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Played: Chapter Ten - Jackie

“We have a very fine selection,” the older man said. “What size ring does your fiancée wear?”

“Tell the man what size you wear,” Jake told me.

“Size seven. Excuse us, please. I need to speak with Jake privately.” I grabbed him by the bicep, and Jake obligingly allowed me to pull him near the door. As soon as we were out of hearing range, I hissed, “What are you doing? Do you see how much those rings cost? I get why I needed the clothes, but an engagement ring?”

Jake arched an eyebrow as he stared stony-faced down at me.

Mike, who’d been wandering the store, came over to stand with us. “What’s the problem?”

“Jackie’s questioning my judgement,” Jake said.

I frowned. “No, I didn’t. I just asked if an engagement ring is necessary.”

They both stared at me, grim faced.

“You promised to do whatever we said, when we said it, no questions asked,” Jake reminded me.


“Jackie, he’s in charge. If Jake says it’s necessary, it is,” Mike interrupted.

I glanced between the two of them and over to where the rings sat waiting. Somehow buying an engagement ring made it seem more real, but I had given my word. “Okay.”

“We done here?” Jake asked curtly.

In his current mood, I was forcibly reminded that this man was my employer. “Yes.”

“Good.” He turned and strode to the waiting salesman.

Mike looked at me, shook his head, and followed. Feeling all kinds of stupid, I trailed behind.

Jake pointed to a ring with a rock so large it could be seen from space. “That one.”

“Excellent choice,” the salesman said, beaming as he pulled the ring out. He was probably calculating his commission in his head.

“Hold out your hand,” Jake ordered.

Obediently, I held out my left hand, fingers spread. Jake took the ring from the salesman and slid it on my finger. Mike leaned close and the two men examined the way it looked.

“It comes with a matching band,” the salesman said.

“Not this one. Give me the square cut,” Jake said. He removed the ring and gave it back to the guy, holding his hand out for the next one.

“An emerald cut halo diamond engagement ring set in a band of white gold. A little over one carat in total,” the man said, giving his sales pitch. “Look at the clarity of the diamond.”

Jake took my hand and slid the ring on. It fit like it had been made for me. “We’ll take this one, and I want the matching band. You can box the wedding band, but she’s wearing the ring out of here.”

“Let me polish the stone and I’ll package the rest. If you’ll step over here,” the man motioned to the discreetly placed cash register.

I handed the ring to the salesman while Jake reached into his pocket for his wallet. “Mike, take Jackie outside to wait for me.”

Mike took me by the elbow. “Come on.”

The minute we stepped outside, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Did you see how much that ring cost? It’s almost five thousand dollars.”

“Suck it up. You’re a rich bitch now. What do you care how much something costs? Remember, it’s all about appearances,” he said.

“I know but…what if the client doesn’t reimburse you?” Even the government had its limits.

“Then we’ll return the ring for a refund. Or hell, Jake might decide to keep it. It’s not like he can’t afford it,” Mike said.

I bit my lip and glanced anxiously through the window. To me, it seemed as if the men were going overboard. Yes, a certain number of props were necessary to present the illusion of wealth, but was all of this really necessary? So far, I’d accumulated six outfits, ten swimsuits, twenty bra and panty sets, five negligées, and now a ring that was worth as much as my car.

“We know what we’re doing, Jackie. Trust us,” Mike said, laying a reassuring hand on my arm.

“I guess I don’t really have a choice,” I muttered.

“Yes, you do. Make up your mind. This operation won’t work unless you trust us completely.” Mike’s intent gaze drilled into mine.

He’d been the one to recommend me for this. In doing so, Mike had placed a lot of faith in my acting abilities. Here I was ruining it. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just get nervous when I see how much money you’re wasting.”

“Jackie, rich people don’t worry about how much the bill is. Neither the company, nor Jake or I, will go broke over this, even if we don’t get expenses reimbursed. Stop worrying and enjoy yourself. How many times do you get to experience how the other half lives?” Mike said.

“You’re right. I’m looking at this the wrong way,” I said in a tone of dawning awareness. “What I should be doing is trying to break the bank.”

“That’s the spirit.” Mike squeezed my shoulders and brought me close for a brief hug as we laughed.

Jake came out of the store. His gaze traveled from Mike’s hands on my shoulders to both our smiling faces. “What’s so funny?”

“Jackie here is worried we’ll bankrupt the company if we keep spending so much money,” Mike said cheerfully. He casually released me and took a step back.

Jake didn’t crack a smile. “Is that so?”

“Yes, but I’ve managed to convince her she was looking at this situation the wrong way. She’s now fully onboard with the program. Aren’t you, Jackie?” Mike said.

I grimaced. “I promise I won’t complain or question your judgement again, but you may have to remind me from time-to-time. I’m frugal by nature.”

Jake stepped directly in front of me, forcing Mike back another step. He took my left hand and slid the engagement ring on. “Keep it on at all times.”

“Yes, sir. Um, you did get insurance for it, didn’t you?” I couldn’t help but ask.

Mike groaned. Jake merely said in a serious tone, “It’s insured.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Jake slid an arm around my waist and urged me forward. “Let’s go.”

I stepped lively to keep pace with him. My leather mules made a slapping sound as the heels hit the bottom of my feet. I’d dressed a little nicer today after yesterday’s fiasco. Good thing I’d packed an extra outfit, just in case. Today, I wore a capris outfit suitable for a casual day at work. I’d also pinned up my hair and added jewelry.

When Jake stopped in front of one of the shops where the salesclerk had been particularly rude, I groaned inwardly but kept silent. He opened the door and ushered me inside. Mike followed and stood close.

The same woman who attended to us yesterday came over when we crossed the threshold. She smiled prettily at the men while ignoring my presence completely. “How can I help you today?”

Jake removed his shades and stuck them in the V of his shirt. “My fiancée didn’t complete all of her shopping yesterday. I tend to be very particular when it comes to what my woman wears. Sometimes, I go overboard.”

“Fiancée?” the older woman echoed weakly.

I flashed my engagement ring and wiggled my fingers, admiring the way the diamonds and white gold popped with my brown skin. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

“Honey, pick out something sexy for the honeymoon. Something that will make our eyes bug out and our mouths water,” Mike said.

“You’re marrying both of them?” Her shocked voice barely carried to me as I strolled through the racks.

“I’d love to, but unlike gay marriage, polyamorous marriages haven’t been legalized yet. But we live in hope that one day it will be possible,” I said, smiling sweetly.

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