Blake either doesn’t hear me or chooses to ignore my remark, because instead of responding to my statement, he coos, « Well ain’t that cute, » in response to the scene he just witnessed. He wipes a metaphorical tear from his cheek.
My cheeks flush red in embarrassment and I wander over to him sheepishly, « How long were you there ? » I query, folding my arms over my chest.
« Long enough to know you’re a sappy lovey-dove lesbian, » he responds.
« Elle’s my best friend, not lesbian lover. »
« Could’ve fooled me. »
« Where’s Alec ? » I wonder ; hoping to start up a more civil conversation with him.
« He left a few hours ago, » Blake tells me, turning away and retreating to his room. Oh crap, he’s leaving. Think fast !
« Hey, look, I’m sorry about what I did this morning. I know I was stupid, I just wasn’t thinking. » I step forward and watch him hopefully.
« Yeah, well we’ll be even soon enough, » he mutters over his shoulder before entering his room and shutting the door. Oh God. What on earth did he mean by that ? Should I be worried ?
Of course I should be. What type of question is that ?
His sly comment leaves me distressed and nervous. I purse my lips together and gingerly retreat to my own room, deciding to treat myself with a bath. I fill up the tub in the ensuite with steamy water, squirting some bubble bath gel against the running water. Once the tub is filled, I lock the door, undress, and hop in.
I spend my time in the bath relaxing ; lathering my hair with shampoo and conditioner. The bath water turns a light shade of green, though I assume it’s just the bath gel tinting the colour. When my hands start to wrinkle, I decide that enough is enough, and I hop out of the tub. I wrap my body with a towel and dry my hair with another towel.
But when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I freeze ; my stomach dropping and eyes widening.
Holy moly !
My brown hair was now tinted green – and there could be only one person responsible for this.
« Blake ! » I call, marching out of the bathroom.
« Bye Bronte ! » Angela waves, « See you at Social Justice Meeting tomorrow, alright ? »
« Okay ! » I chirp, and as soon as she’s out of sight I drop my head against my locker and groan.
It has been the hundredth time today that someone has asked me why my hair is tucked into my beanie – and first period hasn’t even started yet. I was utterly exasperated – and I had Blake to thank for that.
After finding out yesterday that my hair has turned green, I charged over to Blake ; assuming that he knew what was going on.
And, of course, he did.
After spraying Window Cleaner onto his face yesterday morning, Blake decided it was only fair that he got me back. So, while I was too busy ‘cowering away in a room’ (Blake’s words, not mine), he drove to the shops and bought temporary green hair dye. He then emptied my hair conditioner and filled it with said hair dye.
I am grateful to know that it is only temporary (Meaning I wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money to change it back just because of his silly revenge), but also very ungrateful because when I tried to wash it out yesterday it only faded a little, which meant that I’d just have to stick it out until the hair dye eventually washes away.
I glance up and spot Elle walking down the hallway, looking at me with a weird expression. Once arriving, she furrows her eyebrows, « Why is your hair tucked into your beanie ? »
I laugh bitterly and, to answer her question, pull my beanie off my head. Green locks tumble out of the beanie and down my back and Elle’s eyes widen. Her expression then morphs into an amused one and she fights back a laugh.
« Elle ! » I cry, smacking her arm playfully, « You’re not supposed to laugh ! This is serious ! »
« Yeah, » she snorts, « A serious fashion crime ! » she laughs at her own joke and I shoot her a glare which only gains more laughs from her, « Okay, no. Don’t try to glare. You look like a constipated kitten. »
« Gee, thanks, » I sigh, falling against my locker. I twist my hair back up into a bun on top of my head and pop the beanie back on.
« If it makes you feel any better, that hat is kind of cute, » she offers weakly.
« Thanks, » I mutter. It was a cute hat, indeed ; A purple beanie with small diamantés scattered on the top.
« So what happened ? » she questions, « Why does your hair look like you just tried to colour it in with green charcoal but failed dismally ? »
« Blake happened, » I scowl. Elle’s mouth forms an ‘o’ as she nods her head understandingly.
« Well… » she drawls, « You should get him back. »
« Elle, » I deadpan, « Are you trying to get me killed ? You know what happens whenever anyone tries to defy Blake, » I make a slitting-throat motion with my thumb and Elle laughs. « And besides, he’s not a happy person and I still want to help him. I don’t want to give up on him just yet. »
« Still… » Elle hums with a mischievous grin, « If you need help hiding a body or something, the offer’s always on the table, alright ? »
« Nope, » I chuckle, « Not gonna happen, » I reply firmly.
Though as much as I hated it, there was a part of me that yearned to get some sort of revenge on Blake.
▲ ▲ ▲
« Ah, Ms. Davis. » Mr. Blackmore, my History teacher, greets as I enter the class and take a seat at one of the desks by the window, « I expected better from you. You know the rules. Take off the hat, » he arches an eyebrow and I restrict a sigh.
« I’m sorry sir, but I can’t, » I reply in the politest and sweetest tone I can muster.
A snicker erupts from the back of the class and I glance back to see Blake watching me amusedly. He whispers something to a friend of his and then his friend laughs too. I groan inwardly, well aware of what they’re laughing about.
I turn back to Mr. Blackmore, who’s now glaring at me, « Is the hat glued to your head ? »
« No… » I answer dubiously.
« Then take it off. »
« I… I… »
Mr. Blackmore sighs in frustration, « Detention, Ms. Davis, since you refuse to abide by the school’s no-hat policy. »
My jaw drops and eyes widen. A detention ! I shake my head, « I’m sorry, but-«
« I’ll make it 2 detentions if you don’t keep quiet and take your hat off, » he warns.