Bianca, is there anything else that needs my attention, or can I go now? -I ask my secretary, an efficient employee who has been working with me for almost a year, when the end of office hours approaches.
-All right, boss, all the documents that required urgency were properly reviewed by you earlier. Bianca stop typing something into her computer to stare at me closely. - So for today it's just, I think you're clear.
Thank you so much for your consideration, Miss Riveira. We laughed in an accomplice way. For a moment I thought my boss carrasca was going to keep me up late on the job today.
- I would never do anything like that with such an exemplary employee. - she jokes even in the relaxed atmosphere.
I'm glad to hear that. - we exchanged the usual farewell soquinho. Can you leave this briefcase in Tales' office for me before you leave the office? I have dinner to go to in a few hours and I'm in a bit of a hurry. If I pass there now my dear partner will grab me from the conversation until tomorrow.
Of course, Oliver. You can leave it to me. - she blinks an eye and I say goodbye.
Thank you, Bianca. Have a good night.
Dad, are you ready to go? -I ask through the intercom when parking in front of your house, which is in a neighborhood quite away on the outskirts of the city.
I'm sorry, i'm sorry. -he responds by going out the door and then locking her up. - I told you you didn't have to bother driving all this distance to pick me up, kid. I might as well drive there, have you forgotten that I know the way well? - my dad questions when we're already on the road.
I didn't forget, Dad. But I make a point. This is no job for me. What kind of son would I be if I bothered with the simple fact of serving him? You've done so much for me in this life that offering just one ride is nowhere near these things.
I shrug in a way that is the purest truth.
Besides, you know I like to spend time with you, which is really hard now that you've been so far away. - I raise an eyebrow in defiance.
- You need to get a girlfriend, that's what. -she comments quietly when I stop the car in front of the Morales family home. -It's not normal for a man your age to rather waste time in the company of his old father than next to a beautiful girl. - he laughs by patting me on the back.
- See if they're not the two gallant boys in Belo Horizonte? -Josefina as always welcomes us with her enormous joy and hospitality.
I thought you'd given this post to your son. I'm going to hug her.
Henry doesn't live here, so it doesn't count. Josefina reciprocates the gesture and also hugs my father in the sequence. But... I believe that will soon change. -she laughs conspiratorial, but neither i nor my father dare comment on anything about knowing the follies of the woman.
Every time I have the pleasure of coming here, this house looks even more charming just like the owner of it. - I praise you as we head for the kitchen.
-Why, let cheap flattery get on my mom, you dickface. -Henry suddenly appears in my field of vision surprising me with his presence.
What's up, buddy? How are you? we greeted each other quickly with some gestures.
What about you guys? - my father also exchanges a handshake with him.
Living one day at a time. - I respond by being interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing.
- Oh, it seems that finally our other guests have arrived! -Josefina claps excitedly and runs to meet the visitors.
Invited guests? - I question Henry with a suspicious look.
- The most special ones you're going to meet today. -he says with a huge, enigmatic smile on his face before going down the same path his mother had done.
Not to be inelegant with Josefina's guests, my father and I do the same, heading into the room to welcome them.
- I'm so glad you accepted the invitation so last minute and showed up!
Josefina exclaims radiantly as she unpacks from the arms of a smiling little girl in beautiful curls and green eyes, and leaves for the blonde woman behind her.
- We're the ones who appreciate it, Ms. Josefina. It's a great pleasure to be here. -the blonde responds politely and turns back probably to talk to someone else. Isn't that right, Michele?
That's when my heart misses a beat when this Michele comes in. What a beautiful woman! My eyes do not fail to notice every detail and graceful treour that the brunette exhibits.
Everything in it screams "I am wonderful and perfect too, my love." From the generous curves highlighted in the simple dress but completely robbed of my attention from the time my eyes landed on you, to the delicate, full lips and almond hair that is loose on her shoulders like an Olympus goddess, which I would give anything to intertwine my fingers and know how to be as soft as they appear.
Of course, friend. -Michele responds, and if it's possible, I get even more mesmerized when I hear the incredible sound of her voice.. - Hello, Ms. Josefina, Henry.
- Bewell-seen,girls. This is Oliver and Dorival Resende. -Henrique makes the presentations and I take a step quickly approaching, crazy to be able to play it even for a few seconds during the exchange of greetings.
- I'm good at field football. I think that was one of the first things I started doing after I learned to walk and talk.
Henrique says with a laugh when we are all accommodated around the table full of the most varied dishes of typical Argentine and Brazilian foods, in the dining room of the house of Dona Josefina, however I can not keep the concentration on the conversation for long. My attention is totally focused on Michele, who is sitting a chair away next to my father.
- This kid was so addicted to a football he wouldn't let go of anything. He played all the time, on the street with his little friends, at school and even indoors! Once, Henry broke a beautiful Chinese ceramic vase that I had just paid the last installment. And he was expensive, for God's sake! All because of the blessed ball. -Josefina comments having fun with the memory of the episode.
Mom, stop it. It doesn't spoil my film in front of the visits - Henry protests visibly embarrassed.
Well, I'm just telling you the truth, my son. - she laughs in response.
Oliver, my friend, get rid of more embarrassing moments my mother can cause if I keep telling you about my great teenage accomplishments. Tell us something, tell us about yourself. - Henry's practically begging me with his eyes when I feel it.
Several pairs of eyes turn towards me and I feel impelled, full of courage to chatter, when a particular pair fixated on me directly for the first time at night.
Well, when I was eight years old, I dropped hot cheese from the mixed one i was eating on top of a briefcase full of my father's important medical records.
I tell you the first nonsense that pops into my mind.
- I even tried to clean up the mess, but you know, like every kid who makes art, in the end I ended up making it worse. - I say humorously to get the attention of those I desire most right now, and who is laughing at my story.
- Oh, I remember that very well. -Dad interrupts by giving a sonofa laugh and a pat on my back. -You managed to get the rest of my desk dirty and a social shirt that I had forgotten in the office, with which you tried to clean up the mess.
-And to finish the story, I ended up getting two weeks of punishment without tv and no video game. -snitch pretending I'm upset to give more drama to staging.
What about you, Michele? You're so quiet. -the blonde I discovered is named Ana Julia, pokes the friend who blushes at the same moment she is mentioned. I thank you internally for the intervention of the blonde, eager to hear michele's voice again.
- Guys, Michele's a great storyteller, isn't she Alice? -Ana Julia comments with girl in curls by her side.
It's true, Mom. Aunt Mi is the best. Alice responds. Go, Aunt Mi, don't be shy. We're among friends here.
Michele somewhat embarrassed, looks about to dig a hole in the ground and throw himself headlong into it size the embarrassment. But with a flashy smile that somehow fills me with pride, she raises her voice manifesting herself.
Well, if you really want to know... here it goes. I remember several stories , always confusing and funny that involve the can of carnival-colored sardines of Ana Júlia and, his great passion for winches and mechanical workshops. -she laughs by narrowing her eyes to her friend who shrugs across the table regardless.
Carnival color? And what kind of color would that be? -Question finding grace, suddenly interested in actively participating in the conversation, in order to interact more with this woman who intrigues me.
- A garish and horrible color between orange, yellow and green. -she responds in the same tone and her eyes soon stray from mine to her friend in front of her.
Are you serious? Oh, my God, what a nightmare. No offense, Julia. -garter with his stare fixed on Michele wanting back his attention.
I agree with you. - she's settled down. -I've never really enjoyed that vehicle project that my friend insists on calling a car.
Don't overdo it, girl. -Ana Julia knocks rolling her eyes.
- He's let us down many, many times.
Michele continues, and I keep an eye on every word that comes out of her lips.
-Once, we had to take a trip of a few kilometers, to a neighboring town, to present some properties to some customers. From time to time I follow Ana to work out of BH when I'm in free time. But guess what happened?
Did the car die in the middle of the road? - my father's good at holding the laugh.
That's exactly what I'm doing. She agrees. -And worst of all, we were more than forty minutes late to meet with the customers, we ran out of cell phone signal, and when we finally got in touch with them, they had to call a winch for the sardine can and give us a ride into town. To this day I remember that moment of humiliation and I turn with shame in bed every night. I haven't set foot in that car since then if I'm going to get out of town in it. I don't trust you at all.
It wasn't even that bad, Michele. Ana Julia argues and I can't stop laughing like an idiot, fascinated by everything this woman says.
Oh, it was. Believe me when I say it. - Michele hits sarcastically. - Well, I've said a lot and you may have heard more than you'd like. So be careful when you ask next time, I think you can walk out of here traumatized by the stories I have to tell that involve the can of carnival-colored sardines.
Everyone around the table laughs and I think to myself, for me you could stay all night reading up to the instruction of the cereal box that I don't care about. As long as you keep talking, honey, it's okay with me.