Me : …
Youssef: You have nothing more to say there, filthy!
Beep, beep, beep!
Youssef had already hung up, I was in shock, I called my manager to be able to go home earlier.
Me: Hello sir.
Director: Hello Miss Isleym.
Me: Uh, well, I have to go back to Marseille urgently, I have a little family problem, and I won't be able to finish my second week.
Director: Nothing serious I hope.
Me: I don't know yet, but I have to go back urgently.
Director: Well if it's so important, but I would like to offer you a position that will be vacant, in July, if you are interested.
Me: Of course I'm interested.
Director: Well, we'll talk about it then.
Me: No worries. Thank you goodbye .
I was so happy, this director is rather demanding, little by little here I learned to have confidence in myself, I was slowly building myself, I was becoming a woman, but apparently it's not my time to come and settle here , as I wanted .
In less than three hours, I emptied my studio, returned the keys and took a ticket to Marseille.
It's 9:00 p.m., when I ring my doorbell, my mother comes to answer me, she was surprised to see me here, which is normal, no one was aware of my return.
Me: Selem Mom.
She looked at me, let the door open, and it's back!
Waaaaaaaah she believes in this bullshit or what?
I went back, I left my suitcase at the entrance, and I went back to the living room, my father was on the sofa with my mother watching TV.
Without looking at me my father said once cold, icy:
Dad: Sit down.
I sat straight down.
Dad: So like her my daughter is a bitch? Hey my daughter she is going to have an abortion when she tells me that she has her internship?
Me: Papa Wallah...
My father: (standing up): Don't swear on Allah, leave him alone! Fatima (my mother), call Youssef tell him to come now.
My mother got up and called my brother, 5 minutes after my brother came home.
Dad: (to Youssef): She came home, so listen to me no one talks to her, no one touches her, I don't want those in my family to get their hands dirty with a girl like you.
Tomorrow, you get up and do the housework, in the evening, a man will come to ask for your hand, you are lucky that a man accepts you, he knows what you have done, and in front of Allah you will pay!
Get out now!
After that, I went to my room, I cried all the tears in my body, no no, I got married, I'm still a baby, I'm only 18, I can't.
I didn't understand Bouchra how she could do this to me? She was supposed to be my best friend, I was disgusted. And this man must surely be an old man, my father is going to give me to an old man, all ugly and fat.
It was with bad thoughts that I fell asleep, the next day my mother woke me up at 8am, she only made me move to get up and didn't speak to me, I was disgusted.
I tidied up the house from top to bottom, everything was clean, when I went back to my room, there was a beautiful long pink Arabic dress, I understood that I was going to wear that in the evening.
I calmly got ready in my room, when my mother came back to my room:
My mother: your husband will come tonight, when I come to pick you up you will say yes, and you will put on your best smile!
Then she left.
8 p.m. the doorbell rings, my heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, I'm so scared.
My mother came to pick me up shortly after the arrival of the guests, when I cross the hall she whispered in my ear: "Smile, otherwise your father will kill you"
I arrived at the living room, and there I saw a 21-year-old girl (Sonia, the groom's sister), a grandmother (the groom's grandmother), two fraternal twins, they must have been my age, 18 (the brothers of the groom), a man in his sixties (the father of the groom), and finally a woman with such dark eyes that someone could have died in front of her (the mother of the groom) and finally the one that everyone is waiting for. married !
Part 3:
His sister has black hair, quite long, brown eyes, a little tanned skin but not much tall and thin and black hair
His brothers, the fraternal twins. Houssin had hazel eyes, not very white skinned but not tanned tall & Houssem a little smaller in height than his brother but he also remained tall enough to stock brown eyes and black hair
As for my husband, he is well, his name is Aymen, we are not going to lie to each other, he really gives off something, he has black eyes, black hair, a small beard that makes him manly, he is tall and stocked, and quite well tanned .
There were all these little people, I approached them, I gave his sister a kiss, shook hands with "my husband", kissed his parents' and grandmother's forehead and shook hands. hands to his brothers.
Then I stood near my father, they were all talking to each other, but I especially noticed Aymen and his sister Sonia, looking at me askance.
Then Aymen's father said to his son: "Come on Aymen, take your wife and go have a little chat in the kitchen"
I looked at my mother who made me a sign to get up, so I did, and I walked in front of him, he was behind me and was following me, arriving at the kitchen he closed the door, it was directed towards me and grabbed me by the jaw.
Aymen: Who am I to walk behind you, like a dog, huh?
Me: Get off me.
Aymen: You are beautiful here, your reason benefits but when we are both it will not be the same.
He let go of me by pushing my head hard against the wall, I had a headache all of a sudden and bah it promised.
He didn't speak anymore, and took his phone and was talking to someone, looking me straight in the eye:
Aymen: Yes baby?
?: …………..
Aymen: Yeah, I'm with that filthy girl
?: ……………………
Aymen: I'm going to make her pay, don't worry she's going to struggle.
I got a shiver all over my body, who was he talking to? I was really scared.
Suddenly his sister Sonia opened the door:
Sonia: Aymen, the darons are calling you.
Aymen: Yeah, I'm coming.
Sonia looked askance at me one last time, then left.
Aymen approached me and told me
Aymen: Your interest in saying Yes, otherwise I will find you and rape you!
Then he left in front of me, my tears were going to fall so I raised my head, clenched my fists and bit my lower lip, Then I walked towards the living room.
He looked at us all, we sat down in our place, and Aymen's father spoke: "We came to ask for your daughter's hand, do you accept"?
My father said yes, and everyone did the Youyou, but felt that it did not come from the heart.
After his youyou, I like disconnecting my brain from the room, and I waited for everyone to finish talking.
Late at night, everyone left. I got up and went to lie down in my room when my brother came home and said to me:
Youssef: In two weeks it's the Hlel (religious wedding)!
My heart received like an electric shock, all of this could only be a nightmare, it's not possible otherwise.
He didn't give me time to answer that he's already left.
Part 4:
I'm going to spend 2 weeks, because talking about it, it would be useless, in two weeks I've been locked up at home, no one is trying to hear from me, my dresses are taken care of by my mother, she didn't want my help, my brother didn't talk to me and my father didn't have anymore, there was only my little Sarah (my sister).
The day before my Hlel, I was packing my suitcase, she came to my room and said to me:
Sarah: Isleym?
Me: Yes sweetie?
Sarah: Why are you packing?
Me: Because honey, I'm leaving.
Sarah: Go to who?
Me: I'm going to my husband my beautiful
My throat is knotted when I pronounced this sentence.
Sarah: I will miss you!
Me: You too my beautiful you too
I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly.
The next morning, I had to go to the beautician, I went there alone, I had no one, No friends, my family didn't come, it was a little hlel just between us, and my in-laws do not seem to have me in their hearts, since no one has tried to contact me, and even me Aymen "my husband"
The hlel is made at my place, since Sava was big enough for the few people who came.
I was sitting on my throne (if you can call it like that), when you hear the Youyou ringing out, my heart felt like it's stopped, they arrived with a lot of people he brought back all these colleagues at least he had this chance!
He approached me and kissed my forehead, he did it reluctantly, and once again it was probably only me who felt it, everyone was dancing having fun everyone except me .
Then the music stopped and the Imam recited the Koran, then we heard the YouYou, it's good in front of Allah I was Aymen's wife, O Allah protect me Ya Allah.
The evening was rushed, it went by super fast, as if everyone wanted to put an end to this marriage.
00:00, at only midnight, we the grooms left, there was no one left anyway, my mother passed me a suitcase and told me that tomorrow I had to come and get the rest.
Aymen was impatient at the door, no one accompanied me to him, in fact everyone did not care.
I got in the car with Aymen, no one was talking, I looked at the window and I thought back to Bouchra despite what she did, I missed her, I needed to have an explanation with her, I was already preparing my speech when I hear :
I looked at him, I didn't understand, until I saw that we arrived, it's time to go back to our house.
I carried my suitcase and walked over to his place, it was a ground floor apartment, with a garden, we weren't in a neighborhood.
It was a quiet place, a beautiful garden with a swing, I was happy, I love swings, but hey, as I remember, it was the end of January and the weather wasn't good enough to stay in the garden yet.