"But sir"
Closing my eyes, I sigh. I then reluctantly reach up and pull off my beanie, my browngreen hair tumbling down my shoulders. The class collectively gasp before erupting into snickers and whispers. I lower my head and tuck a lock behind my ears. I knew that I looked silly, but I didn't expect this big of a reaction.
My eyes scan around the classroom and reach Blake. There he was, snickering with his friend, Chase, and exchanging the occasional snarky comment that I knew was about me. When our gazes meet, Blake winks cheekily, leaning back in his seat.
I turn away immediately, blinking away the tears from my cloudy eyes. I refuse to cry. This will all blow over and everything will go back to the way it was. It's not that big of a deal. I bet I'll have a good laugh at this situation in a few years to come.
With that thought in mind, I take a deep breath and open my exercise book; ready to start the lesson.
"I'm in," I state firmly as I arrive at my lunch table. She looks at me confusedly and I elaborate, "I want to get revenge on Blake."
At my words, She's eyes lighten up and she grins, "I always knew there was a dark side to you," she cackles evilly.
All day I'd received sideway glances from the students of Worthington High; none of them bothering to hide the fact that they were gossiping about me. Even right now I'm sure at least 50 pairs of eyes are trained on me.
"Yeah, well if anyone were in my position, they'd understand."
"That bad" she sighs, and I nod my head.
"Literally everyone at the school is laughing at me and gossiping about my hair," I sigh, "I mean, people dye their hair unnatural colours all the time. I know it doesn't suit me, but still. It's mean."
"Well, come over to my house this afternoon and we'll create a masterplan."
"Can't. I have a detention after school and I don't have a car. Sorry."
"Don't say sorry, it isn't your fault," she scolds. She hates when I say sorry at unnecessary times, "Hang on, if you don't have a car, how are you gonna get home And how'd you get to school"
"Oh." I reply, "There's this thing that people use they call it public transport." I answer sarcastically, shooting her a flat look at the end.
She eyes me for a second as she munches on her salad, before swallowing and commenting, "I like grumpy you. You're entertaining."
"Fortunately for you, grumpy me will be sticking around for a while. Another 5 weeks to be exact."
"Oh brighten up," she cries, "You're living with an extremely hot bad boy"
"Who hates me," I interject.
"Yeah, and who also happens to be sneaking glances your way every two minutes," she thrusts her thumb in the direction of Blake's table and there he was; watching at me with those captivating eyes of his. I pull my gaze away from him and back to She.
"Oh I wonder why." I hum, tapping my chin thoughtfully. It was obvious he was curious as to how his whole prank had worked out.
"To see how his latest conquest is going" She offers.
"More like victim."
"You know what they say There's a fine line between love and hate," she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and I frown. I've had a terrible enough day as it is, the last thing I need is my best friend suggesting the unspeakable.
"Hey Bronte," a voice breaks me away from the stare down I'm having with She and I turn to see Max. Freaking. Douglas.
MaxFreakingDouglas is the school's quarterback. He was hot, funny, cool and a jock, so it's no surprise that he's popular But what is surprising is finding him standing before me, smiling a dimply and sheepish smile.
"Hey Max," I smile once snapping out of the daze I'm in.
"Hey. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I heard about the hair dilemma," he waves his hand around, gesturing towards my head and I chuckle.
"Yeah. Not having the greatest day, but I'll be okay," I reply, "Thank you, Max."
"No problem," he nods. After a moment of silence passes, he speaks up, "Hey, look, I'm throwing a party this weekend. Would you like to come"
I look over at She, who nods her head at me; encouraging me to say yes. I turn back to Max, "May She come"
His nervous expression morphs into a surprised one and he nods his head vigorously, "Of course."
"Saturday, starting at 9," he winks, having a lot more confidence now, "Oh, and make sure you get Blake back. The asshole deserves to be knocked down a peg or two."
I laugh, "Haha, okay." Max smiles back at me and walks away as I turn back to my lunch, realisation slowly seeping in. I've been invited to one of the most popular guys at our school's party.
Oh boy.
I've been invited to one of the most popular guys at our school's party.