My first day at school was joyous, I was so happy. Children normally cry on their first days but my case was different. I waved at my mum and brother Mahmud as they drove away. Then a tall woman quickly held my hand, "Let's go, Umaimah" she said.
I was with my pink backpack and lunch bag. I loved pink colour, most of my things were pink. My mum had to return the first backpack and lunch bag she bought for me, they weren't pink.
"Call me Mrs Ellen, I'm your classroom teacher" said the woman with a smile that can't be quenched by a dictator.
"Mishh Ellem" I said smiling back.
We walked into a class that had a nameplate on it door with Nursery One written boldly. "Gud morni anchi, we are apy to see you, God blesh you anchi" The class greeted the woman in unison.
"God bless you too, kiddies" She hesitated and continued. "Today we have a new pupil, Umaimah is her name. Kiddies, please say Hello to Umaimah"
"Hello, 'Maimah" They chorused.
"Again!" The woman said.
"Hello, 'Maimah" They chorused.
She smiled at them acknowledging the fact that the 'U' in my name was hard for them to pronounce together with the rest of the letters. Thus, she turned to me and said, "Say HI to your friends"
"Hi, fyensh" I said waving at them. They were all happy to see me except for one person, a very handsome boy sitting close to an empty stacking chair with his arms folded across his chest.
"Go and sit over there" the woman said pointing at the direction of the boy.
"Okey, Mishh Ellem" I said about moving when she grasped my lunch bag and put it in a shelf. I nearly cried.
"Don't worry, you will get your food together with the rest of the pupils when it is time for eating, okey?" She said.
I nodded and walked over to the boy. "Mishh Ellem said I shud sit here" I said pointing at the empty chair close to him. I was scared to just sit down without his permission, his face was frowned.
"Umaimah please just sit, okey?" The woman said right from her desk.
I quickly took off my backpack and sat in the chair. We were about 13 in the class, every pupil with his/her own stacking chair. The only thing we shared was table, two pupils per one.
"What ish your nem?" I asked the boy.
He looked me straight in the eyes with so much disgust, I didn't even know when I gulped and turned my face away. He was different from others, I wondered why he was so unfriendly.
I forgot how the class really wentby but we had our lessons and then we ate during break. When it was time for home, parents started coming for their children. "Ayman, your mother is here" Mrs Ellen announced. I thought it was someone else but then, the boy close to me stood boldly, picked his bag and went straight to her for his lunch bag. She handed it over to him with a smile but he didn't smile back, he only glanced at me and walked away.
Later on, my mum also came to pick me up. I was so tired, my first day at school was really tiresome. I slept in the car whilst on our way home, and when I woke up I found myself on mum's bed. The air-conditioner was blowing super cold air, then I thought maybe my mum had forgotten I had Pneumonia..