Across town Troy was stuck in LA traffic, got damn-it he didn't want to miss this meeting, he needed the publicity for his firm. He had no idea why such a popular magazine like Talk It Out would take a sudden interest in him personally, but being that he was not only the youngest but also one of the only black Lawyers with his own firm in the city he wouldn't turn an opportunity like this down. Law school was no piece of cake, he sacrificed his social life for his career, he built his firm from the ground up and worked hard for everything he had. Nothing was given to him. An opportunity like this was once in a lifetime. Checking the time After switching lanes Troy thought quick, who could he call to hold this lady off until he got there... Riley. "Siri call Kevin Riley," Troy spoke into his car Bluetooth.
The phone rang about eight times before Kevin finally picked up. "Yo talk to me." Came Kev's loud voice through the speakers Troy sighed in relief, " Kev man I need you to do me a huge favor. Are you busy?" the sound of paper being moved around could be heard in the background. "Just finishing up a case. What's up, what you need?" Troy swore, he forgot about Kevin dealing with the Lopez case he had been pushing to the side to focus on a bigger case. If you haven't figured it out yet, The A & R law firm stood for both Alexander and Riley. Troy and Kevin did everything together, including graduating law school at the top of their class and opening up two joint firms they each ran.
"Man I had a meeting at three with TIO magazine and I'm stuck in traffic," Troy stressed rubbing at his temples. Kevin was quiet for a moment. " Kev man you there?" boisterous laughter boomed so loud through the speakers that Troy had to turn the volume down. "Man what the hell is wrong with you," Troy spoke pissed off, this was serious. "All of that Hyena ass laughing, you don't take anything seriously, can you help me or not?" Kevin calmed down, he couldn't believe they actually called him he had been bored on vacation and Troy refused to return any of his calls, so he decided to pull a prank and call LA's biggest magazine making like Troy was hiding some big secret at the firm. Being that he was one of LA's most well-known lawyers, they took the time to listen. He didn't think they'd actually buy into it. However, lawyers could be pretty convincing. He chuckled thinking about the crazy accusations he hinted towards. Troy was going to kill him when he found out. Kevin sighed knowing he was about to get it.
"Yo Troy calm down---" Kevin began, trying to break it down to him and come clean, but Troy wasn't hearing it.
"Look it's a yes or no question," Troy said firmly. Kevin stared at the phone, shaking his head in amusement. Hey, why not play along, what could go wrong? It came this far.
"Alright man, I'm leaving the office now, what do you need me to do?" Kev placed his things in his briefcase, listening as Troy explained that he needed him to go to the meeting for him and stall until he could make it there. The restaurant was only a block from the firm, hell Kevin could walk there if he needed to. So that's exactly what he decided to do. Giving his assistant Tanya a heads up to cancel his meetings for the next few hours, he headed out the door.
Eve was across town sipping wine and stuffing her face with cheese bites. She was on her second glass. Where the hell was this guy? She checked the clock for the umpteenth time, rolling her eyes, she hated for her time to be wasted and that's exactly what Troy Alexander was doing being an hour late. What the hell could be so juicy at a law firm anyways? Eve scoffed tired of the wait. It was if her life had become that lately, waiting on a man to get right. Making up her mind she wiped her hands on a napkin and signaled for the waiter. Where was pretty Tony when she needed him? Sighing she put her hand down, not seeing him anywhere around.
Tall dark and handsome came strolling through the door. That was not Troy Alexander. Eve admired the nice-looking stranger for a while and then busied herself with her phone, checking her emails to pass the time.
"Excuse me, Mrs.Jameson ?" A deep voice like rushing waters spoke getting Eve's attention. The tall stranger who had walked through the door was now standing directly in front of Eve with a gleaming smile gracing his chocolate face.
"Ms." Eve felt the need to correct him, "Do I know you ?" She searched his face, not being able to place the handsome man in front of her anywhere, although he did look quite familiar.
A smirk took the place of Kevin's smile as he reached out a hand to Eve, " Kevin Riley." He introduced himself watching as recognition dawned on her face before being replaced by confusion, and if he knew any better he noticed a bit of aggravation there as well.
Not wanting to be rude Eve shook Mr.Riley's hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Riley, but I was actually expecting Mr.Alexander, who you are not..." Eve trailed off watching Kevin's eyes widen slightly, almost as if he wasn't expecting her to be so frank. " That was over an hour ago."
" I deeply apologize on behalf of my colleague's absence, he got stuck in traffic and asked me to meet with you on his behalf." Kevin was confident that she would give Troy a pass, these journalists were thirsty for new stories. He almost felt bad for the beautiful woman in front of him, there wasn't even a real story to be told.
Eve raised her eyebrows, he can't be serious? Why not call her and reschedule? L.A traffic was horrible, she could understand that, but you don't just send whoever you want to a meeting you barely got yourself. They had the right one. " I'm sorry that you wasted all of your time coming down here, and even more sorry that I wasted my time sitting here waiting for someone who didn't have the decency to call and let me know this himself." Kevin was taken aback, he sputtered for words but Eve held her hand up. He wasn't expecting to be addressed this way. " Mr. Riley. I Work for one of the best online and print magazines in the nation, not only that, " Eve paused for good measure " But I'm the best damn journalist they've got. You don't just get a meeting with our magazine, or me specifically, you're granted one." She held her head high " No offense to you, but this interview is not yours to take. And I frankly no longer feel like giving it." With that, she finally flagged Tony down and asked for the check. Kevin stood in utter shock, not knowing what the hell just happened. She did know their law firm was called A & R right, Alexander AND Riley? She just discarded him like a bum on the street asking for her last ten dollars. Did she not know he could be of use? Kevin pulled himself together watching as she signed her name on her receipt paying him no mind at all. It started to hit at his ego.
" Do you know who I am ?" Kevin questioned stalking closer to Eve. He was playing a dangerous game, he could've just let her go right then and there, drop the whole act... but something wouldn't let him.
She raised her eyes at him making a face " Someone who needs to back up."
Kevin put his hands up giving her a little space.
Eve sighed giving Mr. Riley the attention he so clearly was crying for " Of course I know who you are, Kevin Riley." She spoke obviously.
Kevin smirked, " Then you would know that I'm the one who called in tipping you guys off." That got her attention.
With new confidence, Kevin took it upon himself to sit down in the booth, gesturing for her to do the same. " Care to join me." He smiled cockily.
Still seeming unsure and definitely aggravated by the lack of Troy's presence and the existence of Kevin's Eve complied sighing. She needed this damn story. If possible, Kevin's smile might have got wider.
Taking her recorder out of her purse Eve pressed play, " Talk."
Something in Kevin told him not to do this, but yet his lips just kept moving. This was about to start some shit, that he was sure of.
From Female To Fine male.
Eve tapped her pen against the pad she was writing on, she thought the title she created was wack honestly; but what other way could she describe in a direct shot to LA that their biggest bachelor used to be..well a bachelorette. Kevin Riley had shocked the hell out of her when he revealed to Eve that his close friend and colleague was born a woman. Of course, Eve was still waiting for the background check on the facts but she got so excited at the type of buzz this type of gossip would bring her column she couldn't stop brainstorming. She immediately gave her boss a ring after the meeting yesterday and told her what Heat she was about to bring to the magazine. L.A.'s first Transexual lawyer. The fact that Troy had agreed to the interview only proved to her furthermore that it was true, she thought he was brave for finally telling his truth, even though he sent his colleague in place of him.