Two months later...
Ramadan and some of his diligent colleagues have been promoted to the rank of Assistant Inspector General by the Police Service Commission (PSC). It was a joyful moment for all of us. A prodigious and wonderful party was thrown at Aunty Faridah's big mansion in Abuja. We all went there except for Aunty Zubaidah who was mildly ill and decided to stay at home. According to Ramadan, she was pregnant. I kind of heard it when he was telling my mum.
"Please Umaimah go and play with other children, you're disturbing me!" My mum yelled at me as soon as I secretly asked her for another donut and juice. She was in the backyard with other women cooking all sort of things. I was so very disappointed in her, thus I left with tears rolling down my cheeks.
I searched the whole house for Ramadan but couldn't find him. The house was filled with so many new faces from Abuja and its environs. I was so angry with my mum, and since I couldn't find any coddler I left the house – away from everyone. I didn't know places in Abuja, nor do I know anyone. I just kept walking with my gown until I reached an icecream van.
I didn't have any money with me and also couldn't stop craving for the icecream, so I watched as people kept buying for their kids until someone held my hand, a boy. "Want some?" He asked.
"Huh?" I blurted out.
"Come please, lets go" He walked me to the van and bought me an ice cream. He appeared to be around 11 to 12 to my scrutiny. He was somehow dark in complexion and had a very curly hair.
"Thank you" I said while licking it.
He didn't buy himself any so I offered him mine but he rejected. "I've taken some in the afternoon" He said as we began walking by the road side. "Your eyes is teary, is everything okey?"
That was when I realised I didn't wipe my face. "My mum yelled at me" I said.
"Sorry" He said as he wiped the tears away for me. "What is your name?"
"Umaimah" I blurted out.
"Okey, my name is Mansur" He said.
"Do you live here?" I asked.
"No, I came to spend my holiday with my Aunty. How about you?" He said.
"I'm here for a big..." I said halfway as someone intruded. A very tall woman from a distance. She was with a man.
"Mansur what are you doing?" She said.
"I'm coming!" He said to her and thus turned to me. "That's my Aunty and her husband, they are waiting for me. Goodbye, Umaimah" He said and left.
Thus, I turned heading back to Aunty Faridah's mansion. Do I even know my way back? I wondered. I kept walking around until some police officers came to me. "We've found her" One of them said in his Walkie. That was when I realised I was lost. Immediately they drove me back to the mansion my mum ran to me in tears and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry dear, I wish I didn't yell at you..." She said in remorsefulness.
"Thank you so much" Ramadan thanked the officers as they saluted him and left.