she moved her body to the song, a smirk on her lips as she felt eyes on her. she wore a Black Glitter Plunge Sleeveless Sequins Dress, it hugged her body tightly, showing her curves and reached her mid-thigh, showing her long legs, a mask rested on her face, shielding anyone to look at her face except her eyes. an arm wrapped around her from behind making her grind her hips to the person, she turned around to look at the person she was dancing with, cold green eyes filled with lust stared back at her. her target. "hey beautiful" the man says pulling her closer, mia smirks wrapping her hands along his neck and pulling him close. "Hola Hermoso" (hello handsome) mia replies in a seductive voice.
the man smirks, his hand wandering down her ass. mia glanced around making eye contact with sam,
he sends a wave, making her roll her eyes at him. sam short for Samuel, he was slightly new in the gang, he worked in the tracking chamber and was pretty good at it, he never did many missions. he was next to a brunette who was blabbing something to him. he was wearing a white button-up shirt and dark jeans, a few buttons were undone, displaying his chest.
"how about we get out of here baby?" the man whispers in her ears. mia smirks to herself and looks at him with a nod. he leads her out and mia quickly turns towards the bar and sends a nod to cian, her cousin. he was in an all-black outfit. the pair made their way to the dark hallway, where couples were either making out or people getting high, she pushed him against the wall and pulled him in a kiss, he groaned and mia tried not to throw up at the taste of alcohol and some drug.
she swiftly removed her small knife, holding it in her palm, she let out a gasp as he switched places caging her with a smirk, mia smiles at him "ave atque vale" ( Hail and farewell) she whispers to him making his eyes widen before he could reach his gun mia jabs him in the neck, a choked gasp escapes from him and she pushes him off as he falls on the ground. "Te dije que esperaras" (I told you to wait) she hears cian say as he runs up them followed by Yael and sam. she removes her mask and leans against the dirty wall. Yael was her other cousin, he was not cold towards her when they first met on her birthday, compared to cian who grew closer to her during her time of recovery. he was wearing a navy blue suit with a black shirt. Yael rolled his eyes at cian and ran his hand through his hair. sam gagged at the blood and turned the other way, puking. mia bent down and ripped out her knife harshly and he laid dead, blood surrounding him. she wiped the blood away on his shirt and stood up.
"do you have to be that nasty?" sam asked wiping his mouth with a sleeve. she rolled her eyes walking back to Yael. "she went easy on him" Yael stated his greenish-blue eyes shining under the lamp post. "I got it" cian stated showing a Pendrive. "let's go home," mia says walking towards the parking lot, messaging the clean-up team. she took a seat in the back, with sam who smelled like vomit. "we are not taking you again" mia stated cringing at the smell." why?" sam asks and Yael turns to look at him from the passenger seat "so you don't puke and make the rest of the ride home smelly," Yael says sending him a glare. "but- sam starts but seeing a glare from cian he cuts himself off.
Cian always had a scowl on his face, the blue-eyed and dark browned haired man had lost his family at a young age, he mostly worked field missions, along with mia, his glare sent chills down the spine but mia was able to crack down his hard exterior. "sliver rose will do some shit again" Yael says glancing at mia. "it will be fine, Enzo will take care of it" mia says, she looks at Yael "have a gum?" she asks still feeling the taste of the man she killed while ago. "here" he says passing her one, sam snatches it out of her hands, mia scoffs as he pops the gum in his mouth. "I puked," he says feeling her stare.
Her phone rings and mia rolls her eyes and cuts the call. "Javier?" Yael asks and mia nods, Cian sighs "you have to talk to him you know," he says and she rolls her eyes as they park in front of the Rodrigez family mansion. "yeah, right," mia says rolling her eyes, she gets out of the car, slamming the door close. mia walks towards the entrance, the guard's bow downed to her as she walked past them, not sparing a glance.
"hermanita" she hears Javier call and takes a sharp breath, she turns around with a fake smile, which can be recognized from miles. "brother," mia says and he sighs walking up to her. "look, I'm sorry but I fucked up and we can't go back now," he says and mia rolls her eyes walking up to Enzo's office. she opens the door not bothering to knock, to be met with the sight of her brother and a brunette, the brunette was on top of him, and Enzo groaning in pleasure.
"ew" she groans in disgust and looks away as the girl and her brother cover-up. "you should learn to knock," Enzo says with a glare. "you should learn to lock the doors"mia retorts looking back at Enzo, sighing in relief seeing him clothed. "So, did you kill him?" Enzo asked as mia took a seat, mia nodded "I have to go check up everyone at the medical wing" the brunette says, mia studies her, she was pretty with pricing blue eyes and luscious brown hair. "I will see you soon," Enzo says pecking her lips, she blushes with a smile and walks out of the room.
"what?!" Enzo asks feeling eyes on him. "since when were you fucking the doctor?" mia asks raising her brow, he rolls his eyes "language" he mutters. "well?" Javier asks taking a seat next to his sister.
"she is my girlfriend" he mutters under his breath and mia rolls her eyes "speak up Lorenzo," mia says annoyed. "she is my girlfriend," he says louder and Javier snort "I can't believe you have one," Javier says and Enzo frowns "and why is that?" he asks leaning his back to his desk. "cause you are boring" mia bluntly states going through a file. mia smirks feeling her brother glared at her, she loved annoying him. "wait! this is unfair, you are going to talk to Enzo but not me! that's unfair" Javier pouts and mia smiles sarcastically " life is unfair so man up princess" she says looking up from the file. Enzo laughs and Javier makes an offended face.
"mia" Javier whines falling on top of her, "get off me" mia snarls and she feels him shake his head "not until you forgive me," he says and mia successfully pushes him off "forgive you! because of you, I have to marry some douche leader," she says angrily. "I am sorry for that, but as long as they don't know it's you, it would be fine," Javier says with a guilty look, mia sighs "fine whatever, did you talk to Rory?" she asks placing the file back on the pile. "no," Javier says avoiding her gaze. "jav, you didn't know it wasn't your fault," mia says placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, he shakes his head tears threatening his eyes.
"look it's been 5 years, you should talk to her, you both need to grieve," mia says softly, and Javier nods wiping his tears away. mia felt a bit guilty, after all, it happened because she was kidnapped by Sebastian. "But I was so blinded with anger em, I killed my own child!" Javier exclamis getting up from his seat. she remembered how Javier cried his eyes out in her lap, he didn't deserve the pain, hell no one did. when Aurora was tortured by Javier, she was carrying his baby and when he put her in an electric chair, she lost the baby, he never felt so ashamed of himself, he was angry that he took his child's life, the blood was on his hands. "you didn't know" Enzo says with a soft look. "just talk to her" mia says getting up, "I'm gonna shower, love you guys" mia says kissing their cheek.
she walks to her room, the guards bowing to her as she walks past them her head held high, after taking a shower she sighs thighing her hair up in a messy bun. mia looked at her file, her next target.
he was a brunette and had dark brown eyes, Shane Rossi. mia quickly skimmed down his details, and bit her lip."mamá" a boy screamed running into her room, mia smiled widely and lifted the 4-year-old. "Hey Amor" (love) mia says kissing his head, she sits back on her single sofa, with the brunette in her arms, "I missed you," he says cuddling in her neck. "I've missed you too baby," she says running her hand through his shaggy hair. "what did you learn today?" mia asks with a bright smile.
"aunt brookie taught me how to draw today! I drew you!" he says excitedly, getting off her, mia smiles as he takes a crumpled paper out and shows it to her.
the drawing consisted of two red stick figures, a yellow sun, and a green cottage. mia smiled looking at the red hair. "baby mommy has black hair" she says setting him on her lap. "but-but red looks good" he says with a grin, mia rolls her eyes playfully and he lets out a yawn. "go ahead, brush your teeth, and off to bed" she says and zion whines "momma!" stomping his feet. "baby, it's your bedtime" she says picking him up and taking him in the bathroom, she sets him down and takes out his toothbrush and some paste, "momma" he says again as mia hands him the brush. "zion" she says in the same tone, he pouts but then brushes his teeth, mia smiles walking out of the bathroom, she takes the files set on the table, cleaning the mess up. mia sees a lump on the bed, covered by blankets.
she smiles "zion, baby where are you!" she says loudly walking towards the bathroom. she heard a little giggle and bit her lip. "baby where did you go?" she says walking around the room a little.
deciding to end the little game, she slowly makes her way to the bed and rips the blankets off earing a squeal, "found you" mia says ticking his sides, her beings giggling "mamá" he whines as mia kisses his cheek. mia laughs as he wipes his cheek. "you always find me" he pouts and mia smiles "well, baby I'm your mamá, and no matter what I will always find you" she says ruffling his hair.
"I want to sleep here mamá," he says making his brown eyes bigger and pulling his lips out, mia tries to resist his puppy dog look but sighs defeated. "fine, only for today baby, then you have to sleep in your own room," mia says pulling the blanket over them "thank you mamá," he says kissing her cheek and cuddling closer to her. mia smiles turning the light off, she puts her arms protectively around him and drifts off to sleep.