No, I don't judge you for that, Michele. - I answer quietly. But you don't seem to have thought of all the things when you considered continuing this crazy idea. Lying in a terrifying moment is even acceptable, but to go on with this madness ahead is... I don't know, I don't even have words to define what absurd this situation is.
You don't understand! -Michele descends from my touch and beats a closed hand in his fist on the table.
Then explain it to me. I'm a very intelligent and very patient man too. - I say crossing your arms over your chest as you stare at it firmly.
-... You guys are so alike. -I hear her mumble softly as if to herself and get up next.
What did you just say? - curious question about what she's talking about.
No, it's not. It's no big deal. -she shakes her hand in the air as a sign of inestit.
Michele seems agitated and anxious about the way she walks around in the room and the tense body expression she displays. After a few seconds of this little martyrdom, she stops the movements of back and forth in front of my desk, and pulls a deep breath before speaking again.
Look, my mom faced a very difficult bar most of her life to raise me alone after my father died. She starts. I was very small at the time to remember what happened, but I know he was murdered after being the victim of a robbery that went wrong. -a pause and for a millisecond his impassive countenance falters.
I see her throat moving when she swallows in dry.
She always did everything for me, from guts to heart so That I would be fully happy and... I think now is the time for me to reciprocate at least somehow.
She explains herself probably looking for some sign of understanding on my part.
If this is her life's dream, then I'm going to make it come true one way or another. I don't mind making any sacrifice, because if in the end it makes my mother have a nice smile on her face, then any effort will have been worth it. - she concludes.
I totally understand, Michele. -I feel positively slightly moved by such devotion to their mother. - But it's still something ethically speaking, wrong. Very wrong. - I point out the obvious.
I know, i know. -she snoses her eyes as she sits in the armchair again. But it's also right. -hit back.
Right from whose point of view, woman? - I question giving a short sarcastic laugh. Oh, my God, that must be a sin.
I swing my head in negative.
It's actually a sin. Triple sin, first because it is a lie, second, because it is a lie told to your mother, and third, because it is a lie told to your mother who is sick with cancer. By God, how wrong that goes! -toss the eyes in shock at the end of this finding.
- No one needs to know that mere detail if we don't tell. It'll just be a secret between you and me, Oliver. -your dark eyes stare at me with such determination, that something inside me begins to break through barrier by barrier of the resistance I built.
Are you really determined to go all the way with this plan that has everything to go wrong, Michele? - I ask the question seriously and with penetrated as if i were in an important court hearing.
Like I've never been in my whole life, Oliver. - she responds in the same tone. Why the question?
Because if you're really convinced and I get into this madness, you have to be well aware of some things. Are you prepared to face all the consequences that this lie will bring with you? I'm going to ask.
Yes, I am. -she proudly asserts as she lifts her chin, but I see a quick shadow of fear passing through her eyes.
Oh, Michele... You have no idea what awaits you, do you?
- So before we close any deal, I want to make some clear points so there's no misunderstanding in the future between us.
Okay, you're absolutely right. -Michele quickly agrees and her hands lean on her knees as she leans more toward the table, eager to know what I have to say.
Easy there, brunette. Not that fast! First comes my terms and only then the yes to this crazy idea.
-First of all you need to be aware of the nature of my interest in you. - I mean frankly.
Stalling and playing youth games has never been my strong suit.
-I think you're a very beautiful woman who piqued my interest right away when I first saw her at The Lady Josefina's house. - I say quietly watching closely your reaction.
She seems surprised and somewhat impressed, perhaps by my sincere and direct method of saying what I want.
I want to get to know her better and who knows if things work out between us, can we invest in a real relationship in the future?
As Michele remains silent and does not interrupt me to make any comment, I choose to continue.
For this reason, I'm seeing something positive in this situation and taking the opportunity to be closer and strengthen our ties, first as friends and then... only in time can we know. -I shrug leaving the implied phrase hovering in the air.
Wow, you're good. very honest. Even a little too much. -she laughs nervously visibly shaken by what she just heard.
- I call it sincerity and transparency, Michele. That's how I work, can you handle it?