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he night had been full of magic. Mary hadn’t felt so light and carefree in ages. Things had been great with work and for her friends and this wedding felt like the capper on all that wonderful.

After the emotion of the music Adrian and Miles had dedicated to Gillian and the success of the food, she’d paused just at the large back porch to grab some alone time.

The air carried the scent of all the peonies decorating the entire space. Heady and sensual, it made her tip her head back to breathe deep.

“Well, lookie here.”

She opened her eyes slowly to take in the sight of Damien walking toward her. A slow, sexy lope, his features intent on her. It sent a shiver through her because, goddamn, he was delicious.

She smiled. “Hello there.”

He kept walking until he was just a breath away. “What are you doing over here all by yourself?”

“I snuck in to check on the food. Don’t tell Gillian or she’ll have my ass.”

He sucked in a breath that made her hold her own. He was going to say something, she could feel it. Something that would change everything.

“Your ass? Hm. Well, I’d rather have it than let anyone else get to it.”

A burst of heat flashed over her.

He got even closer, his hand at her waist. “I’d really like to get up in what you’ve got, Mary Whaley.”

She was absolutely sure he’d used that line before. She was, after all, not stupid and she’d seen him on the celebrity news dozens of times.

Didn’t matter. It worked. She liked him. And she liked what he said and how he said it. And she wanted to fuck him. Men got to do this stuff, why shouldn’t she?

She licked her lips as she thought about it.

And then he bent a little and brushed his lips over hers in a surprisingly sweet kiss. A kiss that deepened, hinted at what else he could do with that mouth of his.

She was slightly tipsy. Very happy. In a great mood. A hot dude just laid a smooch on her and he wanted to get down. As it happened, she liked getting down. He wouldn’t want to marry her the next day so he wouldn’t be underfoot as she got her business off the ground. It would be totally about fun and pleasure. No fuss, no muss.

Well, maybe some muss would be all right.

“All right. Make it worth my while, then.”

His grin made her tingle and she knew everything else he had was going to equally please her system. She’d totally have to confess this to Gillian when they returned from the honeymoon.


Mary jerked her head toward the house. “Follow me.”

Like he’d do anything else? He walked behind her, taking in the sway, the pretty heels, the way her rebellious escaped curls brushed the back of her neck. Her neck, where he’d have his lips as soon as he could make it a reality.

He wanted her more than he’d wanted something in a long time. “I’m staying here. Just upstairs.”

Luckily, most everyone was still outside so it wasn’t so very hard to get up the stairs quickly and into his room, which thankfully had a lock on the door.

She turned and smiled, rooting him to the spot. Moonlight from the nearby window bathed her in silver. Music wafted from the party below. But it was just the two of them in this moment in time.

“I don’t even know where to start.” He suddenly felt shy.

“Well, let’s see.” She reached up to unpin her hair. It was longer than he’d remembered. “I seem to recall a few things about this sex stuff.” She stepped to him and took his arm, turning the wrist to undo his buttons there, and then the same with the other.

Then she loosened his tie, tossed it over her head and went back to the buttons on his shirt until she was able to push it off his body.

“Now then.”

He had to have her mouth right that very moment, so with one hand he cupped the back of her neck and with the other he pulled her against him. Her lips parted on a little gasp of surprise and he took advantage of that moment to lick that bottom lip and then slide into the kiss fully.

She tasted better than he’d imagined from that brief brush of lips outside. She was cherries and champagne. So fucking delicious and lush he wanted to roll around in her.

Mary nipped his bottom lip as her hands slid all over his upper body. Her touch was soft and smooth, even as she lit him up.

“Goddamn, baby. I want to lick every single inch of you.” And that wasn’t a lie. At all.

She unzipped her dress, letting it fall from her body, and he nearly swallowed his tongue at how perfect she was. Small. She couldn’t have been more than five feet and an inch, maybe two. Curves that made his mouth water. Gorgeous tits and a high, round ass.

He shook his head as he took a long look. “Today is clearly my lucky day.”

“You’re about to get luckier, so get those clothes off.”

He was beginning to get the feeling Mary Whaley was all kinds of dirty up under her pretty dress. “My day keeps getting better.”

He pulled his shirt off the rest of the way and couldn’t deny how awesome it was that her eyes widened and then went half-lidded. She took a few steps closer, reaching out to grab the waist of his pants and haul him the last little bit until they were skin to skin.

He closed his eyes briefly, bending to bury his face in that glorious mass of curls.

Until she flicked the button of his pants open and unzipped, pushing the material down, along with his boxers.

“Impatient.” Not that he was complaining or anything.

“Mmm hmm.”

He reached around her body to unhook her bra and trace over the ribbons crisscrossing the top of her panties. “These are . . . It’s like opening a present on my birthday.” But he forgot whatever else he was going to say when he caught sight of them in the mirror. Hooking his fingers on the sides of her underpants, he pulled them down and she stepped from them.

But his face was level with her pussy and he thought that was a fairly good place to start.

She looked down, watching him on his knees. “Like déjà vu.”

He pressed kisses from one hip to the other before focusing on her. “How so? ’Cause I’d remember being here before. I’m certainly never going to forget it.”

She sucked in a breath as he licked across her belly button. “Earlier. You were sitting. I was s-standing.” Mary lost her train of thought for long moments as he drew his hands up the backs of her legs, stopping to tickle the backs of her knees.

“Hmm. I think I found a spot I’ll have to investigate.” He did it again and her legs nearly buckled. “Well now. Yes indeed. After. Or again. Whatever.”

He was beyond her imaginings. His upper body was banded by flat, hard muscles. Probably from the brutal workout of drumming the way he did. Tattoos covered his skin and she noted one of his nipples was pierced as well. She’d investigate in detail. After.

She nearly fell over when he breathed against her labia. Hot. So hot it sent shivers through her as she grabbed his shoulder to keep from dissolving into a puddle on the floor.

Then he picked her up like she was nothing, turning to place her on the edge of the bed. “This way I can still be on my knees when I eat this pretty, pretty pussy.”

Like she’d complain.

He turned his head to lick the side of her knee, wrenching a gasp from her lips. Then, just behind, which made her hot and wet, aching. Until that moment she hadn’t even really known it was one of her sweet spots. Not many men paid any attention to that spot, but hot damn, he did. Thank God for it.

Kisses up the inside of her thigh. The barest contact against her pussy and then kisses and licks down the inside of her other thigh until he got to the other knee.

“Goddamn. You’re easy for some back-of-the-knee action. I like that.”

She gulped, enjoying what he was doing to her. Each kiss and lick devastating her a little more and he hadn’t even really made contact with any of her best parts yet.

He tossed one of her legs up on his shoulder and sent her a look that would have rendered her jelly if she wasn’t already lying down. Hooo, he knew this sex stuff.

“Now then.” He spread her open and sucked in a breath. “You have one seriously gorgeous cunt.”

She started at the word.

“You don’t like that word?” He drew the tip of his tongue over her clit, teasing.

“I— Oh god. I never really thought about it.”

He sucked her clit between his lips several times before backing up. “I know it’s got negative history. But it’s not an insult when it’s used properly. This is a beautiful cunt. Slick. Dark with desire. Sometimes it’s a pussy. Sometimes it’s a vagina. But when it’s spread open to me like this, when I want to shove my face into you and lick every part? Then it’s a cunt. In the best way.”

That made sense. And it did make her tingly when he said it.

She nodded and he bent again, this time circling her gate with a fingertip while he went back to licking her clit. Slowly. Surely. The pressure just a breath more each moment. She wanted to lay back. Wanted to close her eyes and luxuriate in the way he made her feel. But she couldn’t. Couldn’t tear her eyes from the picture he made there on his knees between her thighs. His hair had fallen forward so she only got a glimpse of his face here and there.

He paid homage to her pussy, his big, strong hands, palms flat against her inner thighs, holding her wide as he devoured her. She’d never quite had sex like this before. He so clearly enjoyed what he was doing, so clearly had no shame or hesitation about having sex. It was raw and hot and taboo all at once.

And she loved it.

Down his kisses went until he slid his tongue deep, bringing a shiver and a gasp of delight from her. And then he moved back up to her clit again.

Mind-blowing pleasure started at her scalp and moved down, started at her toes and flowed up. She hung there, suspended, just before climax for several long minutes. Drowning in it. Drowning and letting go until it crashed through her entire body and she closed her eyes against bursts of color as she shook.

His kisses slowed. Gentled as she got her breath back.

“You come so prettily.”

She opened her eyes to catch sight of him as he stood. To catch sight of his . . . rather impressive attributes.

She grabbed his cock as she sat up. “Let’s see what you look like when you come.”

He made a choked sound but no move to stop her so she continued. “First, can I look at you?”

His cocky grin was back as he stood. “Look your fill, darlin’.”

She hadn’t been able to really concentrate on the tattoo on his back, but now that she got close, she could see it wasn’t abstract lines at all, but that those lines made a tiger that took up his entire back. She brushed her thumbs over it, amazed at the work. Amazed at the muscled, broad shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist. She moved back to his front, her gaze snagged on his cock for long moments. She wasn’t a size queen by any stretch of the imagination, but Damien might convert her. It wasn’t so huge she cringed, but he’d definitely fill her up. Not a bad thing at all.

On his inner forearm was the word Hurley. His family name so that made sense. His nipple was pierced. More tats on his belly and one that curled from his wrist up to his shoulder.


He raised a brow at her. “That’s my line.”

“I hope you have a condom.”

“I have several in my toiletries bag.”

“Good.” She pressed a kiss over his heart, down to his nipple where she dragged her teeth, rewarded by a hiss of pleasure and his fingers tangling in her hair.


She moved across his chest to the pierced nipple. Good gracious, he was . . . wow. It wasn’t that she didn’t possess a good vocabulary. She did. But there weren’t any really good words to describe how hot this man was. She tugged the bar with her teeth and he nearly growled, his hands at her hips, pulling her snug against his body.

Mary brushed her body from side to side against his. Against his cock. Her desire, momentarily sated, began to bloom back into life as she took a deep breath and fell to her knees. “My turn to be on my knees.”

“You’ll hear no arguments from me.”

She grabbed him at the root and angled him so she could lick around the head, learning him, learning what he liked and responded to. He liked the way she dug the tip of her tongue under the head. Made a desperate sort of gasp when she sucked him in, just the head, keeping her mouth wet and very tight around him. His fingers tightened when she palmed his balls and then dragged her nails gently over his sac.

She loved this moment. Loved being on her knees before a man, controlling his every response with her actions. She brought him pleasure. He arched into her and she breathed through her nose to keep from gagging. He backed off, more gentle this time.

Over and over she took him as deep as she could, the surface of his cock changing the closer he got to climax. When she slowly brushed her fingertip over his asshole, he whimpered and widened his stance until he finally pulled her to her feet with a snarl.

“I need in you right now.”

She licked her lips and he gulped. She felt like a goddess.

“I wasn’t done.”

“You can suck my cock again any time you like. I want to fuck you. Right now.”

He pressed a hard kiss to her lips and dashed to the bathroom, returning with several foil packets, which he put under the pillow.

“Now.” He picked her up, tossing her to the mattress, and she had to struggle not to laugh.

The moment was surreal as she attempted to process it all.

Music floated up from the reception still in swing in the yard below. She felt reckless in the best sort of way. Their chemistry rendered her sort of sex drunk. He moved like no one else she’d been with. Sure of himself. Charming. Certainly he knew what he was about. But more than anything else, what hit her the hardest was that she knew he wanted her.

Knew he wanted to fuck her. That he dug her chemicals and found her totally hot. That sort of focus from a man like this one was dizzying.

And, he liked the dirty talk.

So. Very. Dirty.

Covered in tattoos. Pierced nipple. A drummer whose hair was too long and who grinned at her like a pirate about to plunder. It was like her fervent tenth-grade fantasy fuck had manifested itself in the room.

Only back then she hadn’t even known how to begin to fantasize about a man who clearly loved eating pussy like this one.

Still standing, he broke into her little fantasy objectification of him as he took her foot and began to knead his way up her calf.

She knew he was headed for . . . holy shit. She sucked in a breath and arched on a moan when his thumbs brushed over the dimples at the back of her knee.

Pleasure coursed through her, warm and sticky. The back of her knee! Who’d have thought?

He hummed his pleasure and she didn’t miss the slight note of amusement at her reaction to what had been until that moment, just the back of her knee that had never made her doorbell ring this way.

“I want you from behind.”

Fancy that, she wanted the same thing!

She got to her hands and knees quickly. His hands stroked over her skin. Down her spine. Over the curve of her waist, the swell of her ass. He paused at the space just below the cheek, at the beginning of the thigh, he slid his fingertip back and forth. Just a few times until gooseflesh broke over her and she arched back toward him.

Damien snarled a curse because he couldn’t wait another moment. He’d wanted to draw it out before he fucked her but she made it too hard to resist. That little thrust with the bossy little growl had been the last straw.

Reaching around, he tested her. Her pussy was soft and warm. Ready. He licked his lips, tasting her again. Quickly he got the condom on and lined himself up, slowly sliding into her.

So. Fucking. Good. This sweet, good-girl-on-the-outside, hot-as-hell-in-bed thing was hotter than anything he’d had in a very long time. There was real heat between them.

He’d taken a taste of Mary Whaley and he liked what he found. Spicy sweet. Bountiful curves. Hair that spread out around her face and shoulders. Bold and unashamed about her sexuality. Which was so hot. This woman liked to come. She liked to fuck and if she didn’t get what she wanted, she’d demand it.

She pushed back, taking him inside with one movement. He ground his teeth together as that tight heat surrounded him.

“Fuck. That’s so good.”

He slid his hands around her torso, taking her tits into his hands. Her nipples pressed against his palms. He stroked slow and deep, not in any hurry to leave.

She squirmed against him when he squeezed her nipples and then tugged. “God, yes.”

Smiling, he kissed her shoulder blade, wondering how many other little pleasure spots he could find in unexpected places. She sighed softly when he kissed her spine at the center of her back. She fluttered around his cock and moaned when he found the perfect spot between her ribs on her left side. He dragged his beard against her skin and she shivered and squeezed him.

“You’re full of delightful secrets.”

She laughed. “Me?”

He sped up just a little and she lost some of the rigidity in her back. “Gonna take me a while to find all your best spots. Just sayin.” He moved a hand down her belly to her pussy. Her clit was swollen and hard when he pressed the pad of his finger there. Side to side. Side to side until her breathy moans got a little more bossy.

Damien thought he’d tease her. Drive her over the edge into climax and then maybe the next one after that he’d come with her. Except as she came all around him, it was too much.

She met his thrust, taking him deep. Her hips rocked from side to side, even as she tilted to grind herself against his fingers. Too much indeed and he came hard and fast. Back from his teeth.

And when he pulled out slowly, she flopped, face-first, to the mattress with a happy sigh.

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