The Mojito evening started half an hour ago and my cousin told me that it's already a success. The tables were quickly taken by storm, I managed to sit around the last one and I impatiently await the arrival of Lola and Théo. From the bench where I am installed, I look at the people present. I recognize a few old classmates, a few clients and the emblematic people of the city.
Steve had the good idea to clear the space at the back to create a dance floor. Pieces of samba are heard between two pieces of zouk, I let myself be carried away by the sunny rhythms. I close my eyes and imagine myself on a beach in the West Indies. I forget for a moment the catastrophic meeting I had with the accounting firm. The radiator by my side gives me the feeling of warmth that I miss at the end of October. I gradually forget where I am and for the first time in days, I feel like I'm relaxing. The beneficent torpor that surrounds me suddenly dissipates when I hear someone placing an object on the table. I jump and open my eyes, Steve looks at me mockingly.
— It's bad publicity if our most loyal fan sleeps at the table. A little caffeine to wake you up.
He shows me a bottle of soda and says:
- We're lucky, the neighbors agreed that we leave the music until 11:30 p.m. I hope people will take the opportunity to have a last drink before leaving. In any case, your evening idea is brilliant, if you have others like that, we are takers. I had several requests to know if others were planned, I managed to limp into touch but I want it to start again. We'll discuss it during the week when you come to eat.
- I'll think about it and thank you for the coke!
He smiles at me and takes the empty bottles lying around on the tables next door from his tray. He turns his head to see who has just entered before saying to me:
— Your friend and her brother have just arrived. He's really hot, I understand that you like him physically. There is a second one of the same kind who has just arrived behind them and obviously, they know each other.
— It must be Jules, Theo's partner. Does Lola glare at him or ignore him?
He nods.
“She just gave him a spine-chilling look. She's trying to see where you are but I have a feeling that the plant you're hiding behind is doing its job very well.
"Can you go tell Lola where I am?"
- No worries, I want to see these representatives of the male sex more closely. Don't tell your cousin I ogled the bad guy who's going to get you out of the way. Anyway, that's what he thinks, in front of you he makes an effort not to insult her. I'm gonna try to stop Lucas from messing with her today.
I thank him and he rushes towards the entrance where Lola recognizes him. He tells him where I am before leaving to do his job. I see my cousin glaring darkly at the two men following Lola. My friend comes to sit on the bench next to me. She looks at my glass and asks me:
"Aren't you drinking a mojito?"
— I don't drink alcohol except for a glass of champagne at Christmas or at a wedding, I explained to him, but I'm not preventing you from drinking it, especially since it's my cousin who prepares the cocktails. is his specialty, although Steve, his companion, also manages.
"Steve, is he the one who came to tell us where you were hiding?" Lola asks me.
- You're lucky to have fallen on him, my cousin would have been less helpful.
I look at Theo to warn him.
- Be careful, Lucas is angry with you for asking me to accompany you to your parties. We are two only children so when we were little, we spent a lot of time playing together and since then we have been very close.
- No worries, your cousin can come. I will explain to him that you have nothing to fear from me.
Steve returns with three mojitos.
"I would have liked to say gift from the house but I'm not sure Lucas would agree, so I have a proposal and you won't see the bill for these glasses," he said, placing the glasses in front of Lola, Theo and Jules. The only thing I ask of you is to make Allie look sad. We want to see her smile, laugh or something to that effect. On the other hand, the other glasses will have to be paid for!
He winks at me before walking away to take orders from other customers.
"He's nice," said Theo before asking me. Why are you sad ?
I drop my shoulders wearily and twist the straw in my half-empty glass.
- Nothing, I had an appointment with the accounting firm and their lawyer. We talked about the complaint that we are going to file. Without this complaint, I cannot have delays with the bank or with the taxes. The lawyer would like me to hire a private detective but I can't afford it. If we add that right now, I feel like I'm spending my time chasing after bad payers, asking certain suppliers for additional deadlines and they're going to add a ton of paperwork to me, and more. There are days when I want to give it all up or sleep until it's over.
Lola rubs my back in support.
- It will eventually settle, you just need a little patience. It's horrible for you to hear that but I'm sure your ex will eventually be found and pay for what he did to you.
I nod my head without conviction. I feel a wave of sadness dawning in me so I walk away pretending to go to the bathroom. Sitting on the bowl, I try to repress the tears that come to my eyes. When I feel that the crisis is over, I come out and run into Theo. He draws me to him.
"I'm sorry for you, Lily. I know a very serious private investigator. I have done business with him several times and if you want, I can put you in touch with him and if you explain the situation to him, I'm sure you could find a financial arrangement. Your ex deserves to rot in jail.
I say nothing, I take advantage of the warmth of Theo's body. A sob passes in my breath but I manage to repress the tears. Theo's arms hug me tighter and I end up putting mine around his waist. Without realizing it, he rocks me and I forget my sadness. Upbeat music comes on and he pulls away from me.
- Come and dance, he asks me.
I make a face showing that I don't want to.
- Come on, have a little fun. Don't let this loser rob you of being happy.
I give in to his argument and let myself be dragged to the dance floor. We both dance a little haphazardly but our steps quickly synchronize and I end up enjoying it. At the end of the song, we return to Lola and Jules who seem to be on the verge of another argument. Jules gets up when he sees us and mumbles that he's going to order a drink again. He takes our order then goes to the bar.
- It's better ? asks Lola, worried.
She understood that the subject remains sensitive. I tell him it's going well then Steve, followed by Jules, joins us and places our order. The topic of conversation revolves around the meal we are going to attend at the friends of Lola and Théo's grandparents. Agatha and Charles also invited me. I let them talk about their world wondering how long my friends would realize that I don't belong there.
At 11:30 p.m., Steve announces that the party is over but that the bar remains open until one in the morning. Several people present grumble, some leave but several stay for a last drink. Jules prefers to go home but Lola and Theo stay with me. We chat over a drink from our childhood and share lots of memories.
The last customers are leaving and it ends up being just us. When we get up, Lucas comes out from behind the bar and walks towards Theo. He comes to stand in front of him, looking menacing.
“Alison is convinced that you have no intentions towards her, but I don't trust you. If you hurt her, I don't give a fuck if you're full of money, you'll still have my fist in your face. Allie is like a sister, I wouldn't let anyone hurt her and I don't want her taken advantage of especially right now.
- And his asshole ex, you do not threaten? asks Theo, unimpressed.
"If I find him, I'll castrate him." But I saw what you did with Allie earlier and I'm not hiding my face unlike her.
“Even if you don't believe me, I mean Lili no harm. On the contrary, I even offered to put her in touch with a detective earlier, if she wishes, so that we can find the asshole who is responsible for her situation.
Lucas doesn't say anything and they stare at each other for a moment, then Steve calls his man to help him put away boxes in the storage room. I accompany Lucas to say goodbye to him and to Steve. My cousin once again warns me but I don't listen. I join Lola and Theo before apologizing to the latter for my cousin's attitude.
- You have nothing to reproach yourself for, he replies. On the contrary, you are lucky to have a person like him who cares about you. And given the size of his fists, I'll try not to piss him off.
I smile and my friends offer to take me back. I accept, I'm happy to go back to bed. The day ahead is going to be difficult, I'm going to need a rest.