At the bottom of the building, a beautiful luxury car awaits us. A driver holds the door for us and I sit between Theo and Lola, Jules sits in the front. I observe the road in silence. In the conversation, I understand that the vehicle belongs to Theo's associate. When Lola tells me we're coming soon. A feeling of panic came over me. I ask him a little stressed:
"I don't even know where we're going?"
Lola realizes her blunder.
"I'm sorry, Lily. They are friends of our grandparents who invite us to their private hotel. I insisted with Theo that you start with an evening at their house. You'll see, they are very nice, a bit old fashioned. Normally they place their guests at the table according to their place in society or their friendly relationships, but tonight they are organizing an aperitif dinner. You can stay near one of us. I'll quickly introduce you to Ludivine so you'll have an ally if I ever have to go away and Theo is busy.
"Will there only be relatives or other people there?"
— No, they often organize dinners where we can discuss business, but there will be a few members of their family. They like to say that they have formed many marriages, lovers or financiers. You should be worried about me instead. I'm going to have to go on the arm of the fanatic who's been rotting my life for years.
Theo smiles upon hearing the remark but when Jules turns to look at her, he looks angry. I have the impression that he refrains from intervening before turning to the road.
We arrive in front of the private mansion where the reception takes place. A doorman is waiting for us and opens the door of the car when it arrives at his height. Theo and Jules go out first. Jules holds out his hand to help Lola out but she ignores him and accepts the doorman's. They exchange a dark look before my friend puts her arm through his. Theo does the same for me and I gladly accept his help to extract me from the vehicle. I miss to spread out by stumbling against a cobblestone and I'm happy that he catches up with me and prevents me from making a fool of myself at the same time. I cling to his arm like a lifeline to the entrance.
I move away from him slightly when I see our hosts. I let Théo introduce myself as a childhood friend. Charles, the husband, is a man of about eighty, of austere appearance. I have the impression that he is judging me but his gaze becomes less piercing as I explain to him that I have my own business and that I am currently working with that of Théo and Jules. Agatha, his wife, is of American origin and she is warmer. She compliments me on my outfit and tells me not to hesitate to stand up to the two rascals who accompany me. I take it that I passed the first entrance exam into their world.
My anxiety rises further as we approach the hall where the festivities are being held. In front of us, Jules and Lola seem to be arguing or at least sending spades. I end up letting go of Theo's arm and pause. He notices my embarrassment and steps closer to me. He puts his hand on the small of my back and says:
- There is nothing to be afraid of. I'm here if you need me. I have several people to introduce to you whom I trust.
I'm not moving. He told me to take a deep breath and I obeyed him. I feel a little better and I follow suit. The presence of his hand in the hollow of my back seems to me incandescent. Our eyes meet just before entering the room. The door opens in front of us and we step aside slightly. I see eyes turned in our direction but I am attracted by the immensity of the reception room. My imagination runs wild and I find myself in the nineteenth century in a ballroom. I come back down to earth and follow Theo to Lola who is talking to a red-haired woman our age. My friend introduces her to me as soon as I get to them.
- Lili, here is the famous Ludivine. Ludi, let me introduce you to Alison, a friend I met on my way back to Lorraine.
She kisses me enthusiastically and I am charmed by the benevolence that emanates from her. Theo walks away just after telling me he was coming back. A gorgeous brunette spears him as he passes. He talks to her for a few minutes before going to join Jules towards a group of men. Lola growls before saying, wrinkling her nose:
"She's here tonight.
Faced with my puzzled look, Ludivine clarifies.
- It's Helena. It's been some time since she set her sights on Theo. Avoid being alone with her, she's a harpy. We were in college with her and we never got to see her in painting.
"She's one of the Marie Prout-Prouts I was telling you about last night," added my friend.
Ludivine changes the subject by asking me about my life in Lorraine and we chat happily until Theo and Jules arrive accompanied by a man in his fifties. Seeing the person who is unknown to me approach, Lola whispers to me.
- Beware of this person, I've never been able to see him. My brother will tell you that he is a charming man, but I have always been on my guard with him.
Theo prevents me from answering him by calling out to me. Lola greets the newcomer with a nod.
“Alison, this is Bernard. He is a very important person for me, he gave us a lot of advice when starting our business. Bernard, this is Alison. She is a childhood friend of Lola, we were neighbors before the death of our parents and we reconnected when we arrived in Lorraine. She has created a communication company at the local level and we are working together on a project.
I shake the hand he offers me and Theo comes to stand next to me. Bernard said to me mischievously:
- We were all wondering who was the beautiful woman that this big dad had the honor to have on his arm? I'm almost disappointed to hear you're just friends. If he doesn't suit you, Charles and Agatha will help you find the ideal person. A pretty woman like you must attract many looks.
I blush. The so-called Hélène approaches us and asks Theo to introduce me. She looks at me from head to toe. When she learns that we are only friends, a big smile lights up her face. She tries to grab hold of Theo's arm but Jules calls Bernard and him at the same time and they leave to join him. Ludivine's husband arrives and when Lola greets him, Hélène says to me:
“Don't think you have a chance with him. Just because you've known him for a while doesn't mean you're going to end up together.
Lola hears the end of the conversation and replies:
“Alison is my childhood friend. She knows more about Theo than you will ever know.
The latter glares at her before walking away with her head held high.
The rest of the evening passes pleasantly. I'm happy when it's over and going home. In the car, Lola tells me that the evening is not over and that they plan to go to a nightclub. She tells me that we'll go back to change before leaving to find Ludivine and her husband. I dare not break the mood by complaining about my fatigue.
In their apartment, Lola passes me a shorter dress, telling me that it corresponds to the standard of the establishment. I put it on but I find that my legs are too exposed. My friend seems very happy to go out so I don't protest, nor when she ties my hair to keep me cooler. I give her back the necklace, telling her that I'm afraid of losing it, she groans but understands that I wouldn't negotiate on this point. I'm relieved to have him removed, I couldn't take his weight off my head all evening.
When we are ready, Theo, who has changed in the meantime, serves us a drink while waiting for Jules. I answer questions about my feelings about the evening, about Ludivine. I learn that the latter liked me a lot and that she thinks I have a lot of guts to find myself with so many strangers. I think she's overestimating me, I just went with the flow. I internally bless Jules when he arrives at the apartment.
I follow them, the nightclub is in an adjacent street. I learn on the spot that it is about one of the establishments of one of the friends of Théo and Jules. The bouncer knows my friends and puts us in front of everyone. A table in the VIP corner is reserved for us. It's been years since I've set foot in this kind of place, The smell of smoke and sweat takes me to the nostrils. Loud music bothers me for a few minutes, then I get used to it. Ludivine and her husband find us shortly after. The girls drag me onto the track and I fidget as best I can. Strangers come to invite my friends to dance and I take the opportunity to slip away and join the men.
I sigh in relief as I sit down. My shoes hurt my feet. Theo notices my weariness and joins me. He yells in my ear to know if I'm okay. I reassure him that I'm starting to get tired. The owner of the place arrives and greets his friends. I am introduced quickly. While Theo speaks, I watch Jules go down the track. He finds Lola but she does everything possible to ignore him.
I jump when I feel Theo's hand pass over my back. He removes it before apologizing. I smile to tell him that it's not serious and he resumes the discussion. A stroke of fatigue comes suddenly and I close my eyes. I panic against the sofa and the music that I didn't like ends up rocking me. I don't know how long I spend like this, but a violent conversation brings me out of my torpor. Lola and Jules go back to the VIP area, flooding each other with sarcasm. I'm tired and I'm not even looking for the reason for their umpteenth confusion.
Theo approaches me and asks me if I want to go home. I nod my head. He waves at me and we get up. Faced with the questioning gaze of his sister, he explains to her that we are tired and that we are going home. When she offers to follow us, I insist that she stay with Ludivine. She allows herself to be persuaded after protesting for a while.
Outside, the cool, almost cold air keeps me awake enough to walk up the street without falling asleep. We don't talk during the ride. Arrived at the apartment, Theo confides:
- I really liked that you were here tonight. I'm so glad Lola got back in touch with you. I hope that didn't bother you. For the moment I have introduced you to a few people but in two or three other evenings, I will introduce you to partners who work with us and who have helped us to return to Lorraine.
I mumble with fatigue and find myself alone with him. The memory of his hand in the hollow of my back still rubs me.
- I ... I'm not used to it but I'm glad to have met Ludivine.
I sigh before continuing.
"I'm no longer good for anything." I am dying of fatigue.
- Carefree. I will free you. I just want to see you more often outside of work, if you don't mind.
I'm a little surprised and I say the first thing that comes to mind.
— On Thursday, my cousin is having a Mojito party in his bar. You can come if you want. Lola has already responded.
He nods. I continue without being able to stop myself.
- On the other hand, beware of my cousin. He's not very happy that I came with you this weekend.
He smiles at me without answering me and I greet him before going to bed. I remember to remove my make-up a few minutes before lying down on the bed. Once ready, I fall asleep quickly, washed out by my evening.