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J and M Consulting 1 and 2: Played and Gamed

Zena Wynn
79.0K · Completed


PLAYED Mike: I’ve spent years watching my business partner and our administrative assistant moon over each other when th...


Played: Chapter One - Mike

I stood, feet planted, arms crossed over my chest. “I want this contract.”

My business partner reclined in his chair like a big cat. Despite his casual pose, I knew he could explode into action in the blink of an eye. “So do I. It would keep us in the black for years, not to mention all the business that would come our way if we can pull it off. Unfortunately, it’s been tried and failed. Don’t see how we’ll be any more successful.”

Smirking, I said, “Those agencies don’t have me.”

Jacob “Jake” Jacobson gave a slight nod. “True, but even your evil genius may not be enough in this instance.”

I grinned. Jake should know better than to underestimate me. Strategic planning was my area of expertise. One I’d raised to such a high level, it was almost a calling. I was planning. Jake was logistics. The man was a real-life MacGyver with his uncanny ability to provide the things we needed to accomplish the mission.

“I have a plan,” I said and waited.

When nothing more was forthcoming, Jake tossed his pen on the desk. “Care to share, O Evil One?”

Fighting back a laugh at the reaction I knew was coming, I said, “They’ve tried to send single men, women, and couples. We’ll apply as a threesome and see what happens.”

“A threesome,” Jake repeated slowly. His brows scrunched in an expression of deep thought as he considered my words.

“Ménage à trois, polyamorous grouping. Any of this ringing a bell?”

One dark-gold eyebrow rose. “Cute. I know what a threesome is. It might work. The Feds are too strait-laced to think of it, but we’d need a third.”

Straight-faced, I said, “I have someone in mind.”

Eyes narrowed in suspicion, Jake asked, “Who?”

“Jackie.” I waited for the explosion.

Jake’s face went blank with shock before he exploded into action. He straightened abruptly in his chair and slapped his hands on his desk. “No.”

“Think about it. She’s perfect for the job.”

Frowning ferociously, Jake surged to his feet. “Absolutely not. She’s a noncombatant.”

“Which is what makes her perfect. No one would expect us of being spies with Jackie accompanying us,” I said.

Jake adamantly shook his head. “Jackie’s not cut out for this type of work.”

I tried reasoning with him. “Before you say no—”

“I already said no,” he snarled.

“—hear me out.” Then, before he could voice the protest I saw forming, I outlined my plan.

When I finished, Jake crossed to the office window and stared out. I didn’t fill the silence. From the tenseness of his shoulders, I knew the lust he felt for our administrative assistant warred with his need to keep her safe. This was his opportunity to get a taste of the woman he’d craved for years.

After a minute of watching him struggle, I said the words I knew would tip the balance. “Remember, this is a reconnaissance operation. All we need to do is get in, take pictures, and get out.”

Finally, he turned to face me. “If they accept our reservation and she agrees, I’ll go along with your plan.”

Inclining my head in a small nod, I said, “I’ll get started.”

As I left Jake’s office, I allowed my smile to bloom. The first move of my master plan had been played. This game was now Active.

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