Ever since Amirah began mingling with Bintah in school, she had been acting strange at home. Every school day she would wake up as early as possible to cook a separate breakfast meal for herself and Bintah's crew. I apprised my mum about it but she told me to let her be.
Well, I also didn't want any trouble so I let the matter slid. Amirah kept doing her selfish act until a day arrived, Ramadan scolded her so badly about it and since then she desisted from the act. How Ramadan found out was still a mystery to me but Amirah thought I was the one that told him, she even stopped talking to me. I thought the anger would only last for days but guess what? It lasted for years. The whole school knew something wasn't right between us. Amirah had changed totally, her attitude towards me was unimaginable especially in the absence of our parents.
"She used to tell people that I am a bad girl" I had complained to my mum. "Am I a bad girl?"
"You are not a bad girl, Umaimah..." My mum said as she held my hand into a clasp. "I didn't gave birth to a bad girl. Amirah is the bad girl"
That moment, I couldn't help but to smile. "I love you, mum" I said looking deep into her eyes. I had her eyes, in fact almost everything I had was hers. I never saw Ramadan in me...
"I love you too, my baby" She said smiling.
"Thank you mum, but I am no longer a baby. I am a woman" I said feigning grownups' voice.
"To me you are a baby even if you have your own children, Umaimah" She said with a wink.
"Even if I have 10 children?" I blurted out.
"Yeah, even if you have more than that..." She said as she gently pinched my cheek. Just then, Ramadan bounced into the room with a Salam.
"Wa'alaykumu Salam" We chorused.
"I hope I didn't interrupt you both?" He said as he walked and sat in an armchair... facing us.
"No, what happened? You look disturbed?" My mum uttered as she stood and walked to him.
"It's Mahmud" Ramadan said breaking into tears. "He... he was reported to me just now"
"What has he done?" My mum was curious.
"He impregnated a girl" Ramadan said crying.
That moment, I felt as if the whole world was on my head. The first day Mahmud brought a girl to our house I thought it would be the last but he never stopped, he kept bringing girls and sneaking them into the mansion or boys quarters. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to end up being hated by him too.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un..." My mum kept chanting until she broke into tears too.
I couldn't stand it so I stood and left them in the room. I could feel some moist in my eyes, I knew I was also going to cry any time soon. Mahmud had brought shame on us, he had sullied our parents' names. I felt like breaking down the moment I walked downstairs to the living room. Aunty Zubaidah was scolding him, he was in tears. Why was he even in tears? Didn't he knew a day like this would come when he was sleeping with girls?
"If this is how Balqis raised you then it's a big shame. She showed you too much love, that's why you end up like this..." Aunty Zubaidah uttered despite acknowledging my presence.
"It's true, Ya Mahmud!" Amirah chimed in. "The person that truly love you will always tell you the truth even if it means hurting your feelings. Aunty Balqis has been watching you all these while but didn't scold you. Don't blame yourself, blame her. She caused it..."
"Thank you my girl, you are right" Aunty Zubaidah said wearing a smile on her face.
That moment, I knew they were trying to break our family. They had been nursing such desire ever since they became part of our family. I couldn't stand their evil words against my mother so I turned walking away – to my room – in tears. God, things have just been fucked up. Please help this our family. I prayed.