Evette always thought by dressing in all black you could never go wrong. You were either classic, badass, or going to a funeral. Black was indeed The perfect balance of slayage.
And when she stormed through the doors of Troy Alexander's building like a plus-size bombshell walking the runway in her all-black mesh dress and leather jacket, that statement couldn't have been more true.
People in the lobby admired the strong presence of the woman walking through, some gawked at how well she carried her self then shortly went back to their business. Eve always had so much to say, but she didn't even realize she was a force to be reckoned with without ever having to use her words. Her five foot two stance more often than not changed the room. Per usual she paid people no mind, she figured they either knew who she was or the fact that she glamorized her self made her look like someone more important. Sunglasses and a nice pair of heels always dressed people up, it was a fashion trick. They probably mistook her for a celebrity, after all Mr. Alexander was the hottest lawyer in L.A both figuratively and literally speaking. She was sure he had quite the celebrity clientele. Hitting the tenth floor Evette mentally prepared her self for what she would say. "Hi Mr. Alexander, look I get it you punked out." Eve looked at her self in the elevator mirror and shook her head, Nah, "Kevin Riley is an asshole. Point blank period and I demand that we re-do this interview." The button dinged signaling her arrival just as she nodded to herself exhaling a breath. Just go in there Eve, you got this. She thought, 'You that bitch! ' She encouraged hitting herself in the chest then making a face. "Ok ow, note to self, don't do that shit again." Shaking her head she straightened up doing her Naiome Campbell walk out of the elevator. Even when you don't feel like you have it all together, you must never appear that way to the world. Dominate. And so she did as she walked up to Avery's desk ready to make demands. The first thing Eve noticed about Troy's Secretary was that she was young and beautiful.
She wondered if the young woman was sleeping with her boss. It was no secret that a young successful man like Troy had his share of women. She hoped the girl didn't fall for his tricks. Men like Troy never wanted to settle down. At least that's what Evette assumed.
Avery however had seen Eve's little moment and was side-eyeing the beautiful but crazy looking woman in front of her, one whom she had never seen in the entire eight years she's worked at the firm. Before Eve could say anything Avery spoke, "You know you shouldn't hit yourself in the chest like that right? You could get breast cancer."
Whatever Evette was about to say was silenced by embarrassment, she hadn't realized her private moment wasn't so private. "Um yes, I'm aware." She cleared her throat then smiled, "Is there any way that I can see Mr.Alexander today?"
Avery flipped through the pages of the scheduling book on her desk, "I'm sorry what's your name? I didn't think he was expecting anyone today."
Eve took off her sunglasses sliding them into her purse, she found that putting them on her head always made the lenses greasy. "Evette Jameson, I work for Talk It out Magazine. Look I know I don't have an appointment---"
"Wait THE EVETTE JAMESON?! LIKE EVE EVE, FROM FORBIDDEN CORNER?! " Avery stood from her chair practically jumping up and down, Eve was stunned at the woman's reaction. "Yes, that's me." She smiled.
"O my gosh I love your work! " Avery gushed "You helped me get through such a bad break up last year! "Avery walked from around the desk causing Eve to watch her every move, and almost forget why she came here. "I mean the way you basically laid it all out with what happened between you and your ex was so raw and honest. Not many people would share their stories like that." Avery empathized and for a moment Eve took it all in, she knew women read her stories but she had never seen the look in their eyes with how they felt about something so personal that happened to her. She never guessed that her drama would impact someone this much. "Thank you." Evette said, and she meant it, it touched her heart to see her writing being taken for something more than daily news. Avery shook her head genuinely, "No thank you, I mean really girl" she waved her hand "That was something else, your job though?" Eve shook her head making an 'mhm' noise, "My man cheated on me with some random, I mean that hurt, but I can only imagine loving someone and having them piss where you work." Avery began to get mad for the fellow sister in front of her. "Men." They both said in unison causing them to crack a smile, Evette laughed. "Yes, it was difficult but I've grown from that, I'm way past that part of my life." Avery nodded understanding. She continued to look at Eve as if she was trying to figure her out and Eve was looking back wondering if Avery smoked weed or any other substance during her lunch breaks to blatantly look in people's face like this. "Chile are you alright?" Eve said making a face, Avery laughed "I'm sorry, I guess I'm kind of fangirling. I literally have your magazine on my desk." She ran back behind the desk just to pick it up and prove it. Eve smiled seeing that it was turned to her column and Avery had circled her inspirational quotes with a pen. Avery blushed seeing that Eve saw this too. "Like I said, you get me through some tough times."
Eve was about to say something when A door opened aside them causing both their heads to turn coming face to face with Troy Alexander himself.
Evette had to take a moment to take in the man in front of her. He was fine. I mean fine as hell. The grey suit he had on matched his caramel complexion perfectly.
And when he spoke, she damn near had to excuse her self to the restroom. There was just something about a man's voice. "Avery," He said acknowledging his secretary, "Is there someone here to see me?" Evette showed no shame in looking Troy up and down. Troy too noticed this, especially when Eve's eyes lingered on certain areas of his body. He noticed her as well, how could he not? She was beautiful, curvaceous, but not his type.
He never really dated bigger women. He watched as she turned to Avery saying something and couldn't help but to check out her backside, wondering why that was. Troy shook those thoughts from his head. He was being very unprofessional. 'So was she.' A thought nagged in the back of his head but he ignored it. Women oggled him all the time so this was nothing new.
He reached out a hand for her to shake and Evette did so with a firm grip causing Troy to raise an eyebrow impressed. "Troy Alexander."He introduced himself, Evette gave a slight smirk "Oh I'm aware. " Eve admitted not giving Troy time to process her statement before she continued "Eve, Evette Jameson. Damn you are a whole snack. I guess the rumors were true." She couldn't help but flirt. Shaking her head she dropped his hand. 'Eve focus, today was not the day to be fraternizing with the enemy. '
Troy was taken aback by the woman's comment as he put his hands in his pocket, "Can I help you with something Ms. Jameson? " he hadn't recognized her name.
Eve didn't know if she should be amused or offended at this. On one hand, she could use it to her advantage, and on the other, she needed to get straight to the point.
Avery interjected before Eve could say anything, "Mr. Alexander, this is Evette Jameson. Like, Talk It Out Magazine, Evette Jameson." They both waited for him to catch on. In a matter of minutes, Troy's face went from calm to pissed off. "You! You're the woman wanting to ruin my reputation." He blamed.
Eve rolled her eyes, he sounded like a big ass kid. "I'm not wanting to do anything, you came to me." She readvised "Actually your partner Kevin did." She said his name as if she had a bad taste in her mouth.
"Riley," Troy said through gritted teeth rubbing a hand down his face.
"Uh oh." Avery backed up running away to her desk, whenever Mr.Riley was involved in something it was messy and Avery didn't want to be apart of any mess or in charge of cleaning it up. She had enough to do.
"Listen whatever Kevin Told you is bogus, I can assure you I'm more man than you can handle Ms.Jameson" Troy straightened his tie
Eve put a hand to her chess making a face "Is that a challenge ?" He had the right one.
Troy made a straight face, "Can you please try to be professional Ms.Jameson?"
Avery peeped over her magazine at the ongoing feud in front of her knowing her boss had no idea who he was talking to, from the years of reading TIO Avery knew just how witty and blunt Eve could be. Her boss may have finally met his match.
Eve laughed loudly "Negroe, please! Professional would have been not sending your "boy" to a private interview. Professional would have been two grown-ass men not playing games with someone's job! My career is no joke, Mr. Alexander. You, want to talk about professionals? Check your colleague first." Eve was raged thinking about it all, though she was loud, her anger was controlled. Old Eve would have torn this office up with all that had occurred.
Troy sighed "Can you please stop yelling in my place of business ?" He demanded more than asked but in a softer tone than he had spoken to her before. He realized she was a victim in all of this as well. Riley was the one to blame.
Eve flipped her hair exhaling, just recently she had learned about breathing in her anger management classes. As she mentally counted down from ten Troy began to speak "I apologize for my behavior Ms.Jameson, as I'm sure you know that news was a shock to me as well. I haven't had the necessary time to process it all. But I will have you know that I am terribly sorry for the trouble my colleague caused and I'd like to help in any way that I can." Eve started to speak but Troy stopped her with a hand up realizing what she might say "Except for letting you run that story." She closed her mouth.
"Well I need something else Mr.Alexander, my boss is under the presumption that you are my topic for this week, so if you aren't going to be Transexual all of a sudden, I need you to give me something before I make something one hundred times more ridiculous than Riley's story up. " Eve demanded but there was a plea in her voice.
Troy stared at the woman in front of him, Kevin was right she was Definitely a force to be reckoned with. He had inner turmoil about what he was about to do, but being that it's the only other thing that's been plaguing his mind besides this whole ordeal, Troy figured why not kill two birds with one stone.
"What about an exclusive?" Troy asked
Causing Eve to scoff, "Sorry, but we don't do boring ass interviews about what goes on at the office."
Troy laughed, "Wow, you really don't think before you speak do you?"
Eve smiled, she knew it was probably meant as an insult but she took it as a compliment. She decided a long time ago to own everything about who she was.
"Nope. You get what you get."
"Well what I was actually meaning Evette, was an exclusive interview about my love life." He waved "Or lack thereof."
Eve was intrigued
"I've decided that I want to settle down, and I want to allow you to interview me, the side of me that not many get to see," Troy spoke with excitement, but there was also something else there that Eve noticed. Was the playboy lonely?
Something in her connected, she knew what it felt like to want more, to just want someone to be there. She didn't totally believe a man like Troy could want that in all honesty, with the amount of punani being handed to him on a platter, but he had her interested none the less.
"So let me get this straight, you want me to write about L.A's most eligible bachelor being ready to be tied down?" Eve asked for clarification, "You do know my readers are going to hunt you down right?" She gave him another once over causing Troy to be a had uncomfortable. "More women will flock to you than normal, do you really want that?"
Troy thought about it and the idea freaked him out, there were some crazy women out there. Nah He didn't need that type of energy in his life.
"Maybe we can control it in a way." He paused to think, Eve racked her brain as well. Avery who had been quiet decided it was safe to rejoin the conversation, "Eve you know how sometimes you do giveaways or contests through your column?" She paused for good measure, " What if somehow you made this interview into a dating show of sorts? Like introduce Mr.Alexander and who he really is in a write-up and then pick five lucky women to go on a date with him; Something the magazine tracks and when it's all said and done TIO has the first exclusive of the wedding."
They both looked at Avery. Eve thought this through, The woman had a very good point. It was brilliant in a way.
"That would be great, I could follow up on the dates and get the women's views of you, there's always drama in relationships!" Evette rambled, " I wouldn't have to write about another topic for a while.." Eve became excited thinking about the possibilities of each scenario. The idea was almost genius. Tracy would love it.
Troy was thinking of it all himself too, it would be easier to have someone sort through most of the crazy and find just what he's looking for. He was thinking of signing up for a match specialist or joining one of those dating sites like Eharmony or Black People Meet, and that thought alone made him feel wack at the time, but good women were hard to come by. Troy smiled to himself he might have just what he wanted sooner than he thought, "What do you say Eve?" He copied Avery using Evette's nickname. Eve was so engrossed in her thoughts she paid that no mind. "Let's do it."
Avery couldn't stop smiling, Eve was ecstatic and her brain was pounding with ideas, Troy was no longer mad at Kevin, he felt great actually. If anything he had Kevin to thank for it all.
"Well, I guess that settles things." Eve said putting her sunglasses back on, "It was nice doing business with you Mr.Alexander."
"Call me Troy." He said
"Troy, I'll be in touch to set up the interview."
And with that Eve turned to leave, but not before stopping at Avery's desk, "Have you ever thought about journalism? You'd be great in a brainstorming room."
Avery smiled at this, "Nah, I'd rather read the drama than create it; but thanks, girl."
Eve nodded, digging into her purse, "Well if you ever change your mind, here's my card." Avery gladly took it as they bid each other goodbye.
Troy watched the whole interaction, his eyes couldn't help but follow Eve up until the elevator door closed and she threw up the peace sign.
"Did she just try to steal my Secretary?" He couldn't help but say aloud. All Avery could do was laugh and go back to reading her magazine. Troy had no idea what he was in for she thought.