I closed the door and pushed her against the wall roughly. She groaned when she felt my lips on her neck..
"Fuck... I missed you..." she whispered while trying to pull up my dress but I pushed her hands away.
"Olwethu.." she whined and I laughed on her neck, "just let me first..."
I snuck my hand inside her pants and was welcomed by warmth.
"You're wet.."
"You're kissing me and that's turning me on!" She said in a dah tone.
I laughed while moving my hand up and down her clit making her sigh and flunch a bit.
I moved the finger faster and without a warning I quickly penetrated her and she stopped breathing for a bit. I removed my lipss from her neck and looked at her..
"Are you okay?"
"Fuck..." she whispered and I started fucking her.
"God right there...."
I kept going like she asked me to. Pumping my fingers in and out of her.
Soon, her breathing changed as she pulled me tight against her. I pushed her hard against the wall and kissed her neck.
"Fuck..." she sighed before letting out a groan as she had her orgasm. She pulled my face and kissed me, quickly deepening it. I pulled her waist against my body and kissed her like hell...
She pulled away, "fuck.. that was quick..."
I laughed and kissed her cheeck, "it's just me... admit it.."
She tried to push me off but I held on, "say it.. it's me."
"Go f..." I cut her off by connecting our lips... She moaned in the kiss and I pushed her towards the table now..
My hands were now on the hem of her trousers again and this time around I wanted her totally out of them..
She stopped me, "hey tiger.. slow down.."
I laughed, "I just made you cum, and now you tell me to slow down.."
She laughed, "what is it with you.."
I burried my head on her neck, "I missed you..."
She connected our lips... "then please don't go.."
I furrowed my brows at her, "what? There's work tomorrow you know.. we both have to be at work.."
"I know...but please stay with me." she whined making me laugh.
"Do you know how cute you are..." I whispered on her ear making her body shiver..
"Fuck... Olwethu don't do this... you're killing me.."
I smiled, "then let me fuck you..."
God after saying that something hit me. I knew this was wrong in so many levels. But I didn't know what to do anymore... I just had to. My feelings were fucking me up and I had to do this.. It was the only way I'd cope.
So I deepened the kiss and she allowed me to take over. I pushed her trousers down and she helped me take them off.. I lifted her on top of thr table and without breaking the kiss...
"You really missed me huh?" She whispered after a little moan and I sighed... This was wrong.. This was really wrong and I hated it...
I pulled away and looked at her.... She held the zip on my back and slowly unzipped it. Removed the dress over my shoulder.
"God you look hot...in a dress.."
I laughed rolling my eyes, "Let's take this to your bedroom..."
I was woken up by a phone call.. I took it quickly and answered, "what?"
'are you fucken sleeping at work with a raspy voice?' Precious said on the other side of the phone and I cursed under my breath. I was supposed to text them but I got caught up and was surprisingly asked to stay over the night..
"Umm Precious... I can't talk right now..." I whispered mot wanting to wake up the person next to me.
'Olwethu you are not doing what I'm thinking... please fucken tell me it's not what I'm thinking...'
"Okay.. it's not what you're thinking.."
'what the fuck.. where are you?'
"In Sandton..."
'Olwethu please tell me you're not with Valentia... please..'
I turned to look at the girl laying naked behind me, "Precious I can't talk right now..."
'Olwethu...' she warned and now she sounded a bit pissed.
"Could you relax... I'm with Paige.. okay.. I don't want to wake her up.. so can I go now..."
She sighed, probably in relief, 'thank fuck.. for a second I thought you was with Vee.. sleep well and we really need to talk..'
I sighed, "I have to go Precious..."
I hung up and turned back. Paige was still sleeping. Must be exhausted after thee sex we had.
I got back in bed and now was fucken awake. My mind kept me up and the guilt hit me for what I did.
After that little pause moment I had with Valentia I immediately left and came to Paige's place.
In works to try and forget Valentia I came here. Which was now eating me up. I was using this poor woman. Paige was great and I was using her as a distraction.
This was wrong, I shouldn't be doing it but there was no other way. I didn't want to make the same mistake. I didn't want to give in to my true desires because they came at a price last time. A heartbreak that actually messed me up. I wasn't ready to go through that again. I just couldn't survive it now, so staying away was the best option.
"Who was that?" Paige whispered and I turned to look at her, she had her back on me so I just rested my hand on her figure, "it's Precious, sorry for waking you up. I didn't text them that I'm sleeping over. So she was really worried."
My alarm woke me up... I groaned and opened my eyes. Fuck... I was tired.
"Please make it stop..." Paige said in a raspy voice and I did.
"What time is it?"
"Shit... you do know we are in Sandton and you said you work here... so you don't have to wake up this early..."
I smiled, I had forgotten that, "well thank you for reminding me. I can now go back to sleep."
She turned around to face my and rested her head on my naked chest, "or..." she took my nipple to her mouth and I gasped because of the suddenness..
"We can do this to pass the time.."
I smiled and bit my lower lip, "now this is interesting..."
"Shit... so I have a shoot at Alpha Media today..." Paige said putting on her dress and I was fixing my hair. The name sounded so fucken familiar but I don't know where I'd seen it from.
"Where's that?"
"Not far from here... down Katherine Street.."
Shit... I was working down Katherine street too..
"Umm... I'm going to L.V.P House.."
"Louw Valentia Publishing House?" She asked and I furrowed my brows at her, "you know the place..?"
She laughed, "we going to the same building.. A.M is there... this is funny.. so you work for Valentia...?"
I cleared my throat since it was becoming dry, "You know her.."
"Just met her a few times when I was going to do a shoot there... she and her wife.. Vee is hot, but darn her wife is flames.."
My mood suddenly changed totally, I got up and took mt bag, "look we have to go.. I don't wanna be late.."
"Ok..ay.." she said sounding confused and I didn't have time to fucken talk because Zai... fuck...
"Can you take me with.. I think it would be stupid to take two different cars going to one place.."
"Get your staff..."
She did so silently and I went downstairs in the parking lot and drove out. She came in and joined me..
"Relax you won't be late okay..."
I nodded and started driving. Thing is I wasn't worked up about being late. I was worked up about Valentia and what got to me more was the fact that I'm putting Paige in the equation too.. making her Jasmine. It made me feel like shit..
"You're awfully quiet..."
I sighed, "just thinking about this dress of yours and how much work I have."
She laughed, "the dress actually looks sexier on you.. and well you can always come over tonight so I relieve work stress you know."
I looked at her and smiled. She didn't deserve this. She really was sweet.. she didn't deserve my fucked up ass.
I went to my parking spot and we made our way upstairs. I was praying that I don't see Valentia coz I bet it would be crazy awkward.
We went to the elevator and luckily it was just me and her... The moment it closed she pushed me again its walls and kissed me. I kissed her back until se reached 8th floor and the doors opened.
She pulled away, "fuckkkkkk... you are killing me. Now I'm wet."
I laughed and tried to get out. I was surprised by a hand pulling me. I turned and she kissed my cheek, "remember you can always come back to relieve all the work stress.. I'm about to be stressed too up there."
I laughed, "you'll be late Paige."
"Fuck.. okay bye.."
She then let got on my hand and I turned to see Valentia and Jeremy looking at me. Shit... they saw that..
When I approached the main door Valentia said something to Jerry and then disappeared to her office.
I turned around to look behind me and found that they saw everything that happened when Paige stopped me. They saw her kiss me if they were looking. Shit.. why the fuck did these doors have to be glass..?
"Hey Jeremy.." I said and the guy gave me a look, "why the fuck didn't you tell me you like pussy? And who's that hottie who was dropping you off. You know girlfriends are allowed to visit as long as there'll be more than one..."
I laughed. This guy was an idiot.
"Jeremy.. do I have any message..?"
"Yes.. boss lady emailed you something and she wants feedback at 8..."
I looked at my watch, "Jeremy it's 7:30 and we don't start working until 8 how does she expect what she's expecting..."
He shrugged, "she wants it... so other than that she just told me she wants to see progress today..."
"Oh..?" I said and he smiled.
I shook my head and headed to my office. When I opened my email, it was there, sent 10 minutes ago.. I opened it and read the passage. I was supposed to fix it and then give out suggestions. Something that would need over the 30 minutes I was given.
I put my phone on the table and started reading what was sent to me slowly. I read it for about five times for it to make sense then I made it my own..
I wrote it down and then gave out a few suggestions to make it go well and right before 8 am I submitted.
Then I went back to my manuscripts. I already found three promising books and I never told Vee about..maybe she wanted that feedback.
Around 11 my phone vibrated.. and I looked at it.
PAIGE: So, I bet you are a thousand busy, just finished my shoot and I was craving to see you. But it's okay, I might see you tonight.. so byeee and do work well...??
I laughed before responding..
ME: I'm glad you're done and hes God you should see my work. It's giving me a headache.. so I'll see you some other time, not today.. ??...
The second I went back to reading my door opened. I furrowed my brows at Valentia.. so now we don't knock anymore?
"Umm.. sorry, I just wanted feedback on the manuscripts and if something is coming up.." She said and I nodded, "umh.. yeah I've read I don't know how many and I have now 8 that I'm actually going to read from start to finish..."
She furrowed her brows, "so you haven't finished anything at all?"
"No I don't do like that, it would waste my time..."
"Oh really.. you seem to have plenty of time..."
I just sat there and looked at her, I didn't know what to say or think. She was just sounding like the bitch teacher she was to me back then.
"I'm doing this my way... I'll get it done.."
"Your way seemes to be taking a lot of time. And we don't have that, we have a month and three weeks to announce the winners..."
I sighed and tried to calm down, I should calm down before I bitch around, "I'll be done way before that I promise.."
She laughed and turned around, "yeah once you stop smiling at your phone." And then she closed the door.
Bitch! I thought and went back to reading...
It was around 4pm when my phone rang and Vee summoned me to her office.
When I went past the reception Jeremy was getting ready to leave..
"Dudeeee.. you were going to leave without saying bye like yesterday.."
He laughed, "sorry, I was going to.. but then my boyfriend was bugging me. I love you okay.."
I rolled my eyes, "bye..."
"Goodluck, she realy sounded moody as fuck.. maybe she's on her periods.."
Shit.. moody.. I wasn't in the mood.
I knocked and went in..
"You needed me?"
She nodded her head and looked at her screen, "what is this?"
I walked to her and stood behind her then squinted my eyes to her screen. It was two errors from the document I had to fix earler today..
"Ohh umh, sorry, let me fix that.."
"Really Olwethu? Where's your mind.. where was it when you were doing this."
"It was there.. mistakes happen Valentia.."
"I cannot afford to make mistakes.. I can't.."
"It's exactly why you are here Valentia.. to help fix my mistakes.."
"I am not on this seat to fucken do that. But you, you were hired to do this job and give it your all. I don't want to see stupid errors like this. Start working lile people in your position would." She snapped.
I sighed, I didn't want to argue, worse with her. So I nodded, "sorry boss. It will never happen again."
She looked at me.
"Is that all?"
"Yes.. what did you think?"
God! She really was fucken moody.
"Alright Mrs Louw.." I said and left her, not even waiting to hear her response.
She was pissing me off. Being bitchy on me again. Everyone makes mistakes I wasn't the first one. She needed to relax and let me do my work well.
When I got home I was tired as fuck. Susan and I were hardly talking because I was still mad at her. We only talked when needed and she apologized twice. I was still thinking about it. I mean seeing Valentia everyday was just torturous and knowing Susan let me go there knowingly was pissing me off.
I cooked pasta since these idiots didn't cook.
When Precious got home she was all smiley..
"Don't even try a way to cook your way into my good books. We still have to talk about the shit you are doing and we have to talk about how unfair you are to Paige."
I sighed. This talk I wasn't ready for but I knew my responsible friend was about to tell me ish.
"Precious not now please..."
"You're fucken using Paige.. tell me what happened at work before you went to see the girl.."
I cleared my throat, "nothing.."
"And you expect me to fucken believe that?"
"Okay fine.. Jesus Precious she and I just had a moment. Vee and I almost kissed or something.. maybe I was losing my mind.. but yeah we had a moment and I stopped myself from making the biggest mistake ever again."
"And you went and created another mistake.. like dude.."
"I'll talk to Paige and tell her I'm not in for a relationship.. just can you stop this coz I know I fucked up and Valentia is pissed at me."
My bestie furrowed her brow, "why?"
"Either because I almost kissed her last night or because Paige kissed me and she saw.."
"Fuuuuuck really?"
Precious laughed, "serves her right that she saw. She should know that even though she has your heart she still has competition.."
I rolled my eyes, "she doesn't have any competition because this heart literally beats for her. Since she's been back in the picture I'm able to feel again.."
"And It's thanks to me... even though you're still mad at me." Susan joined in and I sighed, "both of you leave me alone... Valentia is fucking up with me.."
They laughed.. later I dished up and they were all good.
My weekend was pretty busy I felt bad since I didn't even have time to talk to Paige.
I took work home and I was surprised that I actually concentrated and did pretty good.
When I went back to work on Monday I reported to Valentia who was still acting weird or off towards me.. but I didn't care.. I was just doing my job.
Tuesday was the same. Valentia was on my neck and I was hardly talking to Paige. She texted and my response was I'm busy and I'll call her later.
Later I didn't call.
On Wednesday during lunch my phone rang..
"Yes Jeremy..."
'your lunch is delivered...' ge ssid sounding so happy.
Lunch? I don't remember any lunch I ordered.
"Jeremy I didn't order lunch.. must be a mistake.."
'this one has your name all over it and it's already paid for.. so should I send the person in.. it's yours I promise..'
I sighed feeling defeated, "Okay.. show them my office.."
I put my phone down and waited for the delivery guy... only when I looked at the door as someone knocked. It was not a delivery boy...
The girl opened the door and walked in with a bag of steers in her hands. I smiled, "really?"
She nodded biting her lower lip, "I hope I'm not annoying you or being too much..this isn't even about how good you fuck me. You just work a lot and deserve something to eat.."
I laughed getting up. I hugged her, "and how do you know I'm not getting something to eat.."
"I'm with A.M for two weeks, so I been seeing.. you really need to eat."
I took the bag and went to sit down, "sit down.. thank you Paige.. thank you a thousand times.."
"You're welcome.. and I'm glad to know I don't annoy you."
"You do a little bit, bit it's goo annoying not the bad one. So be lucky you're a hot model and you kiss well."
She looked up and on the sides, "shit.. there's cameras, I actually came to get a kiss than to give you food.."
I laughed, "boss is watching.."
"Let's give her a show.."
I laughed more and opened my good, "stop being naughty... God Paige thank you for the food..."
The door opened and I knew who it was already, I mean she didn't knock anymore so I was used to her.
"Olwethu I meed you to stay a bit late so..." she stopped talking when her eyes met with Paige..She then looked at me and I couldn't read her facial expression, it was blank.
"Yes boss... you were saying..?"
"Hi.. Paige..." then she turned to me, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a visitor..."
I shrugged, "Paige was just..."
"Leaving..." Paige cut me off, "enjoy your food babe and I'll see you later or weekend..."
"Don't leave on my account.. I can always come back later.."
Paige smiled, "nooo.. I'll see her anyways so don't worry, I need to go now." And then she was gone.
I swallowed. Wooow... one would swear I'm married to Paige now.
We were left looking at each other now and not saying anything at all. Vee looked like she wanted to say something or ask..
So I gave her a way, "ask..."
"You can ask what you want to ask.."
"You and Jasmine broke up?" She blurted out and then seemed to be regretting it.
I thought that was personal but I answered, "a year after the whole you leaving thing we broke up..."
She nodded, "oh okay..."
Then we looked at each other again. The awkwardness was building in.
"So boss lady, you wanted?"
"I needed to discuss a few things with you later if you can stay behind.. if you don't have other plans..."
"Oh okay.. I'll be here.."
She nodded, "how many manuscripts do you think you have left?"
"About /- 45..."
"Woooow.. I'm impressed.."
"I had to pull my socks up. Could not stand being called to my boss's office and..."
"Got it.. sorry about that day, I was a bit bitchy..."
"A bit?" I asked and she suddenly became serious, "don't push it Lin, I'm apologizing."
"Sorry Mrs Louw.."
That pissed her off. She turned on her heals and left.
Fuck! She was sexy when mad.
I took my burger and started eating. Paige was a sweetheart.
Later on I was here as asked to be. And we were actually working very well and she hadn't bitched on me. She was just weird.. like off in a weird way.
We kept on reading what was left and I'd find her looking at me..
I sighed after an hour of doing that..
"Valentia what's wro..."
"Paige... is she your girlfriend?" She blurted out and I immediately saw regret after she uttered that.
I ached my brow, "isn't that a bit..."
"Nevermind.. don't mind me.. I'm sorry I asked.. sorry..." she mumbled and I looked at her confused.
Why the fuck was she acting like this?