Sofien: To Sisi. Oh who is the bottle of Oasis for?
Me: For Aymen.
Sofien: Zerma (like), he knows his tastes and everything!
Me: Oh that's good, you too.
At the same time, Sofien is awake, and Sofien has seen it!
Sofien: Wesh Sleeping Beauty finally wakes up!
Aymen: Shut up Bastard!
Sofien: You scared me Big Bag!
Aymen: Don't worry brother! What a bag, it's all muscle!
I looked at him, he never said to himself how much they love each other, as we girls do, they proved it to each other!
Sofien: Yeah yeah that's it! Go ahead, I'll call the nurse.
On leaving, Sofien gave me a wink.
I suddenly felt uncomfortable, I was alone with Aymen, I was looking at my hands when:
Ayman: ….
Part 11:
Aymen: Come here!
Me why?
I approached him, I was scared, I don't know why, but I was still very scared.
He showed me a small place on his bed, so I went to sit on it.
Me: ….
Aymen: What did he do to you?
Me nothing!
I answered hastily, and I shouted, he looked at me strangely then frowned and said to me:
Aymen: I'm not telling you again, what did he do to you?
I wanted to make the strong girl who doesn't cry, but in spite of myself a tear flowed when I said:
Me: He took me upstairs, and he touched me, I was screaming wallah that I didn't want to, I was screaming like crazy, and then I managed to escape but he planted me.
I was crying, I was shaking, to my great surprise, Aymen got up from his bed and took me hard in his arms, his head was resting on my hair.
Aymen: I know Isleym, I heard you shout, wallah I was going crazy in my head!
Me :…
Aymen: Cry no more, I'm going to find them and I'm going to kill them, one by one, I'll kill them!
Me: It's useless, it's an endless vicious circle these stories.
I was still in his arms, he hugged me very close to him, for the first time since my marriage, I was very relieved to be with him. Then he broke away from me and:
Aymen: Get up!
Me: Huh?
Aymen: Get up I tell you!
I got up.
Aymen: Show what they did to you.
Me: But Yamen it's not done I show you my belly!
Aymen: (smiling): It's good, you're my wife, let's see, I tell you.
Slowly, I lifted my sweater, so he could see the bandage they had put on me.
Aymen: I will kill them.
Me :…
Aymen: (laughing): Mdrr, your little belly is so cute!
I was going to answer when the door opened, automatically I lowered my sweater, and Sofien appeared:
Sofien: Wesh lovers, am I bothering you?
Aymen: Can't you knock before you go home?
Sofien: Wesh since when do I hit me!
Aymen: Vasy you, you have a migraine my brother!
Sofien: Yeah I know! oh bro you don't know what!
Aymen: No What?
Sofien: Your wife just cried there brother, she said to me; (imitating me) Imagine he dies, I can't, I only have him, I have only him, no one else. Yah Allah not Aymen, whoever you want, but not Aymen!
Aymen: (looking at me): A Yeah?
Me: (all red): In short, I leave you to me!
Sofien: Wait wesh, why don't you assume! In addition she took you from the Tropical Oasis!
Me: Anyway, ciao!
I was starting to leave, when:
Aymen: Oh Isleym, come here!
Me: I have to go see...
Aymen: (cutting me off): Come, I tell you!
I turned around, and I got next to Aymen, I was like a submissive woman, but wallah he scared me.
Aymen: Sofien, give us 2 seconds!
Sofia: Yeah yeah!
Sofien went out, and there I expected the worst.
Aymen: So how are you crying?
Me : …
Aymen: Shouldn't wesh, I'm a good man I survive everything!
Me: But you were bleeding on the floor, I was scared, it was the same as when you hit me and I was scared that you would do like me, you're fainting for a long time!
Aymen: You saw, the wheel turned!
Me : …
Aymen: I put you on the ground, I hit you like you were a good man, and after that it was my turn!
Me: (to change the subject): Your worst there?
Aymen (smiling): No, don't worry.
Me: Alhamdulillah then.
Ayman: …
Me :…
Aymen: Isleym?
I do .
Aymen: When you told me you were a virgin, was it true or were you lying to me?
Me: Wallah Aymen, I'm a virgin!
Aymen: So why did your family marry you, why did Bouchra say so? Why does your family want more of you?
Me: Bouchra made up that rumor, and then I got married. Don't talk to me about family, I don't have any family anymore.
So there, I was shocked, because he said he liked me, he said it well! Enfete he wanted to be my first?!
I might have my piece of happiness!
Aymen: Vasy forget what I just said there!
Me: Aymen, there are gynecologists here.
Aymen: And I don't care!
Me: No, I'm going to prove to you that I'm a virgin, I'm going to ask to see a gynecologist, and she'll give you a certificate!
Aymen: Are you serious there?
Me: Aymen, I want to live well, I want to be calm. It's humiliating what I'm going to do, but if for you it allows you to be quiet then I do it.
Aymen was about to speak when:
The nurse: Well then, sirs, how are you? Are the pains not present?
Aymen: (looking at me): No it's good!
Nurse: Very well, you can go out tomorrow then sir.
Aymen: No I want to leave now!
The nurse: (pointing to me): Then you will have to sign a waiver like your wife did.
Aymen: Yeah.
The nurse: Good and very good recovery then!
The nurse was starting to leave when suddenly:
Me: Excuse me ma'am?
Nurse: Yes?
Me: Does he have a gynecologist available please?
Nurse: Yes, I can see that, but normally yes.
Me :! Thanks .
The nurse left, Aymen said to me:
Aymen: Are you serious?
I do .
He got up and got dressed in the shower, then and came back, we went to the emergency secretariat where Sofien was waiting for us, so that Aymen could sign his discharge.
Sofien: Well that's good, we can go there!
Me: No I have to see a doctor quickly!
Sofien: Why do wesh?
Me : …
Aymen: Vasy fat, come in if you want!
Sofien: (looking at us): Not quiet!
20min later, a gynecologist came, and asked me to follow her, I followed her.
In her office, I told her that I was there for a certificate of virginity, she asked me if I was forced to do this certificate of virginity, and I replied that it was I who wanted it.
In short, she oscultated me, then passed my certificate of virginity which attested that I AM VIRGIN!
I left his office, and I joined Aymen in the hall of the hospital, Sofien was waiting for us in the car.
I walked towards Aymen:
Me: Here Aymen.
He looked at the paper then looked at me, I wouldn't be able to see what his eyes meant but in any case here is what he said to me:
Aymen: Come on, let's go home!
PART 12:
He looked at the paper then looked at me, I wouldn't be able to see what his eyes meant but in any case here is what he said to me:
Aymen: Come on, let's go home!
I silently followed him to Sofien's car, it was 3am and each of us was tired from the bad evening.
Aymen rode in the front and I in the back, in the car no one was talking.
I admired the landscape, and Aymen seemed lost, as for Sofien, I have no idea.
Once we got home, Sofien said goodbye to us and then left.
Aymen and I walked to the entrance, once the door opened, I had tears in my eyes, the entrance was filled with blood, Aymen's blood.
Aymen went straight to the shower, I took the household products and started scrubbing the floor.
At the same time, I was thinking about everything, to the fact that now Aymen knew the truth at least knew that I was still a virgin but that did not mean that everything was going to work out..
I went upstairs, and Aymen had finished his shower, I had to shower myself, being very careful with my dressing. I had taken my change of clothes with me to the shower, then once I had finished getting dressed, I went out to go to my bed, when I saw Aymen lying in my bed, watching the ceiling .
Me: Ahh, uh Sorry, I didn't know you were there.
Aymen: Quiet.
I didn't know what to do, was I going to have to sleep in the living room? Or he had just come here to rest for a while.
In the end I took a blanket from the closet, and headed for the exit of the room when he said to me:
Aymen: Where are you going?
Me: Uh, in the living room!
Aymen: For what?
Me: To sleep.
Aymen: Bah Wesh the bed is a two-seater, there's enough room for two, right?
Me: But, well, uh, we sleep together?
Aymen: (frowning): Yeah, why does it bother you or what?
Me: Oh no, I didn't say anything.
I put the blanket back, and I got into bed, curled up facing her (that's the side I sleep on).
Aymen: (turning back to me): He's sleeping so he can look at me and everything eh (laughing)
Me: (smiling): But nothing to do, it's the side where I usually sleep.
Aymen: Yeah Yeah find excuses!
Me: Wallah it's true!