I hear muffled talking outside my room and freeze as I try to make out what they were saying. I could see two shadows under the door.
« I mean, she could’ve been in the other spare bedroom. Why choose this one ? » I recognise that voice as Blake, and he sounds very irritated.
« Don’t do this here, » Marisa hushes, « I understand you’re upset, but this is the only room with an ensuite. It’s more practical. You have the main bathroom and she has the room with the ensuite. I thought you would’ve liked that. That way, you’re not in each other’s ways in the morning. »
« Bullshit, » he scoffs, « You knew I’d be annoyed, which is why you didn’t bother telling me what room she’s in until I find out now – when she’s here. »
Marisa gasps like she’s never heard Blake swear before, « Mind your language ! »
« Really ? You’re really gonna complain about my language right now when there’s a much bigger problem to discuss ? »
« You used to be such a nice, well-mannered boy, but you’re changing, Blake, and I don’t like it. »
« I’ve been like this for a while now, mom, and yet you only seem to notice and care about my behaviour now. »
« I’ve always cared, Blake. But things have been difficult for-«
« They’ve been difficult for all of us, » he snaps, « That doesn’t mean I detach myself from my family rather than care for them. »
« That’s so hypocritical of you ! » Marisa almost laughs, « You never talk to Jay or I anymore even though we’ve trying so hard lately-«
« Well you’re a little too late to try now, » he sneers, « You lost my trust the moment you weren’t there for me when-«
« Go to your room ! » Marisa snaps. It sounded like she was about to cry, « Go to your room and don’t come out until you’re ready to apologise. »
« I’m not ten anymore, you don’t get to tell me what to do. »
« Yes I do while you’re living under my roof ! »
There’s a long silence between the two of them, before I hear Blake sigh, « Screw this fucking family. »
I watch as one shadow from under the door disappears and the sound of the front door slamming shut follows shortly after. I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding in. That was intense. I hope everything’s going to be okay between them.
A tense silence settles on the house and I watch as the shadow stays by my door, frozen in place. Eventually, I hear a knock at my door, « Come in ! » I call.
Marisa pokes her head into my room, smiling a sheepish smile, « I’m sorry you had to hear that. »
« That’s alright. Are you okay ? »
Marisa sighs, « Not exactly, but we’ll figure it out. Fights like this in our house aren’t uncommon, but we do end up reconciling. Blake’s fine when he’s not in a bad mood. »
I nod my head in understanding, « Good luck with it all. »
« Thanks, » she breathes, « And again, I’m so sorry Bronte. »
« Its fine, » I smile, and she shuts the door
I sit there for a moment in thought. So Blake didn’t like me being in this room. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was jealous of me having this room, because he seemed far too angry to be upset over something like that.
I need to stop thinking about this. It’s none of my business.
I avert my gaze to my laptop screen and clear my head of all my curious thoughts. Immediately, I get to work and by the time I’m finished, it’s 7pm. I wriggle my sore, cramped fingers and hop off the bed, relieved that all the urgent work is out of the way. I head into the ensuite to take a much-needed shower, being sure to lock the bathroom door. I then undress and get scrubbing. Minutes later, I step out of the shower and into a cloud of steam, wrapping a towel around my body. When I swing the door open, I almost scream at the sight of Blake in my room.
« Oh. Hi Blake, » I greet him, my heartbeat still fast.
« Dinner’s ready, » he mutters, and then his eyes travel down my body to which I realise is only covered by a small towel.
Oh Goodness.
He stands up from my bed, a cocky smirk on his face as he walks to the door. Just as I think he’s about to leave, he turns to me, « You look like a drowned rat. » And then he slams the door shut.
« W-well you look like a greek God ! » The words die in my throat and I smack my forehead at my pathetic comeback. Damn, I couldn’t even insult him.
So befriending Blake obviously isn’t going to be a breeze, but I was sure that I could do it. Everyone should have someone that they can turn to when they are feeling sad.
« Think happy thoughts, » I hum to myself, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
I just hope he’s happy. I really do.
▲ ▲ ▲
The following morning I wake up, determined to start the long day ahead of me – Day number one of my mission in befriending Blake. Stepping out of bed with a bounce in my feet, I get dressed and head over to the kitchen where Marisa is tipping a spoon of sugar into her coffee and mixing it. At the sight of me, she grins.
Marisa was right. The fight between her and Blake was quickly resolved. Before dinner, she had a chat with Blake and, though there was a little shouting, it worked out in the end. By the time dinnertime came around, her and Blake were fine. The only tension at the dinner table last night was between Blake and I. He made a few rude comments to me, though I just played them off.
While having dinner with them, I’ve noticed that, though Blake is respectful to his parents, he never reveals anything personal to them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had no idea about the reputation Blake has at school. He wouldn’t get away with any of it if they had suspicions of him.
« Hey Bronte ! Awake already ? »
I smile and shrug in response. Just like my father, I’m an early riser, « I’m an early-bird. »
« Ah, » she nods, « How are you liking it here so far ? »
« I love it. Thank you so much for letting me stay. »
« You’re such a darling. We’re happy to have you here. » Taking a sip of her coffee, she slings her handbag over her shoulder and walks past me, « I have to go to work now. Make yourself at home. We have a pancake mix in the pantry if you want to make some. Oh ! And please wake up Blake for me, » she says hastily as she walks to the front door.
My eyes widen nervously. Wake him up ? Is she trying to get me killed ?
Befriending him was one thing, but waking him up was at a whole different level.
« Thank you, and sure thing, » I comply.
« Thanks Bronte so much ! » Marisa calls over her shoulder. « If he doesn’t wake up, just spray water on him. I do it all of the time. It’s funny, » With her high-heels clacking against the tile floor, she opens the front door and struts out of the house.
I pause for a moment, cherishing the quietness of the house. The past 24 hours have been a little crazy to say the least, but a moment of silence is enough to power me into moving on.