says my mama taught me how to cook and I know more than this, I cook many dishes like Italian foods and many others she tells me and smiles.
I remember that I have to take her to the doctor, Elsa let's do the dishes fast I have to take you to the hospital so that you could be checked and for some few medicines for you to use since you are not good in health. She thinks of something which I don't understand and nods.
So I went to my room I took a bath wear a jeans and a t-shirt and took my coat and purse and went outside .I had some clothes which I took from my wardrobe and gave her a jeans too and a shirt I brush her hair and she smiled and gave me a small thank you and a smile and went outside and locked the apartment .
We took a taxi since I had no car and we reached on the hospital ,I payed the driver and entered the hospital while I hold her hand ,if some one would see us he or she could say we are sisters but I was shorter than her and yet small. I was average with blue eyes and black hair like a raven and enter wined eyebrows .
I never did a make over on myself because my grandparents who took me in used to tell me I looked more beautiful and that defines a natural beauty ,I smiled with the thought of that and shake my head and look at Elsa. She was scared I felt her I eased her and went to the reception and made an appointment with a doctor ,I was pretty young but I didn't care I took her with me and we waited for our turn .
I saw her fidgeting her fingers ,I held her hands and said hey look at me I am with you so please don't be nervous because you are with me and I will never leave you okay ?I know this is all hard and foreign to you but we are in this together you have to know that I gave her a big bear hug and she gave me an actual smile .
Soon it was our turn Elsa McCroy you are in .We got inside together and saw a model like woman ,she was so beautiful and had dirty blonde hair. Sit down ladies so tell me who is Elsa? I squished her hand and she talked it's me .So miss Elsa tell me what's wrong ?the doctor was studying Elsa since she got there and she knew something was wrong ,I interrupted her and tell her we are here for her full body check up, she nodded her head and told us to go in room number 10 .
I was outside while Elsa was being checked, at first she didn't want to stay alone but I reassured her because she didn't want me to go so the doctor started checking her and mouthed me a good job .I took my phone and called Miley .it rang one time and the third call the call started ,hi Miley how are you ? I missed you girl ,oh Emily how are you I am good ,so what are you doing? calling me this early? really girl early? It’s around 9pm and you call it early? ugh Emily just tell me what you want I am busy ..why you rude girl I am your friend ahhh I know I m just in a middle of something ,then finish what you are doing then call me immediately I am going to hang up now bye ..
I was scrolling on my social media when I saw something which made my brain blank. I saw her with a guy he looks like he is rich and he was with Miley doing nasty stuffs ,they were eating up each other's faces Ewe .I never saw Miley doing this and exposing her self with a man ,I mean she is like around my age 17 and an older guy wow , so that is why now days she’s been acting so bitchy toward me okay ,later I made a plan of talking to her because I wasn't going to leave the subject slip like that .
At the same moment Elsa came out of the check up room and we sat on the chairs waiting to be called ,she relaxed when she saw me and she gave me a little smile ,how was it I asked her ,good I guess? don't worry everything will get better .
Then the nurse called and we went in ,then the doctor started , from what I have seen she has suffered a hysteric abuse like sexual assaults but no any internal penetrations. Some wounds we've seen and you will need to apply ointment so that she could feel better and good , please leave your number so that we could call you and tell you other results okay? Good day then ladies take care of each other see you again she smiled then we went outside .I didn't notice until I was embraced with a big hug from Elsa .I was happy for her that she is starting to feel relaxed around me.
I pay for all the costs and we board a public transport and took her to a mall where I could purchase for her some dresses and what she needs .She didn't know where we were going and dint ask me anything and I just smiled inwardly and wanted to surprise her . We reached the stop got out and joined hands and went directly to a mall where they offer mostly discounts ,I am not rich and I use my money wisely don't get me wrong I love helping others because it shows that some good hearted people are still there in the society and I love helping .I felt Elsa tense up when she saw the mall and I was like surprise did you like my surprise? We are going to the mall to get you some new good we'll fit clothes,undergamets,shoes, pyjamas and all so don't worry if u like something tell me ,I have enough for you okay ? she wanted to cry and to refuse but I raised my hand on her face and tell her no Elsa you are not going to refuse this and you are going to get some new fresh clothes .we went in and she opened up a little to me but still she wasn't that open with me and I learned that she didn't like shopping Wuhu I got a twin here because I m not fond of shopping spree really for the fact it's so exhausting .
l went to the cash counter and pay all the stuffs we chose, she chose some dresses, tshirts,skirts,crop tops, some simple shoes and some undergarments and yea that was it .
I called for a taxi nearby and went in and went directly to the apartment . I know that she was a kind of happy that she got some new clothes but unfortunately I couldn't afford expensive clothes because I don't have a taste of fashion.
I started preparing some thing to eat for both of us since she was exhausted I asked her to take a shower and take a bath .Since it was a long day and it was late I hurrily took a shower and wear my PJs and cooked some Chinese rice with some boiled hot soup with some salads and made dinner .It was late when we came from the mall and so I cooked something simple and started preparing the table .Soon Elsa came and helped me and started eating so I stated a conversation with her .Did u enjoy today? Mm? she gave me a smile and said yeah it as quite a day but I enjoyed it especially when I was with you .
You are truly a genuine friend and I am forever indebted to you ahhh please don't say that it was my responsibility to help people who are in need of help and you deserve it all so stop saying you are indebted okay I said smiling you gave me a lot, a roof to live and you didn't even judge me in any way, I so want to tell you about myself but please give me time then I will compose my self and talk to you ,it's okay you can take anytime you want okay? when you are ready you can tell me I am here for you just know that. She put her spoons down and embraced me and I laughed unknowingly.
Then after dinner we washed the dishes and decided to watch a movie together she was wearing a pair of pyjamas and she looked nice .when the movie started I decided to make a phone call to Miley ,in the first ring it wasn't answered and waited for the third as usual and she answered it, hello there sassy Missy you have been ignoring me for the past few weeks is it because of the lover boy that made you not to talk or hang around with me you sure are a best friend,
Emily listen I am just busy nowadays. busy? Busy with that old guy who is twice your age ?are you insane ?what did he tell you or give you that you are ditching me well nowadays because he spiced you up really much that you see me as a stupid commoner to you tell me Miley, I just want to be like we used before but I think your are making no progress nowadays than spending most of your time with the guy but then it's fine if you think my friendship is worthless to you, have allot of fun with him but never try come and tell me that I dint warn you girl ..listen there Emily you are a nobody to me that I have to report or tell you each and everything which concerns about me and my life you know more than what I have intended to tell you but for now give me a break you BITCH !!!
GOODBYE. !!!!!
Holy mother of God what has just happened to that girl ,she had never insulted me but why did she do that oh now I know just because of a boy ,I rolled my eyes in that because I know that guy he will ditch her soon because she is young and naive but then something snapped me out of my thoughts i saw a message from Emily that made my rage boil and my heart to sink .
"Listen and listen good you punk I know why you want to know about my man and that doesn't concern you because I know you want to take him away from me and snatch him but I will not let you do that ,to hell with our friendship and never call me again because we aren't friends anymore okay !!! WE ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU ARE A BITCH AND WANT TO TAKE WHAT'S MINE AND I WONT LET YOU BYE ..."
I was in rage and who said I wanted her man ? that girl is ridiculous and I dint know her true colours . I gritted my teeth and texted her
"listen and listen good first to hell with your man because I never asked for one and if I wanted one I would got one okay? And yea cut the crap and your big ass bullshit you don't want to be friends with me anymore and I know that just because you got him doesn't mean he can give you the world remember the word is full of toxic and lies remember take care of yourself and your man too because not everyone and everyday people get a happy ending and yea thank you for the beautiful decorated insults which you sent me I hope karma plays the same!!!!GOODBYE AND BYE......"
l pressed the send button and tears started coming out from my eyes she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore and she blames me for it ,I didn't do anything to her but she hates me now why ?but why? do I really deserve this every one who I meet in my life has to leave me and blame for everything? I stopped crying because I wasn't at fault and I knew that and I was determined to stay strong even though it will mean that I had to stay alone in my life I m feeling so un easy though although it was a direct information from her ..I m still thinking on how we met and how we became inseparables but because of a guy she just ditch me and accuses me for the downfall of our friendship.
Hey watch where you are going pal you seem to be in the wonderland while you were crossing the road .I smiled nervously looking at the girl .Hi my name is name is Emily ,hey Emily nice meeting you so where were your thoughts when you were crossing the road hmm?she questioned me ,ahhh I just got carried away but I am fine .you should look where you are heading next time because not everyday you get people to help you when you are lost in your thoughts ,I smiled nervously as her and she just looked at me with a straight face .Hey why do you look nervous is something wrong? I mean look at you, you are not well, where do you live? I will take you home. umm Miley thank you I can walk on my own .cut the crap we can be friends what do you say? I will help you and you will help me okay? I looked at her nervously and just nod at her she seem to be happy with my answer and I led the way to the place I stayed .I invited her in and she was so happy and started praising how cosy my apartment is and I just laughed .
Since then we were like sisters and insperables.She sometimes came to my apartment and we cooked , we made a sleep over ,we went shopping together I helped her getting an office work as a receptionist and we had our own fun like going to beach she liked going to night clubs and spending but i never dared make that mistake.