Troy opened the fridge grabbing two more beers.
"See that was my plan the whole time." Kevin was laid back on the couch watching the game after just learning what went down at the office.
Troy made a noise, knowing damn well Kevin had no clue this would take a positive turn.
Kev took one of the beers Troy handed him and popped the cap off taking a swig, "You don't trust me. That's your problem."
Troy rolled his eyes grabbing a handful of popcorn out of the bowl on the coffee table."You damn right." He admitted causing Kevin to shake his head.
"That right there." Kev pointed out stuffing popcorn in his mouth, "That attitude is why you not gonna make a good husband." He smacked.
Troy guffawed laughter "Boy if you don't get yo ole--"
"You rude." Kevin said cutting him off, " Ain't no woman around these parts want a man that's an asshole."
Taking his words into half a consideration Troy looked upside Kevin's head, "Country ass ' Round these parts.'" Troy mocked in a country accent, Kevin laughed.
"Say's the same man that tried to violate his Best friend." Troy finished
"Touchdown!" Kevin stood up yelling at the tv. "And that too." He made a face "Stop living in the past, learn to let go." He reprimanded Troy.
This caused Troy to drink more, listening to Kevin talk out of his ass was going to turn him into an alcoholic. "Man shut up." He fanned.
"Hey, I'm just your best man don't listen to me." Kev finally sat down.
Troy laughed " I won't. Who said you're my best man?"
Smacking his lips Kev mocked Troy's laughter. "Ya mama that's who." Troy gave him a look. Kevin held his hands up in surrender "That wasn't even a joke, I will dead ass tell mama if you choose somebody else over YA BOY to be your best man." Kevin shook his head like the thought was impossible. "Nah."
Troy mean mugged him "You a snitch. Always Tattle tailing."
Kevin shrugged accepting Troy's statement "That's why I moved out the hood, I am not made for the streets. Right is right and wrong is wrong and you picking some rando nigga over me is just wrong." Kevin couldn't believe the audacity of his brother.
Troy sat back stretching his arms over the couch, "It's still debatable."
Kevin looked at him questionably.
Evette, was dealing with her own Mama drama. "Yes Ma, I do still want kids." She rolled her eyes, knowing her mother couldn't see her and poured the water off of the spaghetti she had just boiled.
"Well, who are you dating now? When Am I going to meet him?" Came her mother's response through the phone.
"First name No, last name One," Eve grumbled.
"Evette Marie Jameson." Mrs. Jameson tisked "Your eggs are gonna dry up Chile." She warned.
"MA!" Eve yelled offended "I am only twenty-five, why should I be in a rush to have some snotty nose kids running around messing up my house?" Eve made a face just envisioning changing diapers, her favorite vase knocked over, crayon-colored on her walls... her mother's words were beginning to fade as her thoughts drifted to another place, to those babies having a daddy, a nice strong man helping her put the kids to bed and teasing each other about where they get their badness from. Evette smiled to her self, she thought about making dinner for her little family, she thought about bubble baths after work, his hands massaging her feet, him destressing her and not having to use the showerhead anymore.
Eve snapped from her thoughts hearing her mother yell at her through the phone.
"Yeah, Ma I'm here, sorry." She turned cutting off the burner and giving the pot of meat sauce one last stir.
"All I'm saying is, don't give up on love honey. I know that man put a hurting on you by the way you distastefully put all your business out in the streets." Mrs. Jameson paused hearing Eve sigh, she could picture her daughter rolling her eyes on the other end of the phone. She knew her daughter hated to have feelings or to show any signs of being an actual human being, but she knew her inside and out. That man hurt her child and Eve hadn't dated since. "You don't have to be scared to love baby."
"I'm not scared, mommy." Eve defended grabbing a bottle of blackberry wine from the fridge, she liked her wine cold.
"I just.." She poured a glass, sitting the bottle on the counter," I'm just cautious with my heart."
There was silence on the phone, Eve moved the spaghetti around on her plate, finding the wine more appetizing for her thoughts.
"Hm. Well, baby, it's ok to be cautious, just don't miss out on a good man because you still thinking about what the old one did."
Eve thought over her mother's words and let them sink in. She knew she was right, but admitting she was right would also cause Eve to admit she was still deeply hurt and her pass relationship had affected her more than she let on.
" I hear you Ma, look I love you but I have a lot of work to get done so.."
Mrs. Jameson made a face on the other end of the phone, knowing damn well when her daughter was just trying to end the call.
"Alright, Evette. I get it. I'll talk to you later baby, get you some rest you sound tired I can hear it all in your voice." She rambled
Eve listened nodding her head as if her mother could see her, "Mhm I will, we'll talk later."
"Bye baby."
"Bye Mama." Eve sighed hanging up the phone. Gramps rubbed passed her legs crossing under the table, "Guess you heard all that huh?" Eve asked Gramps who just continued on to his many beds, this one, in particular, was in the corner of the kitchen. "That woman man, telling me I'm scared of love. Tuh" Eve huffed, "Who scared?" She asked gramps who was paying her no mind at all, "Not me. Not Evette." Gramps lazily lifted his head from his paws wondering if his owner was trying to convince her self or him.
"Not me.." She trailed off taking a sip of her wine.
Deciding to clear her mind she picked up her phone scrolling through Instagram, her fingers stopped at a face that brought memories back.
It was him, Derwin Parker. The Ex. Derwin was everything she had wanted at the time. He made her laugh. He made her feel good inside and out. She felt beautiful, capable. He was handsome and had more common sense than book smarts but he was nowhere near dumb. Evette studied the picture making a face, she checked out the rest of his page and realized he had added more photos. It seemed as though his career took off since they broke up. Derwin was an aspiring model making moves when they met, with her connections and accompanying her to many events for the magazine he was able to network and meet the right people. Looks like her article about his escapades gave him the extra boost he needed. She swore, forgetting at the time that it could also help him and not hurt him. Oh well, she thought, it is what it is. He was talented and wasn't such a bad guy until he did what he did. What hurt the most was that they were friends first, she trusted him, she actually opened up to someone and he let her down. In the beginning, he was a decent guy. Taking another sip of wine she decided to like his recent post because she actually did like the photo and she wasn't a bitter bitch, before continuing her scrolling down the news feed.
Right as she was about to close the app her phone dinged signaling she had a direct message.
"Hey." - @DerwinParker
That's it? It had been a whole year but did he really think she was over everything? She sat back thinking it through, Hadn't that been what she's been telling everyone?
Downing the glass of wine she typed out "Fuck Do you want? " - @QueenE and smiled. The dots danced on the screen signaling him typing.
" lol still the same ole E huh?" - @DerwinParker
Eve didn't respond right away, she just stared at the screen. "Did you slide into the wrong Dm? Expected someone else?" @QueenE
"Haha very funny. Just thought I'd say hello since you liked my picture." @DerwinParker
"It was a nice quality picture, you don't have a lot of those. Hey. Bye." @QueenE
Eve laughed to her self she remembered when he couldn't afford to take decent pics and his iPhone was the best quality he had.
"Alright E, I see you're still mad. I'll be the bigger person here. I'm sorry I truly am, you know that." @DerwinParker
Evette wanted to find something snappy and sassy to say to that but she couldn't, she couldn't type out anything that she wanted to say because her eyes were blurred. How in the hell was she crying so fast and why? It had to be the wine.
"I miss you." @DerwinParker
Another message came in before she could even respond and she didn't know how to or if she wanted to.
Her mother was right, the wounds were still fresh from Derwin and she didn't realize how deep they cut until he apologized again. He had never said sorry. Well, he had but Eve didn't give him the opportunity. She cut him off and out of her life when she found out he cheated on her. Blocked him on everything. No contact was made for a while until she felt like she was strong enough to see his face, hence why she was just now seeing his newfound social media popularity and booming career. That's how she always dealt with things, she let go even when she needed time to heal. She'd force herself to move the hell on. That's how she made it.
Gramps jumped on the table being sure not to step in her plate and get his paws dirty he cuddled up into her neck and purred feeling like his owner needed some love.
"Thanks, baby." She let more tears fall before wiping them away with one hand and holding gramps in the other. Stroking his fur she looked at her phone, at the fact that Derwin admitted he was wrong, that he missed her.
Was she that lonely to take him back? Gramps cocked his head to the side as he now sat on the table staring at her.
"You're right, that's desperate and I'm not desperate. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice can't put the blame on you." She spoke aloud shaking even the slightest idea of her and Derwin out of her head. Apart of her contemplated not responding at all but then she figured in a way he'd think he won. She didn't know how, why, or what he was winning but the thought alone made her send the simple text.
"Thanks." @QueenE
With that, she closed the app finished her food, and washed her dish off. She figured Derwin was confused by her message and didn't know how to respond. Evette didn't mean to confuse him but she figured he would be. The thanks wasn't necessarily for him, but her. She was thanking him for allowing her to finally start the process of making peace with the fact that they were no longer together and she lost a good friend but a horrible boyfriend. Her thanks was for him acknowledging him being wrong, is for the smallest idea that maybe he lost sleep thinking about her some nights too, from his I miss you.
It wasn't easy to not text back I miss you too, or to just hit him back with a come through text and use him for dick. It had been a while, so the thanks was for the opportunity that that was still a possibility. Not the smartest idea. But at least he's in her inventory. No need to add on bodies when she had a handy dandy ex-boyfriend that "missed her." Eve laughed to her self at the thought. Gramps had long since retired off somewhere in the house leaving her to figure her own shit out.
Eve got up and washed her dishes out before heading over to the couch to turn on the tv. Turning on Netflix she put on one of her favorite shows, Drop Dead Diva. It was about a brilliant plus-size lawyer working in LA, but the catch was she had the spirit of a dead model living in her body, the perfect model woman got to see life through the eyes of a woman who the world seemed to overlook, continuing on her life.
Eve had thought about being a lawyer, but she kind of got discouraged when it came to taking the bar, and she absolutely loved writing so journalism was her best bet.
Picking up her phone, almost subconsciously, she opened IG again. Derwin hadn't replied of course. She didn't really care. A thought came to mind and she typed in ' Troy Alexander' in the search bar. His page was private so she had to wait for him to accept her follow request, in minutes he did. Eve stalked his page, blaming it on the fact that she needed a good picture for the article. There were a lot of pictures of him in suits, did this man own regular clothes? There were pics of him and Kevin Riley, a throwback of them in high school next to one of them in college. Seems like they've known each other for a long time.
A notification popped up on her phone signaling that Troy liked a couple of her pictures, eve counted how many and liked the same amount. Call it petty but she always did that, she only thought it fair.
Yawning she decided to call it a night, tonight she'd just be sleeping on the couch. She paid enough money for it might as well put it to use.
Her phone dinged and against her better judgment she opened the app again, Troy had left a winky face under one of her pics. Eve just looked at it, what the hell was he doing? She liked the comment and closed the app for good.
As she laid her head down she couldn't help but to think, was Troy flirting or just being friendly?
Cameras flashed in the background as Evette flipped through the pages of her notepad, she was trying to keep up with all of the ideas she had for Troy's shoot, but something else was distracting her; better yet someone else.
"You know I'm looking for love too," Kevin said practically breathing over Eve.
"Is that so?" She muttered, more than preoccupied. Evette had no idea why Troy thought it was a good idea to bring his troublemaking friend to his photoshoot/interview for the magazine, but Kevin Riley was working her nerves.
She felt him checking her out every five minutes, and though he was fine, his annoyance level had ruined it for her.
Kevin smiled to himself, he knew Evette was just playing hard to get. She had to have felt him eyeing her. He walked a little closer to make his move.
"Patrick, do you happen to have that.." Evette trailed off walking away leaving Kevin standing there with his hand in the air, dumbfounded at the absence of her presence.
Troy stood posing for a picture, silently laughing at his brother's failed attempts to try and hit on Eve.
He thought he'd bring Kev to give him a chance to redeem himself. Looks like it would be harder to make up with Evette than he thought. Troy made a mental note never to get on her bad side.
"Alright now, give me your best no-bullshit look. Grr," Patrick squatted to get a better angle.
Troy put his hands in his pocket turning to his best side and biting his jaw to give a more chiseled effect.
"That's right!" The photographer yelled out words of encouragement.
Troy saw Eve approaching out of the corner of his eye and he too caught himself watching her walk, the way she moved, she just controlled the room.
"Hey Pat, how's it going over here?" Eve asked Patrick, who was snapping up a dozen more pics of Troy from different angles. Patrick was one of the best photographers in L.A, and also one of Eve's good friends.
"Oh Honey he's a natural." Pat held the camera on his shoulder taking a break as he praised Troy. "The man Definitely has a double calling. If not law, modeling for sure could be his next revenue."
Eve raised an appreciative eyebrow at this acknowledging that Troy was more than something to look at. Troy smiled, he knew he was handsome but a model? That would've been interesting. He lightly chuckled to himself, knowing that looks aren't everything, he thought too logical to just spend his time posing in front of a camera all day, plus these lights were hot.
"Hey, man are we done here? It's getting kinda stuffy in this suit," Troy said loosening his tie.
"Take it off," Eve mumbled, Troy gave her a look and Patrick tried to hide his smirk hearing exactly what she said. Someone had a crush. Patrick made a mental note to do wine with his friend later. It seems as though they have plenty of catching up to do.
"What did you say?" Troy asked not quite understanding. Eve felt Patrick's eyes on her and thought it better not to give her messy friend something to talk about. "I was just telling Patrick to take off." She patted Patrick's back, " I think we have enough for the website and magazine."
"Alright boo, I'll email you the final prints to choose from." Patrick said putting his camera away and packing up, "Call me later we must do lunch." He kissed her on the cheek giving her an 'mhm' look and Eve laughed shewing him off.
Troy exhaled unbuttoning the top of his shirt, "You guys need one of those industrial fans like I see on the movies when people take pictures."
Eve chuckled sitting in a director's chair awaiting Troy to join her, "It wasn't in the budget."
"So y'all broke?" Eve heard Kevin behind her and rolled her eyes, why was he here again? She decided to ask.
" What're you doing here?" She tapped her nails on the manila folder in her lap.
Kevin sighed, he knew he had stirred up trouble for Evette and left her high and dry but he thought since she had worked things out with Troy, which went in her favor, things between them were good.
Troy caught eyes with Kev and gave him a slight nod of encouragement.
"Listen, I just wanted to come to you as a man.."
"Why does this sound like the beginning of a bad R&B song?" Eve yawned showing how unimpressed she was with Kevin Riley. It seemed that he either didn't get enough attention growing up or got too much and felt that he always had to put on a show.
Kevin was taken aback and Troy was trying to focus on anything other than the tension that was growing in front of him.
"Wow." Kev paused putting a hand to his mouth, "You are too beautiful to be so bitter."
It was Evette's turn to be taken aback, "Excuse me?" What the hell did he just say...
"Me not wanting to entertain you does not make me Bitter. Get over yourself." She put up a hand. He had some nerve talking to her like that. Evette was slightly turned on at his boldness and high key pissed off at the name-calling.
Kevin looked at the woman in front of him and wondered how anyone ever got passed that hard exterior. "Ya see? that's what I mean." Kevin pressed.
"Aw shit." Troy mumbled, knowing that Kevin always 'meant' something.
"You're so focused on the fact that I called you bitter that you didn't even hear me say that you're beautiful." He walked smoothly approaching her. Eve looked at him like he had lost all of his marbles, meanwhile Troy was wishing someone had a video camera recording all of this. What was this nigga doing?
Kevin shook his head not even a foot away from Evette, "Who hurt you?" Evette made a face as he searched her eyes. The question had caught her totally off guard. How dare he put her on the spot like that.
"Mr. Riley you are somehow always UNWANTEDLY in my personal space." She gave him a look that said 'back up.' But Kevin didn't move.
Troy was damn near sweating in his seat, he didn't know if the lights had got to him that much or if it was due to the fact that the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. This was good.
Evette closed her eyes taking a slow breath as she tried to muster up all of the things she learned in her anger management class.
She began to count down from ten mentally.
Something kicked her foot causing her eyes to snap open. She followed the something all the way up from the shoe to the face. Kevin Riley was standing toe to toe with Evette. No smirk, no smile, just his smooth chocolate skin, and Armani suit in close proximity. Evette tried not to let this man's cologne and fine ass stature clog her brain, she tried to be bothered by him being in her bubble, but the truth is... She didn't know whether to hit him upside the head or let him take her on this table.
"Go out with me?" Kevin breathe.
Eve opened her mouth and closed it again. She didn't know what to say.
"N..o" she mustered out. "No." She said more confidently seeing Kevin's eyebrow raise. This time he did smirk, "I know you want to say yes, you're just too damn stubborn to admit it."
Evette blushed looking away, she caught the eyes of Troy who had already been looking at her intently.
What the hell was she doing caught between these two fine ass men? This is not how she imagined her being in the middle of them. They had on far fewer clothes in her imagination.
Eve cleared her throat, "I said what I said. Now please Kevin give me my space."
Kevin gave her one last once over before shrugging his shoulders and backing away. "Fine Ms.Jameson. Have it your way." He paused straightening his tie. "But like I said previously, I'm looking for love too. Don't miss out on your blessing trying to be bougie." With a wink, her way, and a Slight wave to Troy Kevin left the building leaving Evette flustered and watching his departure, while Troy couldn't seem to stop watching Evette. Why was he feeling some type of way that Kevin shot his shot, and why was he low key happy that Evette said no? Though her body language spoke an entirely different thing. He shook the thought, Troy figured he must be tripping.
" Did he just call himself my blessing?" Evette aked making a face. Kevin Riley had some nerve, and she had to admit it to her self, she kind of liked it.
Troy let out a deep chuckle despite his previous thoughts. "It did look like you wanted to say Yeah though." He pressed paying attention to Eve's reaction.
Her eyes snapped to Troy who was awaiting her response. Why was he so concerned? "If you think that then you're just as delusional as him."
Deciding that pressing the conversation even further was probably a bad idea Troy changed the subject. "So I guess we should get started then?" He stated more than asked.
Evette obliged pulling out her recorder, "Just to inform you, this interview is being recorded." She pressed play not missing Troy's small smirk.
"So Mr. Alexander, what're you looking for in a woman?"
They were the only two left in the room, everyone else had cleared out giving Evette the space she needed to work.
Rubbing at his chin, Troy sat back thinking this question over and knowing that whatever he says will be what he attracts.
"I like a woman that knows what she wants."
Evette typed his answers down on her laptop. She uses the recorder for things she may miss while interviewing, but most of the work was done during the process.
Troy watched her work, he noticed how focused she was.
"A woman who is driven. Has goals."
Evette never peeled her eyes away from the screen, she listened and typed not wanting to miss a thing. Troy's mind began to wander. "She has to be fine."
Evette glanced up making a sound, "What's your definition of fine? Taylor Swift."
Troy cut his eyes at Eve, letting that remark slide as he thought back to all the women he chased, all the ones who trailed him and imagined the kind of trophy wife he'd like to bring home.
"A body like Halle Berry, face like Karruche."
He said matter of factly, sculpting the outline of this picturesque woman with his hands.
For some reason, Evette's stomach decided to feel knotted at this, at the thought that women like her were usually never seen as someone's fantasy. She cleared her throat shaking the fat girl thoughts from her head. Not today Satan.
"So basically you want a Victoria's Secret model with an ass?" She bluntly stated fact-checking as she added notes to the page.
"And a brain." Troy threw in. "She has to be someone I can take to the boardroom and the bedroom."
Eve tried not to scoff she really did, but she couldn't help her self.
"What?" Troy was curious as to why Evette made a noise to his last comment. "You don't think that's possible?" He raised a brow.
She tried not to notice how perfect even his eyebrows were. "Nothing. I got it. Anything else you'd like to add?"
He looked up as if the answer would be on the ceiling, trying to figure out what he missed out on. Nice body, check. Pretty, check. Smart, check. That's all a man could really ask for.
"Nah, I think we're good." Troy smiled to himself, proud at the woman he had put together and excited for what was to come.
The room grew quiet of speech, only the faint sound of Ro James playing in the background could be heard. Evette calculated the man in front of her self and wondered if all men thought like this, if all of them were really only looking for a robot of a woman. She couldn't help but muster a humorless smile. "So this is what men think." Evette shook her head.
Troy noticed something in her posture had changed and wondered what he could have said to offend her. "What's the problem?"
She looked at him, really looked at the man in front of her in all of his perfectly imperfect glory, and felt genuinely sad for the male species. "The problem Mr.Alexander is that the woman you just described does exist. She is winning the race in fact when it comes to this whole dating thing." Eve scoffed closing her laptop. Troy took notice but didn't say anything.
"What I just heard you describe to me was a woman that has all the right tools to take care of your body and maybe give an input or two about your work." Eve tilted her head to the side gently sizing him up, Troy met her calculating stares with his own. There was a slight buzz in the air as no words were spoken, but a heavier conversation was taking place with their eyes. It was almost as if a game of cat and mouse had taken place without either of them moving a beat, and neither knew exactly who was which. Their eyes locked and Eve was the first to speak halting anything Troy couldn't form to say.
"What about a woman to nurture your soul? To feed you spiritually. To pray for you even when you don't know to pray for your self. "
Honestly Troy hadn't even thought about the spiritual aspect. He began to speak but Eve cut him off once again, " And after she feeds your spirit, don't you want a woman that knows her way around the kitchen as well as the bedroom so that your stomach is fed too?" She cocked her head to the side.
Troy noticed the head tilt again, he didn't know if she was even aware that she did it, but it made him feel so small under her pressured gaze. He felt like a little boy who had no idea about love or how to love. He was beginning to realize that he didn't know what to look for in a woman, he just knew what he wanted her to look like.
"What about children? If you want them, don't you want a woman who feels the same? "
"Of course." Troy rushed out.
Evette put her head down smirking at his quickness to redeem himself.
"According to what you just told me Mr.Alexander, your kids are going to be raised by a shell of a woman with a nice body and an opinion. "
Troy's eyebrows knitted together as he processed her words.
"Now I can find you what you're looking for, but for some reason, I feel like you deserve so much more than that," Eve said gently. She hadn't even realized she had reached over and touched his hand until she felt it move underneath her own. Evette moved quickly turning off the recorder and standing to her feet. The air conditioner was now on full blast in the room and somehow Troy still felt hot. He was in turmoil in his own head. This woman did something to him. He watched silently as she stood from her seat putting her belongings away inside her purse.
"Do you pray?" He didn't know why he asked or why he even cared but something inside of him wanted to know.
Eve smiled, "All the time." He returned her smile as he stood as well placing a hand in his pocket, still feeling the presence of where her hand had been. Evette took notice of this, he did the same thing the first time they met, it's almost as if Troy was seeking comfort within himself.
"Good..good." He said nodding. They stood there for a moment awkwardly until Evette let out a nervous laugh breaking the silence, "I have to pray. It's the only thing that keeps me out of trouble with this mouth of the mine." She knew she was a mess and this caused Troy to let out a deep laugh. "You are something else." He smiled shaking his head.
"Shoot I know." She gave a look before turning to walk away, Troy followed aside her as she cut off the lights in the studio.
"I like it." He admitted looking at her and then looking away when she met his gaze. Eve didn't know what to say so she said nothing.
They walked in a comfortable silence to the parking lot, both in their own thoughts. It seemed as though that was a popular occurrence tonight.
Troy had decided to walk Evette to her car first like the gentleman that he is and held her door open as she stood about to get in.
"So we have to finish up some Q&A about you later for the readers but this way I can get your search started." She explained that the interview wasn't fully over which Troy understood.
"Maybe we could do that over Dinner?" Troy stated and recounted his question seeing the look on Eve's face. "A business Dinner of course, At EliYah's, make up for the time I missed." He teased. Eve made a face, "That part."
She got in her car and closed the door rolling the window down so that she can finish their conversation, " That's fine. I'll call Avery and set up the details."
Troy didn't say anything about the fact that she basically closed the door in his face since she rolled her window down. Placing his hands in his pockets he nodded, "Okay that'll work. Thank you again."
"No problem.I'll watch you get back to your car." She wasn't trying to rush the man but it had been a long day and she had to feed gramps.
"Oh right. See you later." Troy turned walking to his car across the lot and Evette waited for him to get in it. They pulled next to each other as they exited, giving a simple wave.
Evette blew out a breath as she turned the radio up to drown out her thoughts. Today was interesting. She had no idea what having Troy Alexander or Kevin Riley in her life would bring but so far it's been far from the simple life she was used to living. She couldn't wait to get home and tell Gramps about her day. A sudden sadness washed over Eve as she realized Gramps would be the only one waiting for her at home. It dawned on her, as it did ever night she lay in bed alone, Evette wanted love too.
Troy had the air on low and Donnie Hathaway playing throughout his car, he was thinking about all of the key points Evette made in their meeting today. He felt foolish for not thinking about those things first, he knew he wanted a woman that would be his peace of mind when he came home. So why didn't he say that? He was so focused on the physical that he forgot what was important. What should be important. He hadn't prayed in a while, The Most High might not even remember his name, he thought to himself. He needed a woman that would make him responsible. Responsible for his mind, body, and soul. Troy was determined to find just that. Only one thing wrecked his brain and was going to be until their next interview,
What else was important to him in a woman?
Both Troy and Evette let out deep sighs. It was going to be a long ride
Evette's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she felt his tongue moving down below. She gripped the sheets squirming from the pleasure. His hands gripped her thick thighs holding them in place, "Stop running." 'Yes daddy' almost escaped, but her pettiness wouldn't let her say it. He didn't deserve that title.
A gasp left her lips and she bit down as the pressure began to build below. "I'm coming!" She screamed out to which he acknowledged with a solid slap to her thigh breaking the dam and releasing a flow of milk and honey, he drank her essence quenching his thirst. Eve lay there, her chest heaving as he climbed over her gently kissing her lips, "I missed you." He peeled away looking into her eyes, "I missed you too." She honestly replied, there was no use in lying to a man that had just been between her legs.
"You have to go now though." Eve tapped his shoulder signaling for him to get off of her. Derwin made a face but per usual didn't put up a fight, after all, he was trying to get back into her good graces and if she just wanted the D as of now then he'd supply it. Better him than some other niggah.
"Aight E whatever you want." He blew out a breath rolling over and laying on his back. He had just put work in so he'd be damned if he just jumped because she said jump, he was leaving but not right away.
Eve looked over at him wondering why he was getting so comfortable. He had been doing that lately. She hoped he wasn't getting any ideas that this was more than what it was. For the past few weeks, Evette had invited Derwin back into her bed, not her life, just her panties. Eve got tired of coming home to just Gramps, Derwin kept hitting her Dm, and one night she just told him to come through. They'd been back at it ever since.
"What're you doing ?" She voiced making a face.
Derwin ignored her nasty attitude knowing that under it all Eve wanted him there. His eyes were closed and he lay with his arms folded under his head. "Resting." Was his simple reply. He sighed.
Eve looked at him like he grew two heads.
"Yeah, I see that I just told you to go.."
Derwin continued to keep his eyes closed, "I know. And I will in just a minute."
Evette wrinkled her nose, "When exactly is just a minute?"
His eyes snapped open and he looked over at her cooly, "When I'm ready."
Evette scoffed. See this is why you can't just invite niggas over for sex. They always think they have to prove something as if pulling their dick out isn't enough.
Eyeing him for a minute Eve debated whether or not she wanted to flip shit. She decided to just let it go since he had given her fire head a second ago.
"Whatever. " she settled on, rising from the bed, her curves on full display in all her naked glory. Derwin watched her as she bent over gathering things from her dresser. " I'm going to take a shower, be gone by the time I get out." And with that, she shut the ensuite bathroom door leaving Derwin dumbfounded.
He knew Eve and he knew it was better to just leave while they were still on good terms. He also knew she was only acting this way because of their past history. He did a foul thing sleeping with her co-worker he had to admit, but Derwin was a man and sometimes men only think with their Dicks. He knew he had fucked up but he wasn't prepared for Eve shutting him out completely. She was so cold sometimes that he wondered if she was ever hurt at all or just didn't want to fuck with him anymore. With Evette, he could never tell. Sometimes they were really good and sometimes he didn't know how he fell for her the first time or how he ever got passed her walls. Derwin looked at the closed bathroom door and rubbed his hand down his face knowing getting Eve's trust back was going to be damn near impossible, but that was his baby and he wasn't going to give up trying.
Evette sat on the toilet with her hands massaging her temples, why was she being so weak for this man? She thought.
Reaching over she turned the shower on letting the water get hot. She exhaled fighting her inner turmoil with her self. Evette knew she had to stop sleeping with Derwin. She felt disgusted with her self after. Here was a man she loved and he hurt her deeply and now she's supposed to sweep that under the rug and just let him back in completely? Eve shook her head. She refused to allow her self to be weak any longer. Evette spent her whole life building her confidence as a plus-size woman, blocking out the insults of the world and the insecurity that no man that was both good and handsome could ever want a girl like her. Derwin cheating on her with a girl who's waist was the same length as one of Eve's thighs just made all of those insecurities come flooding back in and she couldn't let them destroy her so she shut him and them out.
Eve listened for awhile hearing shuffling outside of the door. She waited until she heard him leave before stepping into the shower, there she released all of the tears she had been holding in. Eve knew letting Derwin back into her bed without him being in her heart was a bad idea, and every time she looked over at him when she came down from her sexual high she was reminded of that.
Eve wasn't a woman who believed she didn't need a man. Sure she had all she needed by her self financially, but she wanted someone by her side. She needed a man to make her feel like a woman. Evette was so strong all the time that she wanted someone to allow her to be soft for once, to be cared for once. Eve's body shook as she cried allowing the water to rinse away her tears. She knew Derwin wasn't who she needed, he could never be that for her again. Hell, she didn't even want him anymore, she just didn't want to be alone. Evette closed her eyes letting the hot waterfall over her face as if all of her worries would go down the drain with it. Apart of her felt like she'd never find someone completely capable of loving her. The worst part was... She didn't even know if she was capable of being loved.
Telling her self that was enough for now, she cut the tears short and enjoyed the rest of her shower. There was no use in crying over spilled milk. She'd just pour herself another glass. Eve knew that was exactly what she had to do, it was time to start dating again.
Across town, Troy was putting in work himself.
"Two hundred." He informed the guy spotting him. Troy laid down on the bench taking breaths before lifting weights. He had to find a new way to release all of his built-up energy since sex with random women was off the table. He was turning over a new leaf. Trying to strengthen himself spiritually and physically, preparing himself for the new journey ahead of him.
"Yo Troy." Kevin walked into the weight room looking sketchy, his shirt was disheveled and sweat-drenched as he kept looking behind him. The guy spotting Troy lifted the bar and helped him to put it up so that he could sit up and speak with his friend.
"Is there a reason you're disturbing my workout?" Using the towel around his neck to wipe the sweat from his forehead Troy looked at him bored. "And why do you look like you're on the run?"
"I fell off the treadmill." Kevin rubbed the back of his head embarrassed.
"Nigga what?" Troy let out a deep chuckle. "How the hell you did that?"
Kevin smacked his lips "There was this girl."
"Of course." Troy laughed.
"Shorty tried to show me out by putting her speed up faster than mine and I couldn't let that rock," Kevin stated.
"You never learn do you." Troy shook his head at his friend's antics.
Kevin ignored him, "So I pressed my button two times faster. Do you think she stopped? No Lil Kim Kardashian speed up more! I mean the bitch's legs were gone!" Kevin smacked his hands together. Troy and the guy behind him were both bent over in laughter. " I tried to catch up but my legs gave out," Kevin was clearly upset. " my knees buckled and next thing I know I'm sliding off the damn treadmill face first. My whole life flashed before my eyes."
"Boy, you a damn fool." Troy stood up taking a sip out of his water bottle.
"That still doesn't explain why you looking over your shoulder every five minutes."
Kevin turned back around facing Troy, "The weirdest part was she didn't even acknowledge me. Shorty didn't say a word." Kevin exclaimed trying to get Troy to see how serious the situation was.
"So? Isn't that a good thing. Sounds like you saved face to me, bro."
"O my God. Nigga I knew I was the brains of this friendship but really ?" Kevin looked bewildered. "That means she waited until I left to go run and tell her Lil gym buddies so they can laugh at a nigga."
He threw his hands in the air.
Troy looked at Kevin like he had lost his damn mind.
"I gotta get out of here." Kevin peeked behind the wall as Troy walked passed him ignoring his escape plan.
Kevin trailed behind Troy as they walked to the lockers, looking around every now and then for the woman and her friends, because of this he spotted a girl bending over at the water fountain, "Bro check that out." He hit Troy with a smile on his face. Troy spared a glance but looked away, "Nah bro I'm good."
Kevin gave him a look, "You're serious about this whole finding a girl to settle down with thing."
"A woman." Troy corrected "And yes. I'm tired of the same ole, man. I want something real."
Kevin opened his locker pulling out his gym bag, he thought about what Troy said. "I know what you mean man. I do too."
Troy gave Kev a look, not forgetting the fact that Kevin was still not over his showing off to the women phase. But hell he was a man...
"Really Bro?"
"Yeah man, I was serious when I asked Evette out." Kevin took off his sweaty shirt putting on a fresh T until he got home to shower. Neither men liked using the showers at the gym when they had their own at home.
Troy didn't say anything. He just listened to his brother express how much he was feeling Eve. Troy had to admit to himself that he was low key feeling her too but Eve wasn't the woman he imagined himself with. Troy had a plan for his life from the time he entered into his freshman year of college; Graduate at the top of his class, get all the shorties, open up his own firm, become a successful lawyer and marry his trophy wife. Eve was beautiful, but she wasn't for him. Knowing now that his boy wanted her she was definitely off-limits for sure.
Troy listened to Kevin talk a little longer before commenting. "I say go for it, bro." He encouraged picking his bag up. Kevin nodded appreciating his brother's agreement to him dating Eve.
"It's not going to be easy," Kevin said out loud to which Troy laughed. "Not at all."
"But nothing in my life ever was." Kevin looked serious. His mind was made up. He wanted Evette and he would stop at nothing to get her. Troy saw the look on his face and knew that he meant what he had said. Looks like they were both embarking on a new journey. May the best man win.