I have to say, I was pretty much surprised to hear Sandra Buckle on the phone and that she's a journalist. My heart skipped a bit as she explained to Olwethu what was going on.
The poor girl looked like she's seen a ghost.. I mean she might as well, she was talking to a ghost.
My mind raced to what almost happened if that phone had not rang. We probably would have kissed because no one seemed to want to stop.. but I felt bad. I mean I was going through personal shit and this was just worse to add her on.
"Sandra? Is this some kind of a sick joke?" Olwethu asked on the phone taking me away from my thoughts and Sandra responded, 'you can call any of the media houses or start with the venue.. like what's up? The launch is supposed to be on Sunday.. check before people actually cancel..'
Olwethu hung up and looked at me.
"Valentia what's going on? Did we change plans.."
I shook my head, "no we didn't.."
She was shaking a bit, probably freaked out. I understood, this was her first big thing and she wanted to prove herself.
"Then what the fuck is going on? Who is calling and why are they doing this...??" She said and then she moved from behind her desk, "fuck.. someone is trying to sabotage me.. Valentia who the fuck has time to call all the media houses I called to cancel and even the venue.. I..."
"Who can do this.. it's Friday and Sunday is right here... like what the fuck. Who hates me so much to actually..."
"Lin calm down!"
"Someone is trying to mess up with my work.. and this will ruin not only my name but your company too.. God I should..."
Without even thinking or meaning to I kissed her... the aim was to shut her up and maybe calm her down since she was rambling and gave me no chance to even say a word... but as soon as my lips touched her, I knew shit was about to happen.
At first she just froze... but I pulled her closer, cupped her face and deepened the kiss which she then responded and kissed me back. It felt foreign yet so familiar, having her soft lips on mine.. just sent me over the edge and had my mind racing the feelings built in and I remembered how it felt.. everything... I remembered how amazing it felt. I felt like I was floating and my mind was totally racing..
We kissed for a few seconds and when her body was now responding to my kiss, when she let out a tiny moan making me think about ripping off her dress... My palms felt sweaty as my emotions took over... and God I wanted her there and then...
As soon as that thought hit me, I sighed and pulled away.
She breathed a bit hard and then shook her head...
My hands were still cupping her face as I spoke softly, "Hey... umh.. are you calm now, can I say something...?"
She looked at me and then nodded slowly.
"look Lin, I need you to calm down... I have the best guys I trust who will track whomever is trying to sabotage us, they will get to the bottom of this evening we will know who it is....all we need right now is to do a broadcast on this hoax.....and move on with the book launch okay??? trust me I will find whatever sour pussy whose trying to ruin our work.."
She nodded, "thank you.. that would mean a lot.."
I smiled when I saw that she wa snow a bit calm, "Okay, at this second, I need you to actually start verifying before I call my guys. Please call the venue and ask them what's up..."
She nodded again and went around her desk and took the phone, "This is Olwethu Lin from L.V. publishing house.. someone just called me asking if we cancelled the event? Did someone call you guys?"
'yes someone did call us and they said they are your Personal Assistant.. They said you have moved dates and I told them that we can't return the de....'
"Ma'am.. I did not cancel anything. The event is still happening. I don't know who called you guys but if you have phone records I'd love to come and see.."
'oh my bad, okay, I understand. You are welcome to come over anytime before 5pm today..'
"Thank you.. and this is?"
'Nokubonga Hlatshwayo...'
"Thank you.. I'll see you now now.."
I don't want to lie, I was impressed by how she quickly thought about the caller details right on the spot. She was panicking but she wasn't giving up.
She then looked at me and shook her head, "why would someone do this Valentia..? like at first I was thinking that Sandra is fucking with my life again.. but if she was, then she wouldn't have called me."
I nodded, "Just do a few posts on your social media and the company's one, telling them that the event is still going on Sunday.. I'll go to my office and make a few calls too, then we will go to the venue.."
"Thank you.." she said with a sigh and I turned and got out.
I had no fucken idea how we were going to be after kissing her. But we had to go on...
I reached reception and asked Jeremy to call two of my bestest friends and ask them to tell their friends that the event is still going on.
My phone started ringing and it was my father.
I sighed. I wasn't in the mood for this guy but if I ignored him, he'd drive straight here..
So I answered, "daddy..."
'hey baby, how are you?'
I know right..30 and I still get called baby.... that's my dad for you.
"I'm okay daddy and you?"
Okay, maybe it's because I call him daddy too..
'we need to talk.. like I'm not fully okay.. I need to meet up with my daughter and talk..'
"Dad I want that too but I'm a bit busy right now, with the launch of the winner and everything..."
He sighed and I knew he was about to start preaching.
'Vee no matter how busy work is, you always have to make time for family and people that you love..'
See I told you he'll preach. I rolled my eyes, "I have a crisis I need to fix dad. There's a mix up with Sunday's event. Can I please talk to you later on..."
'do call me.. because if I call you again, it will be to tell...'
"...Me to open the gate.. just let me fix this dad.. please okay..."
'I love you honey...' and he hung up.
I sighed and was about to put my phone away when it started to ring. It was my wife.
I put the phone on silent and took my office phone to make calls.
I started with my friend at SABC and told her the event is still going and I need her to help me tell people that.
I honestly wanted to get to the bottom of this and know who was responsible for trying to drag down my company's name.
I called my guys and then met up with Olwethu by thr reception, "we need to go...."
"Boss..." Jeremy said and I looked at him, "yes.."
"It will be okay. The event will go on pretty well..."
I looked at Olwethu who looked freaked out still and smiled, "Don't worry.. Sunday will be amazing.."
"Can we go... if we want Sunday to be amazing we need to know who's after this..." the little girl said cutely and I smiled, "let's go..."
We walked silently to the elevator and it took us down to my car.
I looked at her as we drove outside of Sandton, "you okay Kid?"
She nodded, "just.. yeah, I'm still shock.. and I don't know what will happen.. who is after this."
"We will meet my guys there, they will be on top of this. I'll honestly know who's fucking my company up and they'll pay for it."
She smiled, "I almost lost it. I was about to send in my resignation letter and go stay in Namibia.."
I laughed, "wooow... well that ain't happening... Thank God..."
She smiled wider and I did too.
Soon we were at the venue. I got out and she followed.
"Can I talk to Nokubonga.."
"Speaking.. Mrs Louw, I have everything that Ms Lin requested.. the numbers and the name.. even the voice call since we record all our calls..." the lady said and I smiled, this was going to be fucken easy.
"Wow I am so impressed, my guys will be here any..."
"Vee.. how are you babe?" My friend Tony appeard and I opened my arms for him, "heey how are you?"
"I'm good... so this is Nokubonga she'll give you everything you need.. please leave no stone unturned.. I wanna know everything about this person and why they went after my company but more especial Olwethu's project. If the internet gives you what they were eating 10 years ago and you think it's important.. report it to me... understand..?"
"Yes ma'am.. I'm on it.." Tony said nodding his head and I found Olwethu looking at me. She looked so taken or amazed or whatever.
"Kid. You good?"
She nodded and swallowed, "yeah.. I'm.. yeah good.."
"Are you sure? What's on your mind?"
"A lot I rather not say..."
I ached my brow but she begged me with her eyes and I knew that maybe I shouldn't ask any further, I mean we kissed but haven't talked about it yet.. so she was right, I understood, there was a lot.
"Cool, so, want me to like take you back to the office so we can head home.. it's past six..."
She cleared her throat, "you know what that means right.."
I laughed, "separate homes...I meant.. ha.ha.."
"Yeah.. let's do that.."
The drive was a little bit awkward but we lived through some awkward shit before. So I dropped her off by the office and went back to my place.
I was a bit worried but I kept my shit together for Olwethu.. so that she couldn't panic. But I was worried and wanted to know who was fucking with me and my company.
I took a bath and went to bed. An empty bed. This was becoming a habit. Either I'll get home early or Zai would. It was never the same time coz we ended up fighting.
Since I needed more strength for tomorrow. I slept. A lot of damage control needed to happen tomorrow.
I was woken up by my phone ringing. I opened my eyes and took it without checking the caller, "what?"
'for this you have to wake up...'
It was Tony.
I got up unto a sitting position and turned to my wife's side of the bed. She was here.. I soon heard the shower going off.. ahh she's bathing.
"Hey Tony.. I'm up..."
'open your lap top.. go on whatsapp..'
I got up and went to my bag then took out my laptop then did as I was instructed.
"I'm in Tony... what am I looking at?"
'I need you to calm down and then slowly read what I just forwarded you. Please sit down.. because shit is about to hit home...' then he hung up.
I took in one deep breath and got my ass ready for whatever Tony sent.
I felt like my head was going to explode as I went through the document.. the texts and everything I was seeing. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. This wasn't true. It couldn't be.
I looked at my lap top thinking what the fuck... and hoping that all this shit was going to change what I was seeing. Somehow I didn't want it to be true.
Zai walked in and came to stand next to my side..
I slowly turned and looked at her, not knowing where to even begin.. Do I ask about now or about eleven years ago? Do I even know the woman I married? Who was this next to me?
She ached her brows at me, "oh so at seven in the morning on a Saturday, you're on your lap top and phone.. chatting to your bitch Olwethu again?"
Without even thinking, I got up, turned around and gave her a backslap... she stumbled backwards and hit the ground with a yelp.
I stood up and walked towars where she was still looking at her. I tried to look for the girl I married, the girl I loved back in high school.. but I couldn't see her.. I could not even identify the person in front of me.
She cried, "Valentia what's wrong... what are you doing?"
I thought about bitchslapping her again but I stopped myself. She looked terrified. I didn't blame her though. I have never done this.. we fought before but it never got to this point.. but what she did was beyong anything and she deserved so much more than what I just did.
She held her cheek, "Valentia what the hell!"
"I understand you coming to my office and embarrassing me in front my employees acting like a crazy jealous bitch.. but to try and ruin my fucken company Zai.. the company that I built from scretch with my sweat and blood... the fuck do you get the strength to do that??"
She shook her head and wiped her tears, "I didn't do anything..."
"You didn't.. what? you... what Zai? You'll still lie right into my face? 7 fucken years of marriage and you're going to lie to me like this?" After saying this I laughed, "oh.. why am I even surprised, you have been lying to me this whole fucken marriage.."
Then I left her there to actually try and go take a bath but she followed.
"Baby... Valentia please.. please... I'm not perfect okay, I've done some shitty things... but I love you okay, I really love you please...try and understand.."
"Understand what Zai...? That you've done nothing but be a bitch ass to me???? I've done nothing but treat you like a queen Zai... and the only thing you did was fucken treat me like a fucken pussy and an idiot. I never ever laid my hand on you until today because I just realized that I don't even fucken know the person I married...... and to think you been acting like a fucken angel and judged me for sleeping with Olwethu while you was fucking someone else.. and had been for a fucken year before I even knew Lin existed....."
She went quiet and looked at me with horror written in her eyes.. She just realized that I know everything now.. everything...
I shook my head, "this whole fake marriage arrangement shit ends today, right now to be exact.... I don't ever wanna see you again.. I want you to take your shit and get the fuck out of my house..."
"But Valentia, Where should I go..."
I laughed, fucken laughed because she was just hilarious, "You've got plenty of options honey, you've got Gail, your lover of six years and Samantha whom you just met a few months ago... I don't care who you pick between them, but all I know is that I don't want you here.. get your shit and get out of my house..."
I couldn't believe what was happening. My life felt like a big ass movie and to be honest, all this was just overwhelming.
I mean yeah my marriage to Zai was an arrangement I knew that. But for her to do all this and then try and make me out to be the bad person.
She was fucked up and I realized that I don't even know her at all.
I met up with Tony during the day and it confirmed that Zai and Gail were actually behind the launch being cancelled.
After a long ass day I went back home. I needed a full bath and to sleep everything off. I didn't need to actually be thinking about my soon to be ex wife and how she played me.
When I got home. I was welcomed by my father.
"Daddy... how did you get in?" I asked after opening the main door and he walked to me,
"Valentia, I didnt raise no abuser..."
Fuck! I should have known that bitch would run to my dad..
"No!" He yelled, "you do not hit a woman.. I did not raise you to lay your hand on anyone no matter what? How could you do this! Zai is your wife..."
"Soon to be ex wife...." I blurted out and he shot his eyes wide open at me.
I shook my head tirelessly, "I'm tired of living my life for other people, I'm tired of living my life to please you daddy... It is high time I put myself first now...because in trying to live my life for you I sacrificed my happiness.."
"Is this about the seventeen year old who's now working for you?"
"Is that what she told you daddy? Did she ome running to you and tell you about Olwethu..."
He sighed, "honey you didn't have to hire her and have her working for you, you know. I know you love that child, but You could have just had her on the side and make sure that Zai doesn't find out.."
"Until when daddy? So I have to live a double life to try and make you and everyone else happy BUT me?"
"This kid is back in the picture Valentia and you are hitting your wife..."
"Did she tell you why I hit her? Did she tell you about what she fucken did.. I'm not talking about what she did two months or years ago I'm talking about what she did a few weeks ago... and last fucken night, what she did last night to me daddy!..."
"Whatever she did I'm sure you can work it out.. married isn't a walk in the park Vee, we all have problems but it doesn't mean hit or run every time we encounter them....
I shook my head and sat down, clearly he was clueless about this, "she's different.. she has come out to be this selfish person I don't even knoe.. she's not the person I married dad.. she's been playing this huge ass angel in your eyes wheres she's got some big ass secrets and she's taking me for a fool...I've been putting off my happiness outside to be with a woman who's been fucking me over... I know I messed up but do I deserve this shit.."
"Honey calm down..."
"I did everything for her, the first three years of our marriage, I did everything and she was fucking a Gail that time. I meet Olwethu and can't control what happens and she flips... she acts like I betrayed her in the most possible way.. you know dad I looked at her this morning, I looked at her trying to find the girl I loved but she was nowhere.. Zai tried to sabotage Olwethu and by dragging my company to the mud. You know I looked at her and asked myself if I even knew her from the start..."
My father's look. He could feel my pain, he understood where I was coming from.
I shook my head and looked at him, "I'm divorcing Zai dad and there's nothing anyone or you can do about it..."
Then I left him there.