Glen's POV
"Oh, were just joking around Sir" I suddenly blurted out since someone keeps on looking and glaring at me to talk.
"Well this is not a place to do that" he seriously stated making my brother gulp even more and me to feel even more curious as to who is this Sir.
"Oh, sorry Sir..." I look at him the way I look at Sir Trevor when I tried to know his name trying to hold my composure and not to let him win just like that.
"Sir Tanner" he simple stated.
(Maybe he's a man of few words... or also he can't talk properly. There are lots of possibilities you know...)
"... Oh, Sir Tanner... were just making our selves comfortable since we are still a bit nervous of our surrounding and my friend here--" I drag Kaylee close to me "--is a bit nervous and shaking to much" I reason out scratching my neck while smiling innocently at him.
(I hope he buys it and let us go....)
He still wore the same serious expression on his face from the moment he approached us here not like how Sir Trevor smile at us this morning.
(I-- I guess they are all not the same....)
"Sorry about that Sir" my brother said immediately while looking at Sir Tanner apologetically.
Then he did something that surprised me and moreover terrified the whole place including my brother who wore an unbelievable face.
He smiled at me like how Sir Trevor smiled to me this morning.
"Oh... of course the first day is a bit nerve wrecking... but when you will stay here longer you will get used to it" he said while giving me a smile which I gladly returned to him.
"Oh... is that true, Sir?" I asked making all of the students look at us with those silly expressions. And just how fast his smile appeared it is also how fast it disappeared.
"Yup... looks like nothing more serious is here. So then, I will leave now and don't cause any trouble" Sir Trevor said with that monotone voice while looking at me. Then he turns around and walk straight to the building like nothing happened.
(At least I manage to make him smile for a moment than nothing at all...right)
Suddenly someone next to me released a deep sigh making me look at him.
"I can't believe you did that-- that just didn't happen... right?" Ace suddenly said like it wasn't supposed to happen at all.
"Teasing Kaylee?" I stated and he shrug his head. I look at Kaylee and she's glaring at me dangerous so I immediately flash her a peace sign.
"No" he stated so I look at him confused. (What's this guy talking about again?)
"You just talked to Mr. Tanner and he did something that he never do... he--"
"He never do what?" I asked him.
"--smile. He freaken' smiled. Literally smiled" he said still dumbstruck and frozen on his feet.
"So what-" I just replied and he immediately twist his neck and look at me. (I think I heard his neck snapped...)
"So what-- are you kidding me. His one of the teachers who are strict in this school that never smile" he nearly shouted but then he controlled his voice.
"So, tell me who are you? And where is my little brother?" Ace asked and I got annoyed by that. Then something interesting came into my head all of a sudden.
"The one and only Master of Ace Walters" I joked and his nose crunch up and he softly punch me on the shoulder.
"Tsk... you're too full of yourself" he said and drag us both to a quiet place since the students here are starting to ask us something.
"Hey kid how did you do that?"
"Hey what's your name?"
Blabbering here... and blabbering there...
We immediately run when they started to get a little bit wild and uncontrolled.
"Are you still sulking" I asked Kaylee and she just glare at me. I sigh and face her while Ace was just leading the way.
"Look, I needed to do that or else you’re still fantasizing about those boys" I said stating the fact while resisting to laugh at her behavior.
(Well it's something rare that you can't happen to see every day. That's why I'm making the most of it now)
"And you thought making me scream in front of everyone was the best way to snap me out from my thoughts" she said staring at me. (Crap... I think she's gonna burst again...)
"Of course.... that's the only thing I know to get you out of the clouds..... clouds full of boys...." I just stared at her fidgeting figure then she stops and smile at me.
"You know me too well" she said making me release a sigh then we both suddenly laugh.
"Really could full of boys... I think sea full of boys" my brother snicker and Kayleen scowl at him.
Ace just turned around and eye at us carefully and curiously then he carefully turns around while shaking his head. Then after few minutes our tour ended.
"Damn this freaking school is so wide and have lots of buildings" Kaylee said between pants and I just chuckle at that.
"You need to work on your exercise" I tease and she just roll her eyes.
"Like your any better" she bickers while looking at me.
"At least I could still keep up with Ace" I said while panting a little bit.
"Let's head to the cafeteria. I'm already starving" Ace said and we both nod in response.
I glance at my watch and look at the time. (I guess that's why my stomach is crumbling... it's already time for lunch)
Both of us followed him to the cafeteria. And as we look around the school, I admired its structures and landscapes. (It was freaking awesome you know...)
The school classrooms were large division of buildings. It has also a garden which has a wonderful scenery because lots of trees and bushes were scattered in the perimeter giving it a nice sight.
(Oh... don't even ask me all about the library. Even though I haven't entered it I can say that it was huge since it's a whole 6 story building based from what Ace said)
"Damn I could stay there for hours and read some books" I mutter while remembering it.
Magic is evident in the place since lots of students are using their powers. For example, flying around and floating in the air, playing with fire balls, creating barriers, casting spells and many more.
And students all around the school are very well disciplined wearing their school's formal uniform which is very cool and astonishing.
(That would be so nice if it's on me.... which reminds me...)
"Ace why aren't you in your proper uniform?" I asked and he turns back to look at me while smiling smugly.
"It's your choice in the first week" he just said.
(That means... please don't tell me that--)
"Yup... I'm not going to wear my uniform until next week" he just said and flash me another cheeky smile.
(I knew it... I really knew it...)
Enough with that already and let us continue to admire the school's environment when suddenly Kaylee decides to nudge me.
I glared at her and saw that she was looking at someone ignoring my glare. I look at where she’s looking while rubbing the place she nudged and...
"Seriously... Kaylee his out of your league" I immediately said to her making her roll her eyes.
"Continue doing that and you might see the back of your eye" I said to her making her scoff.
She was staring at a boy who has lots of girls in his arms. (A typical playboy if you know what I mean...)
"I'm just admiring him. I'm not going to jump and join the girls around him--" she just said and I shake my head and look around.
"--wait a moment that's not a--"
"Please stop!... By the way have you seen some of our classmates back then if they are here?" I asked Kaylee while scanning the school.
I didn't saw anyone... not a single one to say. She looks at me and sigh then holds my shoulders.
"You forgot that this school is for people who can afford to go to school here. Haven't you notice we were few in the orientation?" she said and I eye her in disbelief.
"Oh, come on don't give me that look" she bickers.
"I thought you were gawking at the boys back then" I joked and she slap my shoulder.
"I'm not that dumb.... but well...well the boys were few... I guess. But seriously Glen you noticed it haven't you?" she said with a serious tone.
"Nope... sorry I was engrossed in the presentations, taking in whatever, they are telling" I honestly said.
"Yup that's you..." she said and we both chuckle.
Suddenly a familiar voice spoke and we look back. "So, are you done having chitchat and we could now fall in line?" Ace said pointing at the food.
"Oh sorry..." we both said and followed him.
We took our food and find empty sits. "There..." Kaylee pointed at a table with no one in it.
We were about to go there when my brother spoke and stop us.
"Uhm... guys not there. That's already reserve..." he stated and we just look at him confused.
"But... No one is sitting there" Kaylee insisted but my brother shook his head.
Then just like that someone... I mean 4 students passed us. And sit on the table where we were supposed to sit leaving Kaylee irritated.
At the end we decided to take another table. "The scenery was good there" Kaylee said in annoyance while feeling defeated.
"I was thinking about that too. I guess it isn't really for us" I sigh and look at her. She was now glaring at the students who took our spot. I didn't even bother glancing who they were.
"Hey... Kaylee don't do that... that's rude you know..." I scold her and she stop glaring and look at her food.
"They took our table" she protested again making me sigh.
"Yes, I know" I said and pat her shoulders.
"I told you that’s reserved and knowing the two of you, don’t get into a fight with them" Ace suddenly said so we both look at him.
"Why?" Kaylee asked wanting to know more. It also made me curious as to why my brother wants us to stay away from them.
He sighs and look at us with a serious face. "They are the sons and daughters of known people in this place" he stated.
"In general, the richest kids" I blurted out.
"Not only the richest but also they have powerful magic" someone spoke and we all jump in surprise.
"Fuck... Mark don't do that your scaring people when you do that" my brother scolded the boy who just came in front of us.
I immediately look at Kaylee and facepalmed... there she was again gawking at the poor boy. I can't blame her the boy does have looks. (And damn that body. How did he get that...)
"Hi my names Kaylee, a caster" she started (She'll fucking grab all the opportunities that will come.. geez this girl) and the boy averted his eyes and look at us.
(She's fuckin' making moves immediately)
"The names Mark, a stone manipulator" he said flashing us a smile which we gladly returned.
Then I continue to eat when someone nudge me. I groan and look at her. She was looking at me. Giving me the don't-be-rude-idiot-look.
I look at the boy called Mark and he was looking at me waiting for me to speak.
"Oh sorry.... I thought you were just talking to her" I reason out. He just smiles.
"My names Glen, Glen Walters" I said and continue to eat. And thank God he didn't bother knowing my powers since I don't have one.
(Yup you heard it. I'm powerless, I don't have any magic. And that is a secret that no one should know. Even though I don’t have magic I can still fight you know. And that's the reason I want to go to school here since my grandfather told me that the school has a good combat training and that's what I'm aiming for. It's just what I told you earlier)
"Okay this will be the last time we'll meet. And I already know that you already know why..." he said looking at me.
"Of course" I just said and they walk away.
"What's he talking about?" Kaylee asked looking at me.
I give her a disappointed look. "You really need to start listening to what others are telling to you and not gawk at all boys that you see all the time. What will happen if they say that an apocalypse will come and we need to run. Will you still just gawk at the boys around you?" I said and ask her.
"Hey I don't gawk at all boys. I only gawk at handsome boys. And even though an apocalypse will come then I will fucking stare at all boys since I'm about to die anyway you idiot" she snicker and counter attached.
"There you finally admitted that your gawking at them" I stated and she glare at me.
"No, I don't gawk... bla.bla.bla" I started to walk off before she gives me a lesson.
"Hey..... come back here. I'm still not done with you..." she shouted at me but I just ignore her and continue to walk.
I glanced back and saw my brother smiling while waving at me. I also returned the smile before turning around.