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eez, a private plane too?” Jules waggled her brows as they got settled in for their flight to New York.

“Erin, I wager. She loves to give presents,” Daisy said. Levi sat next to her, his hand in hers.

“I bet you Levi is no stranger to private planes. Look at him.” Mary winked at him and he snorted. They had a good back and forth. Once she accepted that he was good for Daisy and would continue to be so. She also liked that Levi had wanted her to approve. Some guys wouldn’t have cared.

“I did my time in coach.”

“You make it sound like prison,” Daisy scoffed.

Mary laughed. “It is! If I could do this every time you’d never see me in coach ever again jammed in the center seat for seven hours while I begged for peanuts after having to take my shoes off in an airport.” She shuddered.

“Jules says you’re doing a food-truck tour tomorrow. Is there room for me?” Gideon Carter, Jules’s other man, looked at her hopefully.


“Is the rock star coming?” Cal asked, trying to be casual.

Ryan, their brother, groaned. “You have no finesse at all.”

“And you do?” Cal tossed back. The two of them bickered a lot, but it was a front. They were, as her mother often said, thick as thieves. But they did love to poke each other.

“I could have found out if Damien Hurley was coming along way smoother than you. And I wouldn’t have agitated her in finding out.” Ryan shrugged.

She snorted. “Boys, please. Yes, he’s coming along. I think he is, anyway. I think one of his other brothers is coming too.”

She was admittedly a little nervous about that. Sure, they were just having fun and all, but she knew he was tight with his family. Didn’t want them to think ill of her.

“So what do you envision this thing between you being anyway?” They took off easily as she sat back and let Ryan pepper her with questions. She’d probably want to know if their situations were reversed so she’d answer until she thought he went too far.

“Look. He’s an adult male with a busy schedule. I’m an adult female with a busy schedule. Occasionally, for however long this works, we meet up and hang out awhile and then go back to our busy schedules. I like him. He’s sexy and funny and talented.” She shrugged.

“I’ve seen the celebrity news.” Ryan was calmer than Cal, but no less intense. Maybe more once you scratched the surface. She heard the warning and wanted him to know she understood.

“So have I. I know what he is. But I think he’s more than the shorthand we know from the Internet. Anyway, I’m not going to marry him, for heaven’s sake. I’m going to fuck him and let him make me laugh and enjoy his company. I’m not stupid.”

Ryan closed his eyes and she winked at Daisy, who tried very hard not to laugh.

“Surely you didn’t think we were playing Yahtzee and making s’mores.”

“I try very hard not to think about whatever you get up to with your boyfriends. You’re our baby sister, we worry.”

She squeezed her brother’s hand. “Thank you. I appreciate it. But I’m good.”

“If he hurts you, I’m going to crush his nuts.”

That made her laugh. “Deal.”

* * *

Amazing how fast a flight went when you were on a private plane. Mary made a note to herself to make Adrian something yummy in thanks.

There’d been a limo waiting for them at the airport as well. It took them straight into the city to the hotel Adrian had arranged for them. She loved New York City. Loved the lights. Loved the way the city simply never stopped. She loved the restaurants, the clubs, loved the museums and the shopping. The next few days would be so much fun.

She’d barely gotten her toiletries out and on the counter in the bathroom before people were at her door. She smiled as she opened up to admit them.

Levi and Daisy stood with Jules, Gideon, Cal and Ryan.

“We want to see your view.” Ryan came in and everyone followed. The view was pretty spectacular, she had to admit.

“One, I’m starving and two, it’s not that late, especially on West Coast time. I want to go the Empire State Building. I hear it’s open late.”

Jules nodded. “I looked it up. It is. I want to go.” She pulled her phone out. “I want to check in with Gillian first.”

Of course she’d looked it up. “Good idea.” Mary’s phone rang at that moment and she saw that it was Damien.

“Hello.” She knew she grinned, but he made her giddy, so why not.

“I hear your plane arrived. We’re making our way back to the city. Do you have plans yet?”

“We were just talking about dinner and the Empire State Building. Jules is checking in with Gillian to see what’s up with them.”

“Will you call me and let me know where you’re having dinner? I’ll come down and meet you.”

“Sure. We’re doing the touristy thing first, I imagine. Then dinner.” She wanted to see him. Felt that little zing his presence had brought with it. And then she was so getting naked with him.

“I’ll see you in a bit, then.”

She hung up to find everyone staring. “No.” She sent Cal a warning glance.

“No what, Tiny?”

“Tiny, my patootie. You hush. You have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. You don’t get to be judgy about my life. I support your choices, butthead.”

Cal stepped closer, kissing her cheek. “Aw now, I’m not being judgy. I just want him to be perfect. He’s got a reputation. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Big brothers. Even when they were all adults they wanted to protect her. Which she usually thought was sweet. “We went over this on the plane. I’m not getting hurt. I know what he is. This is fun. This is sex and hanging out with someone I enjoy. I have a life. I’m not giving that up to hitch my wagon to some hot-stuff bachelor. When I settle down, I know the difference between right now and Mr. Right. I’m not stupid. We have good chemistry. That’s all. And that’s all it needs to be.”

“Leave her be, Calvin. Your sister is a smart one. She’s perfectly capable of managing her life.” Jules sent him a look and he rolled his eyes before giving Ryan a different sort of look. They’d keep an eye on things, she knew.

Which was fine as long as they didn’t act like jerks.

“Gillian says they’ll meet us in the lobby in fifteen minutes. Miles is all over the Empire State Building idea.” Jules nodded toward Daisy. “Did you bring your camera?”

Daisy, who loved to take pictures, held up her bag. “Brought the little one for tonight.”

Mary had left hers at home, sitting on her dining room table. Damn.

“Let’s get moving. I’ll treat you to a drink before everyone meets us down there.” Cal linked his arm through hers.

* * *

“Hurry the fuck up.” Paddy’s driving left something to be desired. He drove like an old woman, not in any great rush to get back to Manhattan. They’d been out at the Hamptons looking at a place they were thinking of buying and giving to their parents.

“You got a date or something? What’s the hurry?”

“As it happens, Mary just arrived and I want to have dinner with her.”

“Oooh, the famous Mary. Can’t wait to finally see this chick you’ve been mooning over.”

Vaughan shifted his legs. “Ignore him. He’s just jealous. She sounds pretty fabulous. Gillian was talking about her last week. Saw some pictures. Hot.”

“She is. Hot, that is. Smart too. Talented. Don’t tell Mom but she’s the most amazing cook. Anyway, I like spending time with her. Is that a crime?”

“No. Can we come to dinner too? I’m starving.” Vaughan rubbed his belly.

“You’re always starving. But yes, you can come. I think Adrian and their friends will be there too. I’ll get her alone later.”

They dropped the car off twenty minutes later and he called to see where they were.

“We’re in the lobby still. Trying to get all these people moving is like herding cats. Poor Jules doesn’t deal with chaos well. She’s the organizer of the group.”

He walked around the corner and saw her there, smiling at her friends as she spoke to him.

“That works.” He hung up and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey there.”

Her confusion melted into a smile and he leaned down to kiss her.

“Welcome to Manhattan.”

“Are you the official welcome wagon? I can’t imagine the budget for such a thing.”

He kissed her once more quickly because he had to taste a little more.

“Just for you.”

“Aw, does that mean we don’t get to kiss her?”

He looked over his shoulder. “Don’t think so. Mary Whaley, this is my older brother, Patrick, but everyone calls him Paddy, and my younger brother, Vaughan. Guys, this is Mary.”

She shook their hands and made introductions as well.

“I’m so hungry. We need to go now. Take pity on me, please.” She headed toward the doors and everyone followed. He took her hand and she smiled up at him.

“Have you eaten at the Gramercy Tavern yet?” They’d eaten there the last time he and his brothers had been in Manhattan. He figured she’d love it.

Her face lit and he was glad he’d suggested it. “I’ve wanted to but didn’t have time the last visit.”

“Since you’re so hungry would you like to eat first? Then we can head to the Empire State Building.”

Adrian nodded. “Good idea. Let’s get a cab over and I’ll see if we can’t get a big table or one of their private rooms. Short notice I know, but it’s a weeknight.”

And he had the juice to make it happen. Damien bet tables opened up for Adrian on short notice all the time.

The doorman grabbed them two cabs and they headed over. Mary ended up between him and his brothers in their cab.

“So, Mary, we hear you’re amazing in the kitchen.” Paddy gave her a Hurley grin and she grinned back.

“I do okay in the kitchen, I’m told.” She paused and then snorted. “That’s bull crap. Yes, I am amazing in the kitchen.”

Paddy laughed and Damien squeezed the hand he was holding.

“I like to cook so I’m lucky I’m good at it and that I can make a living from it.”

Vaughan nodded. “I hear that.”

“What were you all up to today?”

“We went out to the Hamptons to look at a house for my parents. Running a ranch is a huge job and my dad loves it. But he and my mom need some time away from it. We can run it while he’s on vacation. But they’d never go if we didn’t do this.”

“Well, by ‘we can run it,’ what Damien really means is that Ezra, our oldest brother, can run it and tell us what to do and we’ll do it. We can shovel and lift things and put out fencing and that sort of thing. But Ez, well, he’s the brains at the ranch. He’ll take over from our dad when it’s time.”

“What do you all, um, produce? Ranch?”

“Pears, alfalfa and hay. The hay is new. My brother thought it would be good to diversify and when we bought some extra acreage five years ago, he started then.”

“I love pears. What kind?”


Her eyes lit and he really, really liked it. “I have a recipe for pear and gorgonzola soup that I make with red Anjous. So good.”

Their mother would adore her.

“Ah, here we are.”

He got out first, helping her from the back, sliding an arm around her shoulders as she leaned into him.

Paddy raised a brow at him but a hint of a smile lived on his mouth.

Cal’s gaze moved over them and Damien read the concern on her brother’s features. But his girlfriend tipped his chin in her direction and kissed him quickly.

They were met and led to a table in a lovely private room.

“Damn, remind me to travel with you more often.” Vaughan tipped his water glass in Adrian’s direction.

“I think Mary should order for us.” Jules looked over the menu in their direction.

“You do just fine without me, Juliet.” Mary blushed and he pulled one of her curls straight only to have it spring back into place quickly.

“You’re blushing, Curly.”

Paddy snorted. “Leave the woman be, Damien. Will you at least tell me what you think would be best right now? You can give me several recommendations maybe?”

“If we all get different things we can share. That’s always my favorite way to do this. Though I don’t usually share dessert. Just so you know in advance. I cannot be relied upon to share sweet things. Ask Jules.”

“That’s a good idea. How about we do a selection of the first and second courses? Does that work?”

They ordered, and wine was brought out along with something nonalcoholic for Miles.

Damien couldn’t seem to stop touching her. Which interested him. Damien wasn’t one for PDA like that. But she smelled really damned good. Her voice seemed to burrow under his skin. It made him truly happy to be there with her.

The chef came out with the first course and Mary’s gaze lit up.

She chatted with him, asking about this and that. For his part, the chef seemed to be excited right back to be talking with someone who knew her stuff and clearly loved the food.

* * *

Mary paused as they all filed outside to head to the Empire State Building.

“So, Gillian.” She put her arm through Gillian’s and her head on Gillian’s’ shoulder. They were alone, the others clustered a few feet away.

“Whatever you need, darlin’, it’s all yours.” Gillian smiled.

“I did notice you didn’t have a glass of wine. Any reason you’re not drinking alcohol?”

Gillian blushed wildly and Mary grinned so hard her face hurt. “Really?” She did a little dance but then everyone looked and she stopped.

“That made me feel so much better.” Gillian hugged her. “I feel old and sort of sick all the time and it’s new so I’m worried and Adrian follows me around offering me things. Miles is over the moon. I’m excited and worried all at once. It’s not like I’m new to the mum business.”

“What are you two on about?” Cal called out.

Jules and Daisy trailed back, bending their heads and giggling.

“I’ve only just told Jules a few hours ago, before you left Seattle. I was going to tell everyone but Jules bet me you’d notice before I told anyone.”

Jules grinned. “Thank God. I was dying. I wanted to announce it over the intercom.”

“We’re not telling anyone for a few more months. It’s early days. I only told you because you’re my family and you’d notice anyway.”

If the news got hold of this they’d splash it all over the place. And Mary knew she and the rest of Delicious would pull together to protect their friend as long as they could.

“Of course. Your secret is safe with us.”

“We’re coming!” Jules waved at Cal. “Lady stuff.”

The men had all stood there on the sidewalk, just staring at the women as they giggled and hugged. Most of them were befuddled and affectionate. Paddy and Vaughan shook their heads.

Miles appeared confused and a little embarrassed. “They always do that sort of stuff, then? Even when they’re old?”

Adrian laughed, putting an arm around his son’s shoulders. “Don’t let them hear you say that. They’re nowhere near old. But yes, they do. Wait till Elise gets in and she and Erin are part of the group.”

“Aunt Erin doesn’t really count. She’s sort of . . . well, a thing unto herself.”

Adrian snorted. “That, kid, is what you call an understatement. Your aunt Erin defies definition.”

“It’s cool. I want to be like that.”

Damien saw Adrian’s face soften, washed by pride and love.

“You already are, Miles. There’s no one else on Earth like you.”

“Let’s go to the Empire State Building.” Mary joined them, taking the hand Damien held out.

“Clear night. We’ll see everything from up there.”

He headed right when everyone else headed left once they got out onto the observation deck. In the dark, with the world lit up and spread out in all directions he spun her and pulled her tight to his body.

“Alone at last. For two minutes anyway.” He bent his knees to kiss her and she tiptoed up to meet him halfway. Need, which had been simmering all day long, exploded through him, pushing at his control.

Her taste settled in and he savored it. Savored the soft, lush lips, the feel of her curves against his body.

She hummed as he ended the kiss, licking her lips.

“I’m coming to your room tonight.”

“Bring clothes so you won’t have to do the walk of shame tomorrow.”

He laughed, turning her to walk so they could catch up to everyone. “Thanks for protecting my honor.”

“Least I can do. Because I plan to ride you like a pony when we get alone. I hope you took your vitamins.” She murmured this last as she waved at everyone.

That Curly was trouble. He grinned. The best kind.

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