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Played: Chapter Six - Mike

I hid a smile, though it was doubtful either one would turn and notice. They were too caught up in each other. Jake had said, “I’m not willing to lose you,” not “We’re not willing to lose you.” I wondered if he realized his slip.

Interrupting before things could become awkward, I said, “Now that it’s settled, we can focus on preparation.”

“What do you mean, preparation?” Jackie asked warily as Jake released her and returned to his seat.

“There’s the marriage license and wedding arrangements. We need to take you clothes shopping, and Jake and I need to purchase wedding suits and pick out rings, for starters,” I said, ticking them off on my hands.

“If you’re going to be with us, we’ll need to hire a temp to answer the phones while we’re away,” Jake added. “They need to come in at least a week before we leave to learn the routine.”

Jackie held out her hands in a halt gesture. “Wait! Buy me clothes? Why?”

I ran my eyes over her figure. Jackie had great taste and knew how to dress to accentuate her positives, but her wardrobe was on the conservative side. Take the outfit she had on now. The royal blue blouse had a softly curved neckline that hinted at but didn’t reveal her cleavage. The skirt was black in a stretchy material that skimmed her curves without being tight. On the coat rack in her office hung the matching jacket. I’d caught more than one of our guys giving her admiring looks.

“Unless you have a secret life you’ve kept from Jake and me, I doubt you have hiding in your closet the kind of sexy outfits a woman wears to tease her lovers,” I said.

“Your role is that of a wife to two rich men. That means designer labels,” Jake added.

She twisted her lips as pride warred with practicality. I knew which one won when she gave a resigned sigh. “You’re right. So, when will we know if your application passed scrutiny?”

I smiled smugly. Why do they always doubt me? “It already passed the first level. They’re waiting on me to confirm with a date to check for availability.”


Judging by her uneasy expression, she hadn’t expected it to be this easy. “Change your mind?” I asked silkily.

Jackie squared her shoulders and firmed her lips. “No. I’m in.”

“Good. We should have about six weeks to prepare and then it’s off to Barbuda for a week.” I paused as a thought crossed my mind. Inwardly, I grinned as only a diabolical mastermind can. “Jake, go stand behind Jackie.”

He gave me a glance, and I saw understanding creep into his eyes. The thing about being best friends with someone is sometimes they can almost read your mind. We both rose and walked to her. Jake stood at her back and I stopped in front, crowding her. She immediately tensed.

I placed my hands on her waist, and Jake’s landed on her shoulders. “Body language speaks volumes about a person. A woman doesn’t tense when a lover stands close, not if she’s found pleasure in his touch. She unconsciously leans close, her body searching for more.”

Jake moved even closer as he slid his hands up to her neck. “When he stands behind her, she relaxes into his strength, knowing he’ll never let her fall.”

I lowered my face until we were inches apart. Jackie nervously licked her lips. “And when he bends forward, like this, she rises up to meet him because she craves his taste.”

“When his head lowers to her neck, she automatically tilts her head to the side, inviting his caress,” Jake said into her ear.

We stood together, barely a breath between us. Straightening, I said to Jake, “We’re going to have to break her in, get her used to our touch. It’s the little things that can trip us up.”

Now that he’d finally touched her, I noticed Jake was having difficulty pulling away. He tenderly massaged her shoulders, unconsciously seeking to relax her.

“Together and individually,” Jake agreed, his eyes flickering with repressed heat. “But not here. We can’t do this in the office.”

“Agreed,” I said. “Weekends? We don’t have a lot of time.”

“We’ll alternate,” Jake said with a nod.

“Uh, guys? Standing right here.” I glanced down to see Jackie frowning at me with her hands on her hips. “Care to share?”

“From now until we leave, you’ll alternate weekends between my place and Jake’s,” I said.

“Okay,” she said, surprising me.

Her easy agreement must have surprised Jake, too. “You’ll be sleeping in our beds, not the guestroom,” he stressed.

She glanced over her shoulder. “I know. Make sure the fridge is fully stocked and I’ll cook.”

I arched one brow as my gaze met Jake’s. “That’s it? No questions or objections?”

Facing me again, she said, “No. I told you I’m willing to do whatever it takes if it helps bring this organization down. You two are the experts. If you say this is necessary, then it is. I trust you.”

Well, damn. Now I wanted to hug her. Jackie was a good woman, and I knew she’d make Jake a great wife, if he could only get over himself. Fortunately for him, he had me to help.

“Okay. Let’s start tonight. Come to my house. Jake, you take next weekend,” I said before he could speak.

“I need to go home first and take care of some things. I should be at your place by seven,” she said.

“That works.” It gave me time to straighten up. Twenty years in the military taught a man not to be a slob. I also had a cleaning service that came in once a week, but I needed to change the bed linens and make certain there were no hair clippings on the bathroom vanity.

Though she’d be sleeping in my bed, sex was not on the menu. The purpose of this weekend was to get us used to each other outside of a business setting, and to create a greater sense of familiarity and intimacy with each other. There was a maxim that applied: You never really knew a person until you lived with them.

Jackie arrived a little before seven that evening. “I brought groceries,” she said, holding up a tote bag.

“Give me that. I’ll put it in the kitchen. Place your bag in my bedroom. You know where everything is. Make yourself at home,” I said.

Both Jake and I had given her spare keys to our homes for convenience’s sake. In addition, she’d hosted multiple business gatherings for us in our residences. On one memorable occasion, she’d nursed first Jake and then me through the flu. Jackie was more than an employee. She was a friend.

Minutes after Jackie arrived, Jake showed up, duffle bag at his feet. I leaned a shoulder against the doorjamb. “Can I help you?”

“Move out of the way,” Jake said.

“It’s my weekend with her. What are you doing here?” I asked, waiting to see how he’d respond. I knew the reason. Would he admit to it?

“Change of plans. She needs to adjust to being with both of us together outside of the office. Meeting with her individually won’t get the job done,” he said.

I allowed both eyebrows to rise. “I see.”

“Are you going to let me inside?” he asked.

Head tilted to the side, I tapped a finger to my chin. “I’m thinking about it.”

Jake shoved me. I pushed back. Then he rammed his shoulder into my chest. I dug in my heels and forced him to a standstill. We were still wrestling in the doorway when Jackie said, “What on earth are you two doing?”

We straightened. I grinned while Jake ran a hand through his hair.

“Jake here is trying to horn in on my weekend with you,” I said.

Jackie rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m going into the kitchen to cook. I haven’t eaten.”

Trailing after her, I quickly lost interest in tormenting Jake. Jackie was a fantastic cook. “What are you making?”

I heard Jake enter and close the door behind him.

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