Glen's POV
"Wow were very early, very very very early today" Kaylee sarcastically said while we enter the school. And I've been hearing it for the millionth time since we got out of the house.
"Could you already stop Kaylee. I already said I'm sorry, haven't I?" I hear my brother said in annoyance to Kaylee.
"You want me to stop.... Why? We are so early aren't we, very, very early I say?" She said again while raising her hands in the air.
The thing that annoys Kaylee during first day of school is that coming to school late. That's what I always hear from her so ever since we started school, we are always the first one in class during first day of school and I can't say no because she'll drag me out of our house to school.
(I'm really not lying here. One time I didn't want to go early she practically went to my room and splashed me a bucket of water. I immediately shouted at her and she keeps on screaming at me until grandma came and stop us.)
Remembering that made me shiver. For the past few minutes Kaylee keeps on annoying my brother and my brother also keeps on muttering sorry to her. And here I am taking my distance from them as we go inside the school since they are gathering too much attention from other students walking.
(And you never know what might happen next)
Well to tell the truth it's the fault of my brother since he decided that it was a very good idea to look cool at the first day of school. So, he got more time choosing what clothes to wear a bit far from our time schedule.
(So here we are, late at the first day of school, great what else is there) I glace again at my watch and saw were already 10 minutes late for the orientation. (I'm a bit time conscious not like the other two there by the way)
(I can't stand it anymore...) "Could you both idiots stop already since your gathering to much attention. Someone might think you’re having a love quarrel" I said and they immediately stop and look at me then to the students passing by.
"WHAT!... Oh sorry..." both of them shouted and made distance with each other immediately. Then Kaylee glance at her phone and cursed before dragging me. We ignored the students around us and just run straight ahead.
"Shit were 15 minutes late" she cursed and all of us hurried to the orientation which is held on the gym exept for Ace whose going in the other direction.
"See ya later alligator..." Ace shouted and ran for his class.
"Yeah... see ya too..." we also shouted while running.
(I nearly forgot to tell that his already enrolled here and only the new and transfer students are needed for the orientation)
He is already in 12th grade and we are now in 11th grade. He’s a year older than us two.
"He always wants to look awesome and cool" Kaylee said shaking her head.
"You should have seen him choosing his clothes... he nearly emptied his closet, could you believe that" I snicker in amusement.
"Better don't be like that in the next couple of days or else--" she scowled and we both laugh.
"I guess that's it, shall we head to the orientation now" I said and point the large building that looks like an arena.
"Are you sure that... that is the gym. " she said in disbelief. I also can't believe it but when I look at her, I nearly laugh.
Her mouth was wide open that a large baseball ball could enter it. "Kaylee, might want to shut that mouth of yours or a fly will get it" I scolded and she immediately shut it before glaring at me.
She rolled her eyes and I just chuckle at that. "What can I say... it's the first time we entered this kind of school" she snicker.
"Yup, true it’s our first time to enter this is kind of school" I replied.
To tell the truth, this is the first time we came here since I didn't really stay with my parents and went to school here. I went to my grandparents’ house and stayed with them and also go to school there. And for this girl here whose dragging me is she begged her parents to follow me since she said she wanted to protect me after she found out that I was being bullied at school back then. And that's the reason why we’re stuck together.
And just like what I have said this morning I will tell you about me. My name is Glen Walters. 16 years old and now an 11th grade here and as for this girl beside me is my cousin, she is caster if you ask? And me? I'm just a nobody. My powers never appeared during first grade and that was about 4 years from now. It sucks right but I never let that got to me so I begged my grandfather to teach me combat so that I still have some stills. And also, that's the reason why I have to live with them. Kaylee is also 16 years old and we are at the same grade.
It's hard at first but when the times pass it gets fun and I loved it. Then why did I come here if you may ask? It's because This academy offers the best and high-class training of combat skills according to my grandfather and he wants me to go here. That's why I am here. And another thing no one should find out that I don't have power or something terrible might happen.... according to my family. The only people who knows it is my family and Kaylee.
Okay that's enough about me and back to the present.
By the time we reached the door of the said gym. A man is standing there, arms crossed and a serious face. He might be at his 20s.
(I guess,.. he looks a bit young... but hey there is magic in here. You know what I mean)
"Sorry were late, Sir... and we're here for the orientation we got a bit... not a bit but very lost coming here" I tried to reason out.
(You never know if they will buy it or not you know)
His serious face suddenly changed to an expression of concern and he smiled at us. "Oh yeah... the school is a bit wide. Luckily... you two didn't got lost" he said flashing a smile.
I look at Kaylee and my jaw dropped. There she was gawking at the man in front of us. Eyeing him like a piece of meat.
(Seriously Kaylee... are you for real) I heard someone cleared his throat. Kaylee blushed and I look at the man again feeling embarrassed as to what Kaylee did.
"Ye-- yes Sir luckily we didn't get lost there" I said nervously while nudging Kaylee to get out of her trance while I was resisting to hit her head.
He was looking at us with an amused look. "Oh, by the way... You may come in already since I don't want to keep you standing here since you’re going to be late, aren’t we" he said.
"Thank you, Sir..." (I don't know his name)
"Yeah... Th...ank... y..ou" Kaylee said stuttering.
And just like a clue he said his name.
"Mr. Trevor or Sir Trevor" he said.
"Okay, thank... thank you Sir Trevor" I said politely and drag a still in dreamland Kaylee. (Seriously I really want to throw this girl off a cliff or what...)
"That was way so amazing" Kaylee said in a seductive manner making me shiver.
"Enough already you dumbass and find us a chair" I said and he scoff and rolled her eyes on me.
We found a vacant seat at the middle and we sat comfortably. I look at Kayleen and saw her still in dreamland, daydreaming again, and I just let her be.
(Let her do her own business....)
I listened to the orientation the whole time until it ended. Luckily, they were waiting for someone to come, so they just started when we just got in.
(That was a relief I thought I would miss the orientation. I don't want to be lost here you know)
"So how did the orientation go?" my brother asked. When we exited the building.
"Wait... you waited for us?... I thought you have class?" I asked him.
"Our teacher told us to get a newbie in the school gym and tour him\her\them around" he simply stated like it was the obvious thing.
I look around and he was right. I saw students in uniform approaching and talking to the student exiting the gym. Some students are grouping with each other and some are individuals.
I sigh and look at my brother.
"Okay... but better be sure you won't get us lost" I joked and he frowns.
"Oh, come on... me... lost... no way... But first, tell me what happened to this girl here?" he said pointing at a lovestruck girl who is still... I think... in dreamland daydreaming.
I gave my brother a displeased and disappointed look.
"She was in her dreamland for the rest of the orientation..." I said and he just give me a what-look.
(Oops... I see... he didn't understand it)
"--I mean he was gawking at handsome boys inside the gym and most especially..." I look around and he followed me."...that man over there" I pointed at a man walking.
"Oh, you mean Sir-" he was cut off by you know.
"-Sir Trevor" she said in a seductive way making me roll my eyes.
"Oh, for crying out loud Kaylee is that’s the only thing you remembered the whole time" I said, unbelievable.
She just ignores me and still keeps on staring at Sir Trevor so I did what I have to do in order to bring her back to life.
(I'm sorry Kaylee but this for your own good.... so please live)
"Snake" I mutter and she froze and then paled.
"S---SNAKE" she shouted and she immediately scream for her life attracting attention.
She knows that everyone was looking at her and she didn't care at all. She was jumping up and down while scanning the ground.
I couldn't hold it in so I burst in laugher, so hard that my stomach hurts. Ace was also laughing so hard.
We laughed so hard that we needed to hold each other’s shoulder for support so we won't fall down.
"YOU IDIOTS" she screamed and glared at us when she realized that there was no snake and it was just a joke.
Her expression was priceless. She looks like a crazy woman jumping while shouting snake like her life depends on it.
Everyone was watching our little action until someone cleared his throat making the rest look at who is it.
Except me and Kaylee who is now about to hit me. I was still chuckling while Kaylee was glaring at me and giving me a Better-be-ready look.
My brother nudges me at my side making me look at him and he was staring at someone.
He cleared his throat making both of us snap out of it and I suddenly noticed that everyone kept quite leaving an awkward and intense atmosphere around us.
"Stop it already" my brother nervously whispered making me look at the person again who is in front of us.
It was a man maybe his already on his 20's too (Why does everyone look like they are all in their 20's.... oh I forgot... magic) He was wearing a serious look just like Sir Trevor when we first meet him.
"Mr. Walters, what is this?" he asked in a monotone voice while looking at my brother.
I glanced at Kaylee and sh-- (Please don't tell me she's gawking at him too... geez... what would I really expect) I sighed while looking at her.
Moreover, the classmates of my dear brother are avoiding eye contact with us while some are dragging and telling the other students to go now like they don't want to be involve with our issue here.
"Uhm... err..." he stutters nervously and I immediately stare at my brother then to the man standing beside us.
(What... so this man can make my brother feel nervous... interesting very interesting I say...)
I look at him and his kind of really intimidating with that blank expression plastered on his face.
(Sorry but my Grandfather's face during training is more intimidating that this person's face. If Ace would probably see it what would he look like?)
He then suddenly looks at me and slightly nods his head signaling me to explain what happened here.
(Why would I..... I was not the one being asked) When I didn't respond he glared at me.
(Just tell it man... no need to use hand signals or whatsoever, you can talk) I faced the man and he averted his attention to me just like that.
(Oh shoot... he looked here)