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hat dress makes you look so sexy.” Daisy winked as she gave Mary an up-and-down look.

Mary laughed, giving herself one last glance in the mirror. They were getting dressed for the wedding, which would start in an hour. Gillian was getting her makeup done and the rest of the bridal party sat around talking and laughing.


“Double yeah. The drummer’s gonna love it.”

“I didn’t choose this dress for him.” This was technically true because the dress was one they all wore as bridesmaids in the wedding. Daisy had one on too. As did Jules and Erin, Adrian’s sister.

“Gurl, I saw him looking at you. He wants to take a bite. And you should let him.”

“Daisy, I think you should take a class on how to say what you really feel. You’re so shy.”

Daisy laughed. “I’d try to fix you up with Levi’s older brother Jonah, but I think he’s an even bigger handful than Levi and you already have a full-time job. But a little rock-star action sure has done wonders for Gillian. Why not you?”

Mary shook her head, trying not to laugh. “You have a one-track mind.”

“Because I’m getting some on the regular-like.”

“As it happens”—Mary looked around—“he’s pretty smoking hot.”

Daisy clapped her hands, her eyes lit with mischief. “I knew it!”

“’Course you did. I told you.”

“Well, you said he was cute and you two had sparks. You gonna get some today?”

“I’m a little busy today, it being my friend’s wedding and all.”

“So I guess you don’t need to know he was asking about you earlier.”

Mary narrowed her eyes. “He was?”

“I was in the kitchen grabbing some coffee when he came through with Adrian. Asked all casual and stuff, ‘Hey, anyone seen Mary around?’ I told him you were obsessively scaring your staff most likely but would be around later today.”

“I do not scare my staff.”

Daisy waved it away with a perfectly manicured hand. Which was unusual, as she usually had paint and other stuff in her cuticles. “I’m not playing make-believe with you. I know exactly where you’ve been because that’s also where Jules was. Anyway, it was nice that you weren’t here when he asked. Gives you some mystery.”

“Mystery? Yes, nothing more mysterious than a caterer making sure the basil is nice and fresh.”

“And it was, wasn’t it?”

Mary scoffed at the very question. Of course it was. As if she’d serve anything else.

Raven turned from where she’d been working on Gillian. “You two. Ready for your makeup?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You sit there and I’ll just do you both at once. No, you don’t get any say in what colors I use. I know what’s best and I don’t work with others well unless I’m in charge.”

“That sounded totally dirty and bossy.” Daisy beamed.

Raven paused and then laughed. “It did. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done two at once.”

“You really need to share those details. Keep us entertained while you work.”

“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell. So I guess it’s good I’m not a lady.”

“Do tell.” Daisy leaned forward and Mary held still while Raven put a drape over her dress so no makeup got on it.

“I’m positively boring compared to Jules and Erin.”

Mary laughed at that as Jules and Erin both snorted. “You’re many things. Boring isn’t one.”

Raven was . . . well, not boring, that was true. She lacked filters, which made her hard to deal with in more than small doses. She was defended, closed off. But at the same time, she went out of her way to help Gillian. Even though Raven and Adrian did not like one another at all. And Erin, Adrian’s sister and someone Mary liked a great deal, adored Raven.

There was more beneath the surface to this woman. Though Mary wasn’t sure she’d ever know just exactly what. Or even that she wanted to know. But one thing was certain: Raven was compelling.

Especially as she told them randy details of a threesome she had some years before. Then again, it left Mary feeling a little itchy without anyone to scratch it for her.

She thought about asking for a different color lipstick, but Raven would have ignored her anyway. Tattoos, piercings and makeup were Raven’s art and she seemingly had all the confidence in the world over her choices.

And little tolerance for other opinions once she made up her mind. Mary wasn’t entirely sure if she admired it or was annoyed by it. Probably a bit of both.

“I see you sneaking looks at that pink gloss. You don’t need pink. Not with this dress and your hair. You’re all dark and doe-eyed. Work it.”

“You’re scary.”

Raven snorted. “I’m right.”

She stepped back, handing Mary a mirror. She had to admit, Raven had indeed been correct. “You were right about the lipstick.”

“Didn’t I just say exactly that? Of course I was. I’ve been doing makeup since I was nine years old.”

“Really? That’s got to be some story.” Daisy grinned. “I love the thing you did with my eyes.”

Raven neatly dodged the reference to her story. “I like it too. You have the perfect face for it. The vintage thing works on you.” She packed up her stuff. “Erin Brown, you are next. Get over there.” She sent a look back over her shoulder to Mary and Daisy. “I’ll see you both downstairs later. I hope Adrian realizes Gillian is way too good for him.” She sniffed and gave her attention to Erin.

“She’s like a hurricane,” Daisy said under her breath.

Mary looked to Daisy. “Yeah. But she loves our Gillian, so that means she’s got some sense.”

Daisy hugged Mary. “Totally. Also? You look gorgeous. My god.”

Mary blushed but sneaked a peek in the mirror. She sort of did. If she saw Damien Hurley, and if he made the right move at the right time, she might just, you know, let him get on it.

“You’re totally thinking about boning Damien Hurley.” Jules came up behind them, putting an arm around each one of their waists.

“Jeez, you know, you ladies get boyfriends and suddenly everything is about sex.”

Jules rolled her eyes. “I suppose it’s probably true that when you have someone who makes your life really nice, you want that for your friends. Also, it means we want every last dirty detail afterward.”

Mary snickered. “Look, this is all conjecture. He’s hot, and if the tabloids are telling any truth at all, he’s a legend with the sexytimes and all. But this is not what you have with Gideon and Cal, not what Gillian has with Adrian, or what Daisy has with Levi. If it happens, it’ll be hot sex and then it’ll be over. I’m not looking for a relationship and you know he sure isn’t.”

She had a career that was finally taking off. A business to run. Family and friends to be with. She had no time, and really no real desire for a romance. Hot sex? Sure. Forever? Too busy.

* * *

Damien milled around the yard, trying, not so sneakily, to locate Mary. He’d heard her voice a few times. Heard people talking about her. Had even asked her friend Daisy about her earlier when he’d bumped into her in the kitchen of Adrian and Gillian’s house.

He supposed he’d see her when she came down the aisle in any case.

She’d been on his mind a lot in the month since he’d first met her. Had found himself looking forward to the wedding because he knew he’d be seeing her again. He’d even talked to his mom about her. Just a mention, but enough that she’d given him a narrow-eyed once-over and said that if Mary was as nice as he’d said, and if she wasn’t like one of those floozies he’d been taking up with, that it might be a good thing if he pursued it and found himself a woman worthy of him and his family.

He wasn’t sure it was that big a deal. She was a pretty woman he liked. Different from those aforementioned floozies. Someone not from that lifestyle, but a woman a lot like him in many ways. A woman he seriously wanted to get horizontal with.

The music changed and he meandered to find a place to sit. That’s when he saw Mary’s brother Cal and figured he may as well introduce himself. He sat next to Cal and held his hand out.

“I’m Damien. You’re with Gillian’s friend Jules, right?”

The brother looked dubious but not entirely unreasonable or without manners. He shook Damien’s hand. “Cal Whaley. And yes, Jules is with me.” Cal looked around and waved at the blond guy from the engagement party. “Him too.”

“You too, huh?” He did actually know, but he didn’t want to seem like he’d gossiped about them. “I knew about Erin. Well, more power to you. Oh, and you’re Mary’s brother, aren’t you?” Ha! So smooth. He wanted to groan at what a dumbass he sounded like.

The blond came over to sit on Cal’s other side so Damien held a hand out. “I’m Damien.”

“Gideon.” He shook it.

Before they could say anything further, the music started and everyone turned to watch the procession.

And there she was. Holy shit, she looked fine in that dress. Her hair was up in some pretty bun thing but he bet it would start coming undone before the ceremony had finished.

That made him smile, as did the way her ass was so beguiling as she walked. Side to side. Side to side. Damn, he wanted to dig his fingers into that luscious flesh and take a bite.

The ceremony was nice, as wedding ceremonies went. He liked Gillian a great deal. Really liked how happy she made Adrian, who’d been a bit restless and bitter the last few years. That kid of theirs was fabulous too.

He’d spoken to Adrian about it, but Damien really felt like the boy had so much talent it would serve him to either go to an arts-based school or get him in the studio and out on the road when he could.

The kid’s mom wanted a normal life for him. And Damien respected that more than Gillian could know. His parents had made all the brothers finish school and he was glad of it. But Miles was Adrian Brown’s son. Normal was relative at that point. And talent like his wasn’t common.

But right then, Damien had other things in mind. He moved through the crowd of well-wishers, heading in her direction. When she turned and he caught her eye, she smiled and it zinged through him.

Chemistry. They had it. It made him sort of nervous and excited. Like a teenager.

“Hey there, Mary Whaley. You’re looking mighty fine today.”

As he’d thought, a curl had already won free from the pretty updo. He tugged on it and she sighed.

“It never behaves. Once, I had it blown out all straight and sleek. It was so pretty and within half an hour it was already curly again.”

He leaned in close. “I kinda dig it that your hair is so naughty.”

She laughed, but it was lower than it had been moments before. Husky, full of promise.

“What sort of deliciousness did you prepare today? I’m really hungry because I skipped breakfast to have room for your feast.”

She blushed and took the elbow he held out for her.

“Your brother is really suspicious.”

Mary looked up to catch sight of Cal giving them the stink eye. She sent him a raised brow. The man was there with his boyfriend and his girlfriend! He was going to give them a look? Puh. Leeze.

“Don’t mind him. He’s a dork.”

Damien laughed. “He’s your big brother. It’s his job to scare men away from his sister.”

Especially ones who looked like this one, Mary wagered. Then again, she bet Cal thought Damien was hot, even if he didn’t like that Damien was lusting after his sister. Cal had good taste.

The reception tent was so pretty inside. She headed for the table she’d been told to sit at, not at all surprised to find he’d been placed right next to her. That Gillian totally kicked butt.

He pulled her chair out.

“Like I said, your mother did a good job with you.”

He ducked his head a moment. “What do you mean?”

“You put your arm out for a woman to hold. You pull chairs out. Your compliments are genuine. Manners are something so many people take for granted or don’t think are important.”

He laughed. “Would you like a drink?”

“Yes. Sit. There’ll be people by with champagne and other drinks in a moment.”

He obeyed, scooting his chair closer to hers.

“What have you been up to this month?”

“Catering jobs. Prepping recipes for this and for the reception the label is doing for Adrian. What about you?”

“Oh! Food on the way.” He brightened and it flattered her to see the genuine interest he had.

The server saw her and made a beeline. She’d spent a great deal of time training her staff to be sure they served in the way she thought best, so Mary approved when they did it right.

He bent perfectly and she waited for Damien to peruse and then grab what he wanted. Mary nodded when they were finished and the server melted away.

The champagne hadn’t begun to flow yet, though. Hm. She looked around, waiting, and began to get antsy.

“Would you hate me if I disappeared for a bit to check on a few things?”

He grinned, putting his boot on her chair. “Yes.”

Surprised, she paused and then laughed. “Did Adrian or Gillian talk to you?”

He finished off a Thai chicken slider and rubbed his belly. “About what? Also, my god, I want to keep you in my pocket and hoard all your talent to make me food like this every day.”

Oh. My.

Some men complimented her looks. Or her hair, whatever. But to compliment her food? Well, that was the way to her . . . um, parts.

“So”—he paused to hold up the shot glass—“this is . . . ?”

“Sweet potato bisque. I should really get to the kitchen to check on something.”

“Are you fucking kidding?” He drank it down. “This is . . . If I come back, will you make me a whole pot of this?”

Her anxiety lessened again at his praise. “Yes, of course. It’s pretty easy to make. It’s one of Gillian’s favorites.”

Finally, several servers came through with trays of champagne and the sangria she’d made the day before.

He noted her attention on the servers with the drink trays. “Ah, you were anxious about the drinks?”

“They should have been out ten minutes ago. Before the food. Two people just got married. Everyone needs a glass of champagne.”

“It looks like they’re catching up now and everything is fine.” He paused to get them each a glass of champagne.

The server spoke quietly. “Had a mishap in the kitchen. Everything is back on track now.”

“What sort of mishap?” She stood.

“We couldn’t find the right glasses. But then we remembered you’d set them aside so we could find them easier. I’ve been told to promise you all is well.”

“Can I help?” Damien looked up at her as he sat and a shiver made her knees weak. What would he look like on his knees on front of her naked?

“I just need to be sure everything is all right. I’ll be back in a bit.”

He smiled, unfurling himself to stand very slowly, very close to her. “You like things your own way, don’t you?”

“I . . .” She gulped. “This is for Gillian. It needs to be perfect.” She hoped she didn’t get too breathy on that one, but holy cow. She could scent his cologne, feel the heat of his body. See the beat of his pulse at his throat. Her mouth watered to taste his skin right there.

Speaking of Gillian, her friend made her way over, hugging Mary tight as the server escaped, most likely to warn the kitchen she was on her way.

“You have that look, Mary Whaley. Who got in your kitchen and mixed up the flatware?” Gillian’s tease referred to a dinner incident and some salad forks. That’s when the no-one-in-my-kitchen-but-my-chosen-assistant rule came about.

“I’m so sorry. The champagne is late.”

Gillian smiled, taking Mary’s hands, squeezing. “Are you apologizing for something so silly? I see it’s all out now. Adrian and I just got in here. So I’d say it was perfect timing. Now we can all toast.”

“I want it to be perfect. You deserve it.”

Gillian paused, blinking away tears before leaning in to hug her friend. “You are perfect. You and Jules, Daisy, all of you have been so good to me. I’m so happy right now and you’re the reason. This is amazing. I already had one of those salmon things. Okay, so I had three, but that’ll be our secret.”

Adrian, Gillian’s brand-spanking-new husband, showed up, putting an arm around Gillian’s waist and hugging her to his side. Any time Gillian came into his view, his entire focus changed and there was nothing else in the world but her. Mary thought that was an entirely appropriate way to look at her friend, as Gillian happened to be awesome, gorgeous, smart, talented and absolutely perfect in every way. Like Mary Poppins. Only, you know, with a rock-star husband.

“Mary is trying to escape to go prod the kitchen staff.” Damien had a drawl when he spoke to Adrian. Hm. It wasn’t fake. Maybe just something he did around those he was totally comfortable with?

“And I was telling her everything was totally perfect and to have a lovely evening.”

Adrian kissed his wife’s temple. “I’m with Gillian on this. Sit. We’re joining you.” He held a chair out for Gillian and their friends also made it into the tent.

Soon the table was full of their close friends and family and she’d been urged to leave the kitchen to the staff and enjoy herself.

“A whole table of Delicious!” Jules grinned and held her glass high.

“Delicious?” Damien looked to Adrian.

“It’s what these gorgeous women refer to themselves as. It’s also the name of Mary’s supper club.” Adrian sipped the sangria and nodded. “And I should add, what this sangria is.”

“Jules needs to make a toast. Now that we all have champagne and everything.” Cal winked at Mary and she rolled her eyes.

“Me? Why not Brody? Brody is best man, that’s his job.”

Brody snorted and grabbed some of the stuffed dates. “I’ve got some for later.”

Jules stood and there was tapping and clapping and whistling until the room quieted down. “I’m told since I’m the maid of honor I’m supposed to do a toast.”

Mary knew that Jules had not only prepared a toast, she most likely prepared five or seven and practiced them all. Mary was organized. Jules was compulsively so. And this was about Gillian, so it would have been incredibly important to Jules to get every last detail totally correct and perfect.

“Fourteen years ago, this woman moved into our neighborhood with her infant son. We went to check her out, as you do. And it turns out that while she was totally beautiful and had a great accent, she was sort of wary. Which would not do. At all. I wanted her to be my friend because she was awesome. So I just sort of . . . um, bugged her relentlessly until she finally just gave in and even better, shared that sweet baby with our group of friends. I’ve been fortunate enough to count Gillian as my best friend ever since. And that sweet baby is now a fourteen-year-old boy who is taller than his godmother.

“It makes me incredibly happy to see Gillian with someone who deserves her the way Adrian does. Though he had his moments and I wasn’t so sure we should let him have our lovely Gillian.” Jules winked and Adrian blushed at the memory to his not-so-stellar entrance into Gillian and Miles’s life. “But in the end, he proved himself to be the man Miles could be proud to call Dad and Gillian could call her partner in life. So let’s lift a glass to Gillian, Adrian and Miles—the Brown family.”

Mary held her glass aloft and took a drink, believing every word to be true.

“Stop now or I’ll start crying again.” Gillian took the handkerchief Brody handed her way, dabbing her eyes.

“It’s your wedding day, English. You’re supposed to cry.” Though Adrian’s eyes were pretty glossy too.

There was cake and laughter. Drinking and music.

Damien couldn’t stop looking at the back of Mary’s neck where the little curls had won free from the bun. He wanted to press kisses right there. Wondered if she was ticklish. Wondered what she tasted like.

They’d performed a few songs, from Adrian’s new CD, one he’d written for Gillian. Miles had played with them, and then did a song of his own for his parents. Damien liked these people and their strong sense of love and family a great deal.

When he’d finished up, they’d sat together again and he’d wanted her even more. She’d disappeared; he figured she’d gone to hound her staff again.

He and Miles had discussed music for a bit and finally, Damien had gotten an itch only she could scratch and he excused himself to find her.

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