The Ballroom looked magical as if straight out of a fairy tale, it was mainly golden in color, looking beautiful on the white walls. soft and elegant music was playing in the room, the women were beautifully dressed in luxurious gowns and men were in suits, the dance was arranged by the Rodriguez brothers, for mia to find an ideal husband, mia hated that word, she now has to act like some goody two shoes to get a husband, maybe she could just kill the husband, and make it look like an accident, after all, she is pretty good at it. that would probably cause a war, and she remembered her promise to Enzo not to do it again.
"you are truly beautiful," the leader of the American mafia king says with a smirk, playing with her black locks. and you like a toad mia wanted to say, she bit her lip holding the retort back. but what the American mafia king said was true, mia was wearing a Gold gown which reached the floor, it hugged her figure perfectly, showing off her curvy figure, it was an Off-Shoulder Sequins, showing her collar bones. her hair was put up in an elegant bun, few strands adorning her face. mia smiled in return, she was a bit tired from the mission she went on 4 hours ago.
She still had a gun and knife stepped to her thigh, and wanted to stab his face with the sharp knife, repeatedly, she was tired of every prince or king only look at her beauty, but she knew that all the kings only wanted a trophy wife, and she didn't want to be one, she wanted to be part of the mafia, go on missions, make deals, be in charge of something, but soon she will be someone's trophy wife. mia always imagined how it would be if nik was alive, would they be married, would they still be dating? a part of her was also worried for zion, what if her soon to be husband doesn't accept him? she knew it was common for the men in the mafia to have kids before marriage but not the women.
"you look great too," mia said, she had to admit, even though she hated it, the king was quite handsome, with his messy blonde locks and heterochromia eyes, one of his eyes is blue, whilst the other is half blue-half brown, the suit he wore clung to his body, showing his muscular form. mia smirked remembering his 8-year-old son, Enzo made sure to make mia remember everything about the prince and kings of all the mafias.
"How is your son? Ezekiel right?" she asked innocently, watching his eyes darken.
"yes, he is well," he says in a firm voice, his eyes holding a hidden warning, it didn't phase her in fact it amused mia. "if you excuse me, princess," he says with a fake smile, mia curtsies with a smile, and watches with a smirk as he walks away. "are you trying to cause wars?" mia jumps hearing Elijah. "what are you talking about?" she asks her brother making her brown eyes big and innocent.
he raises his eyebrow at her, mia rolls her eyes at him, smirking to herself. "Just, because we are stronger than them, doesn't mean you piss them off," he says annoyed. Elijah sighs running his hand through his black hair "what is the number now?" he asks and mia smiles lifting her four fingers.
Elijah gasps "you pissed off four kings?" he snaps and mia shuts her eyes at the volume. "inside voices Elijah," she says giving him a look. "Emelia!" he says sternly making her pout "Eli" she whines gathering the attention of her cousin. "why are you whining?" Cian asks placing his elbow on mia's shoulder, she rolls her eyes pushing his hands off, "she provoked four kings" Elijah says shooting mia a disapproving glare, Cian smirks patting mia's head "good job cousin" he says making mia smile brightly, Elijah sighs, letting out a frustrated breath.
"you do remember what happened last time right!" Elijah says to cian who rolls his eyes at him. "that was a mistake, right mia?" he asks looking at mia who nods, "oh killing the heir was a mistake?" he asks mockingly. "yes it was" mia says crossing her arms. "oh really then how did he get a bullet in the head?" Elijah asks and mia rolls her eyes "my finger slipped" she shrugs, "You're finger slipped?!" the older brother says giving her a look. "that happens all the time" Yael says joining the conversation. Elijah glares at him, making him smile innocently.
"wow, aurora looks so pretty" cian comments, diverting the attention from mia, who gives him a thankful look. but the heir deserved it, he hurt and destroyed so many families, just like Sebastian, mia smirked remembering the days of her training where she learned torture procedure on him, she kept her promise and made him scream like a banshee.
mia then looks at the woman dressed in a beautiful red gown, which complemented her skin. Aurora, looked mesmerizing, she was a natural beauty, after all, mia could see many men and women had eyes on her, she rolls her eyes as her brother glared at everyone looking g at her lustfully. "She looks like an angel" mia comments making Elijah's eyes snap to the brunette, a faint smile forms on his lips.
"ask her for a dance" mia says bumping her shoulder to his, snapping him out of his daze. "it's alright," Elijah says tearing his gaze away from aurora. "If you don't ask her, I will she is one of the most beautiful women in the ballroom," Cian says to Elijah, who shoots him a deadly glare. rolling his eyes Elijah makes his way to Aurora. mia giggles as cian mouths whipped to her.
"so did you choose any boy toy, yet," he asks taking a glass of wine from a waiter, mia takes the fruit punch giving him a polite smile. "Nope," mia says popping the letter p, taking a sip of her drink, savoring the taste, "well, anybody caught your eye," Yael asks and mia opens her mouth, glancing around the room, she gasps her eyes widening as she sees a familiar dark blonde walk up to her, cian frowns glancing at the man who stops in front of them, mia still stunned and shocked, her mouth gape.
cian and Yael glare at the man as he bites his lip, checking his cousin out. "and you are?" cian asks the man with a glare, Yael places a protective hand around mia, earning a glare from the dark blonde, the man smirks glancing at mia, he takes her hand and kisses her on knuckles "ciao, Principessa, sono Niklaus Russo" he says in Italian, "nik" mia says tears threatening her eyes.