the next day was Wednesday four more days and then it was back to the usual life...
in the morning I saw Lilly arriving at my place early, "Why early?"
"You didn't tell me anything yesterday."
I tell him about the bet, "Are you meeting for lunch?"
"I don't know."
I send him a message. "See you at the café?"
"I'll talk to you later, I'm in a meeting.
"So?" Lilly asks.
"He can't talk. In the meantime, I'll get dressed and we'll go out.
"But I'm dressed like I was at home."
"get something out of my wardrobe, we're the same size anyway...what should I wear?" I searched and finally chose a little black dress with white trim and black pumps while I was putting on my make-up and a message came through "wait for me at the bus stop, but we're not going to the café".
"where are we going?"
"you'll see"
lilly was still there "nothing I gotta go"
"OK... you know what, bring a swimming costume so when you get back we can go swimming in the pool, because it's the last swim Dad said he's taking the water out at the end of the month."
"OK then, let's take advantage of these days before school starts!"
I'll look for a costune and put it in the bag.
"What time are you coming?"
"Around two o'clock, but I'll give you a call when I'm on my way."
so I left, but when I got to the bus stop he wasn't there, so I called him, "Where are you?"
"turn around!" I turn around and he's walking towards me in his suit, he's really handsome, I walk up to him, we kiss and he says "you look great".
"thank you"
"You can't go to the café in a dress like that"
"where are we going?" I didn't think there were any other places to eat in that area
"I'll show you"
we take a few steps and we find ourselves in front of an opaque glass window with the inscription j&j resturant we enter and it seems to enter in a mountain cottage there were several free tables so we sit down
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, very much, and I didn't think there was anything else in the area except the MC".
"I didn't even know there was Mel," said a colleague, "he confesses and I can't help asking.
"did you tell him anything?"
"I only told him that I was having lunch with a beautiful girl and he told me to come here" he said winking at me
meanwhile the waitress arrives and we order he gets pasta and I get a salad
"Won't you have something else?"
"no I ate late this morning"
when the plates arrived he told me to taste his pasta and even though I did not want to I finally had to give in.
"Eat some more"
"no I really don't want to"
the portion was generous but he ate it all
While we were eating I asked him: "How was work?"
"It was a busy morning today and it will be even busier when I get back, in fact I don't know what time I'll get back tonight".
"Well, two more days and then you rest," I said, touching his hand.
"I hope you won't come up with something for Saturday too .... wait for me here".
he said as he got up and I saw him say something to the waiter and come back immediately I looked at the phone for a moment and it was already half past one and it was time to go ....
He comes to the table and sits down quietly.
"Isn't it time to go?" he looks at the watch on his wrist and says "a few more minutes won't do any harm as I have to stay who knows until what time tonight".
at that moment the waiter arrives bringing two sweets and two coffees I couldn't do anything but eat it
"as long as he doesn't say anything to you because of me" I say tasting the cake
"oh he always has something to say but I just do my job...what are you doing in the afternoon?"
I almost felt guilty telling her ...
"I'm meeting Lilly and we're going for a swim in the pool"
"I'm almost going home with you."
"Fine with me," I said.
"yes I know but I can't" he looked at his watch again, it was almost two o'clock "we have to go!" he said, so he walked me to the bus stop and left for the office.
The afternoon with Lilly passed so quickly that he said to me "shall we do it again tomorrow?
"OK," I said, because I had nothing else to do in the afternoon.
So the next day after lunch with Roberto I went to see Lilly and we decided to do it the next day, which was Friday.
On Friday morning I was getting ready to go to my appointment when she called me but I could hear in her voice that something was wrong or maybe it was just tiredness since she had been coming home late from the office for two nights.
"What are you doing?"
"I was seeing what to wear for lunch!"
"That's why I called you!"
"Won't I see you?"
"No, not today, I'm in a meeting and I don't know what time I'll leave."
I was getting used to having lunch together and with regret I say
"Alright, never mind!"
"Do you mind?" he asks
"A little, but if you have to work, it's okay."
"I'll make it up to you! If I go out, I'll see you tonight."
"A kiss bye"
"Have a good job" I say, sending him a kiss.
I send a message to Lilly "I'll come a bit earlier today"
I eat something
I eat something on the fly and run to Lilly "why so early today?" she asks me while we were swimming in the pool
"I didn't see Roberto, he was in a meeting and says he doesn't know what time it ends".
"Of course, he's been pestering him for three days".
"How come?"
"I don't know, he used to stay late at work sometimes, but never two nights in a row. I hope he'll at least let him leave early.
I never had free time, and because I was single I didn't have the time to have a stable relationship, I spent my time in the office or at the gym, but that Sunday I took the time to look at Roberto's Facebook profile.
He had 3509 friends so I got the idea to look and see if I could find that girl's profile but nothing was there so I closed the computer I had a business dinner I could not waste time on nonsense then for a girl ...
On Monday at the office he is always the same as usual but when he came back from his lunch break he was talking to another colleague telling him about the barbecure he had done and that his girlfriend was there too he took out his phone and showed him some photos" beautiful her and this other one are the most beautiful "
"the other one is my sister".
"You must let me meet her then"
I was sure he was talking about the girl who had attracted my attention, you know, girls want to go out and have fun, all I had to do was take a little time away from him and the story would have exploded...