Her heart pounded wildly and her palms became sweaty as she stared at the man before her, she couldn't think, her eyes still wide and her body frozen. he was here, with his stupid smirk, standing in front of her. alive. how was this possible? she saw the photos of his funeral. he died in the fire, that's what mia thought but why did the Italian mafia created this? to protect the heir again? all this time he was alive? why didn't he visit her?
Did he still love her as she loves him? Did he also blame her for his mother's death? was she hallucinating the whole thing? am I crazy? she thought, looking around her, catching her cousins glaring at him, so Yael and Cian saw the blonde too, so she was not going crazy.
"you look beautiful Emelia," he says letting go of her hand. "wh-hat?" she stammers looking at Niklaus.
he smirks at her, the same smirk which made her heart flutter and caused butterflies in her stomach. "Nik," she says louder blinking back her tears." wait for Nik as in Nik Nik?" Yael whispers to mia, snapping her out of her thoughts.
he was here, right in front of her but she couldn't help but feel something off. but she was confused why Nik hadn't contacted her. she nods keeping her eyes on her past lover. "how? why didn't you tell me you were alive?" she asks surprise evident in her voice. Mia felt a bundle of happiness inside of her, she didn't lose him, the love of her life. she tried to date again or even have a fling, but she couldn't do it, not without him occupying her thoughts or comparing him with others, how his touch caused fireworks and others didn't even phase her a bit.
he frowns "we knew each other?" he asks raising his brow. Mia tilts her head studying Nik. his hair was in his usual messy hair, stubble beard on his sharp jawline. his beautiful forest green eyes were cold and emotionless. his eyes which once were filled with light were now dark. she could not read his expressions like before, what happened which changed him so much. nothing less he still looked like a Greek God.
"yeah we dated, we were so in love," mia says to him keeping her emotions at bay and ignoring her lust-filled thoughts.
she has to be strong, she was not the same mia anymore, the naive, jolly and innocent mia was gone, and replaced with a murderer, she remembered the first time she killed a man, who raped countless women and had a massive sex trafficking business, she cried to sleep that day but later she became stronger, mature, she knew how to keep her emotions in, she didn't trust anyone easily. a new person means a new threat.
"are you making things up now?" he asks looking at her amused. she rolls her eyes" why would I make things up! we dated" she argues and Nik rolls his eyes "no we didn't" he says with a smirk watching mia getting angrier. "yes we did! stop with the games Nik!" mia says annoyed, trying to control herself from punching the blonde idiot.
how dare he show up after years and act as nothing happened, and ignore her all these years! she waited for him for many days dreaming to be in his arms again, she missed him, his smile, his smirk, his kisses, his sweet talk, arrogant self, she missed how his hands ran through her body, his lips, his soft hair, his eyes, she missed every bit of him.
she was mourning him, she was in pain but not once he contacted her, to tell her he was breathing, she didn't care of he hated her and blamed her for his mother's death but at least he could have told her he was not dead.
the sadness turned into anger and she could feel her ears turn red and blood boil, she was furious at him, how dare he abandon her! "what?" he asks raising his perfect eyebrow. she rolls her eyes annoyed.
"you are still so annoying! are you seriously acting like we are never dated!" she snaps at him. he laughed amused, mia glared at him crossing her arms. "Wow, a lot of girls hit on me, but this is epic," he says his eyes filled with humor. Mia rolls her eyes at him, tired of his dramatics. "you-" mia starts " Niklaus!" she hears a familiar voice call, she shifts her gaze and sees Marcus run up to him with a panicked look, his eyes shift to mia, her eyes widen along with his.
she opens her mouth but he cuts her off with a bow "hello, princess Emelia, it's an honor to meet you!" he says and mia nods awkwardly at her past best friend. she looks back at Nik who gives her a half-smirk. "may I have a dance with you princess?" Nik asks and mia nods taking his hand. whispers start around the room and men and women clear the way for the couple.
Nik bows to Mia as she curtsies, she puts her left hand up, holding eye contact with him, he puts his right hand up, facing her palm, inches from touching her soft hand. they circle each other, Mia could hear the music playing faintly, her eyes fixed on him, his green eyes holding an emotion she couldn't read. she puts her right hand up facing his left palm, they circle again, never breaking eye contact. they put their both hands up, facing each other's palm, careful not to touch and circle again. the pair stop and mia let out a gasp as he pulls her closer, his hand rested on her waist. she puts her hand on his shoulder while holding her other hand with his.
the couple dance, forgetting the surroundings, never taking their intense gaze on one other, she felt like she couldn't breathe, he was so close to her, she could smell his minty breath mixed with some alcohol, his body was warm and mia felt like it was just two of them, she loved that she was close to him again but she wanted to be closer, Mia didn't want the dance to end, millions of thoughts crossed over her mind as she danced with him. she leaned forward resting her head on his chest as they dance in the center of the ballroom. soon the song came to an end and mia pulled away doing a curtsy.
Nik opens his mouth but suddenly Marcus appeared, he whispers something in his ear causing him to glare at him, he glares back then looks at mia. she watched the exchange with a raised brow "I'm so sorry, but I have to take care of some business il Mio more I will promise to make it up to you." he says kissing her cheek.
she couldn't help but blush even though she wanted to choke him at the moment. he was leaving her again! she wanted to hit herself for being so weak, but he was her weakness. she calms herself and keeps an emotionless face even though her heart was pounding. Nik gives her one last look, before leaving, she breaths out, watching his retreating figure.
Mia gapes watching him leave. she didn't understand anything, why was he behaving like this? he just came and danced with her and left without an explanation. she wanted to know what happened during the attack, why didn't he contact her. answers which she can get is from Marcus. she rolls her eyes as he tries to sneak away, he grips his collar and pulls him with her to where her cousins were standing.
Mia could feel two pairs of eyes across the room which in no doubt were her brothers. she didn't care if she was causing a scene, Mia needed answers. "what the fuck is going on?" Mia asks and he gulps nervously as mia glares at him. "and who is this?" Yael asks. "my best friend," she says not sparing him a glance. "well" she snaps at him, making his eyes "hello to you too how are you doing? I'm good," he remarks making mia glare harder.
"MARCUS" she hisses angrily at him, her patience was running thin and she didn't want to spill any blood on her gown. he sighs running his hand through his hair. "mia, he lost his memory," he says sadly, making her gasp "wh-hat?" she asks not believing him. he forgot about her. "he doesn't remember even coming to New York, he doesn't remember you mia" he then explains everything which happened in 5 years.