i was back
after all that time away and now there I was in front of the building where I was going for a job interview but I was sure he would hire me I had an impeccable curriculum it would have been stupid not to do it and everything could be said but ANTONIO RIVA was anything but stupid.
as soon as I walked in I noticed that the building hadn't changed much and yet after a few steps I was hit by something or someone I lowered my eyes and for a moment I thought I was going back in time in front of me there was Anna as a little girl her brown hair was loose, only the front part was pulled back so that her face was free She lifted her round, chubby face with her immense green eyes to me
"hello" the little girl says to me
"hello what's your name" I ask
"silvia even though I shouldn't tell strangers if mum knows ..." she says with a funny grimace behind her there was a girl running
"Silvia how many times have I told you that if you want to go to your mother's you have to say it, you can't escape".
"Ouch! " exclaims the girl "bye " she greets me as she leaves while I was
taking the lift, I wonder if I'd see her.
I went up to the top floor and as I entered Antonio riva's office I noticed that there was a feminine touch, it was different from the last time I had come in.
the interview went so well that at the end he said "ok and hired! "and immediately afterwards "I'll introduce you to my wife".
and my heart starts pounding.
as he calls her to come over.
As she arrives he adds in a proud tone "if you need any translations or interpreters you can ask her, she graduated with honours and knows ten languages!
In the meantime I heard a knock, it was her voice.
She was excited, but why?
and instinctively I became irritated, but I turned to greet her and I saw her take a breath of relief, he looked at her a little strangely and I acted indifferent even though the blood was boiling in my veins.
She had become even more beautiful
Motherhood had softened her face and made her body even more perfect that day she wore a simple blue sheath dress with a pearl and stone necklace high heels made her slim and well-shaped legs even longer she was young
and terribly rich
jealousy blinded me yet I couldn't do anything so I held out my hand and said only
"Pleasure" as I shake his hand an electric shock goes through me and when I hear her say
"My pleasure, Anna" I feel a lump in my throat.
Fuck, why did she have to be so beautiful
And that voice...
I dreamt of her at night.
I looked at her and saw her staring into my eyes.
It was the only thing on my face that didn't change...
I look away.
She couldn't have known the truth.
"welcome to the team what do you specialise in?" I hear her say still excited I could feel it but I try to be ice cold when I answer
"Well, a bit of everything, let's just say that since I graduated I've been practicing around a bit, I've dealt with everything from bankruptcy auctions to divorces, although what I like best is market research".
"I see her asking her husband, while I can't help but stare at her hands where the engagement ring and wedding ring were, I don't even hear the answer she gives him, I only hear when she gets up and, clapping me on the shoulder, she says "come here, I'll show you your station" and then turning to her, "are you coming with us?
"no! I have to finish the translation for tomorrow's conference".
I don't know if it was true or not, but he seemed to believe it, so we go and he shows me his workstation and immediately leaves. I start looking around, but everyone was hunched over their PCs, so I get to work too, and looking at the PC I see that for a couple of days e-mails have been arriving without anyone answering, so I print them out to take them home and study an appropriate response, but there were two rather long e-mails in Arabic, but I don't know Arabic!
What a nuisance then I remember Anna knew Arabic.
so I went upstairs and asked the secretary if she was free that I had to give him some papers
"Just a moment, I'll see."
and a little later she says
"come in"
when I went in they were together I looked first at him then at Anna and I felt myself sinking.
those shiny eyes could only say one thing...
they had just had sex in the office.
I was embarrassed. I didn't know where to look...
I couldn't even look at her face.
I was afraid she was reading something inside me.
She looked embarrassed too.
how come?
I asked myself
So I left him the documents and asked if he could have them the next day.
In the morning I had just arrived when I heard her say
"rob ..."
I lifted my head, knowing that she couldn't recognise me, neither could my mother.
yet now she was there in front of me looking at me embarrassed and afraid
it was as if she knew ...
and yet it wasn't possible...
mumbling something incomprehensible, she left me the papers and went away.
I had to stay away from her.
She couldn't know.
She shouldn't know...
She would never have understood my behaviour, I didn't understand it myself.
At lunchtime I went to get a sandwich in front of the bar and as soon as I entered I couldn't help noticing them talking, they were sitting together and then he reached out and kissed her in front of everyone, even though she looked embarrassed.
I grab the sandwich and get out before she can see me
she would never
ever have to know the truth.