He broke me, in two seconds, the time of his sentence, he had just broken my heart, my brother, my Youssef no longer wanted to see me, I was so bad, I had tears in my eyes, and I I simply replied with:
Me: Hmm
Aymen: And Yeah, that's the bitch, no one wants you in their life anymore.
I didn't answer, I looked him in the eyes, two tears ran from my eyes to my cheeks, I looked at Aymen smiling then I got up, and I started clearing the table . As for him, he sat in the living room and watched TV.
Once I put everything away, I went through the living room, to be able to empty my suitcase when he said to me:
Aymen: Oh!
What me ?
Aymen: Speak Well, Little Filthy Girl, I'm not kidding with you!
Me: What do you want?
Aymen: Tonight, you stay in the room, and you don't move from above, if I know that your move I'll kill you, is that clear?
Me why ? A As far as I know, it's also my home, isn't it? The shit you do with your co-workers should be done elsewhere!
When I uttered this sentence, Aymen stood up, pointed at me and slapped me, my head spun so quickly!
Aymen: Listen to me, little female dog, when I say something, you do it for sure! My shit I did it where I want, you have nothing to say to me. If you're not happy, don't spread your thighs!
I didn't answer, I looked him in the eyes, and I went to my room, I put away my suitcases, then I started cleaning, the house was big, so I put on my headphones , and I started my cleaning, I tidied my room, made the bed, washed the windows of the window, then I did the two other two rooms that there were upstairs, she was empty, but I still passed the broom and a mop, then at the end of the corridor, there was a room where the door was closed, I opened it, and I saw that it was like a gym, there was a bike, a treadmill, in short, everything for doing sports!
I was happy, I could come and play sports here, I've always loved sports, but I stopped at the end of my first year, to be able to give myself the means to revise well and pass my baccalaureate. Brief end of the parenthesis.
I went downstairs, I started with the kitchen, I tidied everything up, nothing was shining, then I ended up in the living room, Aymen was still down there, but I didn't calculate it , until he made me this reflection:
Aymen: If you're as effective in bed as in your housework, that's when you want baby!
I was disgusted wallah, I looked at him and told him.
Me: Allah y Hedik (May God guide you)
Aymen: Yeah Yeah, that's it, be Muslim with me!
I didn't answer, once my cleaning was done, it must have been 5 p.m., I went to shower, once I got out I put on my pajamas, and I made a big bun on my head (I like buns) .
Aymen was no longer there, so I left to sit in the living room, I don't know what I was looking at, but in any case, it wasn't interesting.
At 7:30 p.m., I got up, I made spaghetti with two cordons bleu, I put Aymen's plate in the microwave, and I ate my plate in front of the TV, then my eyes started to close, I was too lazy to get up to go to my room so I slept on the couch.
I was walking in the streets of my city, when suddenly night fell, I was alone, and I lost my way, I went through a small dark alley, when suddenly I was tackled against the wall and a man takes a cutter out of his pocket and puts it under my arm, I'm scared and gently I say: "please let go of me", but nothing to do, the person doesn't let go of me when he puts the cutter in my heart and I let out a cry: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhh
?: OOO Calm down, ohhh Isleym wake up wesh!
I open my eyes, I'm in the living room, Aymen above my head, I'm sweating like never before and he looks at me:
Aymen: Wesh, aren't you going to scream like you?
Me: I looked at him, then suddenly I burst into tears
I could see that Aymen didn't know what to do, he approached me, got up from the sofa and hugged me tightly and softly he whispered to me:
Aymen: It's Bon Isleym, it was a nightmare. it's good, there's nothing!
After 10 minutes, I finally calmed down, this nightmare had scared me so much, it seemed so real!
Aymen: Sava better?
Me: Yes thank you.
He lifted me from his arms and looked at me:
Aymen: Wesh what was your nightmare to shout like that?
Me: It was a nightmare that was too scary, it was a man who was following me, I went into an alley and he pressed me against the wall, and he planted a cuteur in my heart.
Aymen: Waaah, stop the movies at night you!
Me: Hmm!
Aymen: Come on, there's nothing, then I'm here, don't worry!
Me: Yes, thank you, uh I'm going up, your colleagues will soon!
Aymen Yeah Yeah.
I headed for the exit of the living room, then I turned around and said to him:
Me: Aymen?
Aymen: Yeah?
Me: There's a plate in the microwave if you're hungry.
Aymen: Thank you.
Then I went upstairs and fell asleep, until the next morning.
It was only at 11:30 am that I got up and it was my surprise when I saw Aymen who was sleeping next to me…!
Part 7:
Aymen next to me in bed, I was surprised.
I got up slowly, and I headed to the living room, I was still in awe, so I went to the living room to watch the cartoons (even married, I continue these cartoons lol).
30 minutes later, it was Aymen who arrived in front of me, he had a morning headache, but he was too cute masha'Allah.
Me: Selem!
I thought that after yesterday's little reconciliation, Aymen would seem nicer to me, I was completely wrong!
Aymen: What do you want from me whore room?
I was shocked, tears in my eyes, I was too bad that he thought I was no longer a virgin, I think that unconsciously I fell in love with this man, my husband, but my enemy!
Me: Pffft!
Aymen: Shut up, stop "pff" with me, otherwise I'll have fun with you!
I didn't answer anything, what to say to her?
I'm going to move forward in time, it was April, 3 months had passed, 3 long months where my life was all about staying locked up in the house, my family didn't visit me, Aymen's family never came home it was always him who went there and all alone because his mother did not want to have me at her house, besides I will tell you the reason why she no longer wants me to come to her house.
It was one evening, at 7 p.m., Aymen came home and said to me:
Aymen: Get ready, we're going to eat at my mother's.
I didn't even answer, I got up, and I got dressed, I was planning to go there in a black velvet tracksuit, but Aymen would have killed me, so I got dressed, and we left, in the car nobody was talking, anyway to say what? there is nothing to say!
Once we got to his house, we went upstairs, I said hello to everyone, then I left to sit in the living room with Aymen, everyone was talking to each other, then at one point his brother Houssem started talking to me. It was a banal conversation that will change everything.
Houssem: Wesh sister-in-law, you're not talkative!
Me: Mdrr, no peace!
Houssem: Yeah Yeah, otherwise it's happening with my brother or what?
Me: Yeah huh, let's go!
Sonia: How are we doing?
What me ?
My mother-in-law: what are you insuning, that my son is difficult to live with?
Me: No No I said that's it.
My mother-in-law: I should never have accepted this marriage, you don't think I know you do anything at home, you don't even feed my son, in addition to having killed a child, you don't don't take care of your husband?
Houssem: Wesh sister-in-law, you're not talkative!
Me: Mdrr, no peace!
Houssem: Yeah Yeah, otherwise it's happening with my brother or what?
Me: Yeah huh, let's go!
Sonia: How are we doing?
What me ?
My mother-in-law: what are you insuning, that my son is difficult to live with?
Me: No No I said that's it.
My mother-in-law: I should never have accepted this marriage, you don't think I know you do anything at home, you don't even feed my son, in addition to having killed a child, you don't don't take care of your husband?
Me: But auntie, of course I take care of Aymen.
My mother-in-law: Shut up! (addressing Aymen): You saw Aymen, she answers me, she plays the woman in front of me, when she doesn't even take care of you, and then how can you accept that she dresses like her ? It's the Kemjas (the filthy ones) who dress like her, not a married woman.
Crying: I'm ashamed, so ashamed!
Everyone attended this scene, no one spoke, Sonia went to her mother and started crying too.
Sonia: Yemme don't cry, please stop. Yah Allah what have we done to deserve this!
I was shocked by this staging, they were both crying real tears, and I looked at her shocked.
Suddenly Aymen is up grabbed my arm, put my shoes on and I found myself in the car. Nobody calculated us, and we said goodbye to nobody.
I felt like I was going to pay for it, I knew it, but not to this extent.
Me: (softly): But Aymen saw that…
Before I even finished my sentence, Aymen had just slapped me.
I no longer speak, I put my head on the pane of the window, all along the road Aymen was shouting and insulting me, finally arriving at our house, I went down the first time and I waited for Aymen in front the door since I didn't have my keys.
Once the door opened, I went in and just as the door slammed Aymen grabbed me by my hair, he turned me around and gave me a punch.
My head went to the side, it hit the wall, and I fell on the ground, Aymen had black eyes, even blacker than usual.
Me: Aymen please stop you are hurting me!
But none of my words seemed to make him react, I was on the ground, leaning against the wall, Aymen picked me up by the hair, and took me upstairs, to my room, and there:
He throws me on the ground, he sits on me, slaps me, at first on the same side, then he goes to the other side of my cheek, and punches me, he goes left, right , left, right, my head was going both ways, I had a horrible headache, then he raised his hands were bleeding, I thought it was over, but hell no, he was giving me kicks, in the stomach, in the face, in the legs, it didn't matter where he put them, as long as he hit me.
Then he focused his rage on my stomach, and it's venting on it, it's just chasing in my stomach, and I was screaming, I felt a liquid on my face, it was blood flowing.
Then suddenly, he sat on the bed behind him, he was breathing hard as if he had made a great effort, I was on the ground, I was vomiting blood.
I wanted to get up but I had no more strength, so I dragged myself on the ground to get out of this room and be able to go treat my wounds, but that was without counting Aymen.
As soon as he saw me dragging me on the floor, he got up, went to my closet, he was looking for something, and I was trying to get out, when he turned back to me, he had a belt in the hand, and there I can tell you that I really thought I saw death.