“Hi, Mom,” I greeted with a cheerful voice, and I left for the bedroom. Staring at me on the phone screen was a beautiful blonde woman in her late 30s.
Her smile was precious. I never took after my mother when it came to physical appearance. I guess my father's genes were dominant. Staring at my Mom, I couldn't help but return her wonderful smile.
“How are you doing my Angel?" She asked and I sighed. I rolled my eyes childishly and she smiled.
“Is Lance taking good care of you?” She asked and before I could respond, she interrupted me.
"I hope you're managing. After you complained about not wanting to stay, I've had a talk with your father, and he has decided to send you back home to New York,” she announced, and I was taken by surprise.
“What?!" I exclaimed.
“Oh yes! Anything for you, honey. You're to supervise the activities going on in my fashion company. Wouldn't you love that? I bet you would,” she teased me with a laugh, and my heartbeat spiked.
“Mom!" I snapped, cutting her off.
“That's not what I want. I don't want to leave Florida just yet," I said firmly.
“But why? You told us the last time that you were not happy in Uncle Lance's, and you asked to return home. Isn't that what you wanted? I'm only granting your desires," she said, and I gulped my empty throat.
She wasn't wrong, but that was before I started craving Uncle Lance's cock. How do I cope if I return to New York? I'd miss out on my chances with Uncle Lance.
“Mom! That was over a week ago. Besides, you and Dad never agreed to it." I protested.
“Well, what has changed, darling?" She asked.
"I've made friends. I'm just beginning to know them, and I don't think it's appropriate to just leave now. Maybe in a couple of weeks or so,” I said.
She went silent for a moment, and my heart palpitated, hoping she would agree to my decision.
After a short silence, her voice came back to the phone. “Sorry, darling, but the decision has been made. You're going back to New York tomorrow morning. I'm sending the pilot to fly you back home with ease,” she said, and I felt a sharp pain across my chest.
I felt a sting of betrayal, and I realized that I was about to get ripped away from the only thing I wanted so badly at the moment. Tears gathered in my eyes.
"Mom! This isn't right. Why now? Why do you and Dad always make life difficult for me? Why can't you two be supportive and make me happy for once?" I questioned as tears threatened to fall out of my eyes.
“Aria? The decision has been made by your father and me. It's what's best for you as a child!" She snapped, and I scoffed.
"Child?! Child?!" I inquired.
“I'm not a fucking child!" I snapped back.
“Young lady! Mind your tone when you talk to me. I'm not one of your playmates. I'm your Mom. Don't you dare use the word fucking on me? Do you understand?!" Her voice went cold.
I sniffed, and tension grew in me. I kept shut. My Mom was strict. When I was 14, she once made me sit at home for 2 weeks without leaving my bedroom.
I had no cell phone or television to catch up to the world with. I was starved throughout the two weeks when I only got to eat dinner and no breakfast or lunch.
Her plan was for two months, but after two weeks, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to cry on my knees and beg for her forgiveness and mercy. That was the last time I pushed her to extreme anger, and I wouldn't try again.
Her glare fixated on me, and even through the phone, I could feel her boiling rage. Fear crept into me, and I began to sob.
“Mom please," I begged as tears were almost running down my cheeks.
“Aria? Pack up. You're going home and that's final!" She snapped.
I wiped my face gently. “I get it, Mom. You're not sending me home because you think it's what's best for me. You're only trying to use me. You want me to watch your business, maybe someone in your company has fucked up!" I snapped.
“Aria? Language!"
“Please, Mom! I am sick and tired of you and Dad controlling my life. I'm no longer a child, Mom. I'm twenty already!” I snapped.
"And you think you're a grown lady, and therefore, you can talk back when I'm talking, huh?” She asked.
“I don't care, Mom. I'm not going home. I'm only going when I say I'm going.” I affirmed confidently, but deep down I was scared.
“You dare to disobey my order?" She asked in a gentle voice, and I saw the shock in her eyes as her expression went cold. I swallowed nervously and began to sob louder.
I wanted to speak but I had lost track of my voice. Her glare only made me feel more terrified, but my mission with Uncle Lance would not be compromised for any reason.
I knew I had pushed her to anger by refusing her order. I had to find an escape route, so I ended the call on her. Immediately after the call ended, I dialed my father's.
Only he could save me from torment should Incase my Mom decided to go crazy on me again. It didn't take much to get my Dad. He picked up the call and I realized that he was in a room. Probably his hotel room.
He wasn't wearing a shirt. His potbelly was standing out as his smile was directed at me. “My darling," he called.
I wanted to greet him with a wide grin, but after what just transpired between my Mom and me, I couldn't smile or laugh.
“Daddy," I called with a worrisome feeling. My frown stretched beyond my lips, making it obvious to read my worries.
"Sweetheart, what's the matter? Why are you moody? Did anybody hurt you?" He asked with a tender voice, and I shook my head childishly.
“Why did you and Mom arrange to send me back to New York tomorrow without my consent?" I snapped abruptly, and I saw him raise his face to the ceiling like he was trying to recall.
“We didn't," he said, and I furrowed my brow. Wait a moment! Does that mean my Mom lied?
“But Mom just called and declared that I'm going back home," I pouted childishly.
“Well, darling, I told you that Uncle Lance’s was a safe space for you until we returned home. Why are you so eager to go home? Why don't you want to stay with your uncle?" He asked.
“Huh?! That's the whole point, Daddy. It's not me who wants to go. It's Mom who wants to force me away from here. I like it here already, and I want to stay,” I said.
“Seriously? Don't worry about your Mom, I'll handle her. As long as you're happy staying with your uncle. It's good. You shouldn't worry yourself,” he assured, and my eyes sparkled with delight, as a radiant smile lit up my face.
I couldn't help but skip with joy. “Thank you, Daddy," I said joyfully.
“Anything for you my darling. Take care of yourself," he said and I ended the call. I threw the phone on the bed and jumped high into the air, crashing into the bed. I covered my face with the duvet and burst into laughter.
“Yes!” I screamed, and I jolted from the bed. It was almost noon, and I had shopping to go for, so I hurried into the bathroom to get myself ready for the big day ahead.