“Hey honey, you back?” Evy’s mom asked aloud when she closed the door.
“Yes, mom,” she answered her back and moved her feet towards the kitchen.
“How was your school?”
“Usual,” she said to her innocently. But as it is said, nothing can be hidden from a mother, so her mom instantly knew that her school went better than usual.
“Of course, honey, your gleaming eyes say that school was fantastic.” To which she stuck her tongue out.
“Uh, mom, I have invited Hailey and Max to hang out. You don’t mind, do you?”
“Of course not,”
“Love you, mom,” she took an apple and ran to her room.
Evy’s room is the favorite part of her home. It is not that huge, nor is it tiny. It is covered with beautiful lavender colored wallpaper, which has a white floral print design. In the middle of her room is her comfy bed. On one side of her room is the study table, which is attached to her bookshelf. On the other side of the room is her dressing table. Unlike other girls, it is not loaded with hundreds of cosmetic items. Instead, it is just filled with basic stuff that every girl needs to have. On the left side of her room is an enormous window. But unfortunately, her window doesn’t show her a beautiful view of a beach or a sunset or sunrise. Instead, the view outside her window is the house of the famous Edward Loraine.
Anyway, keeping her thoughts aside, Evy sat on her comfy bed with her laptop resting on her thighs and the pillow supporting her back. She opened the best social networking site which connects you to the world, Facebook. When she left Woodstock, Evy deleted her Facebook account because of her insecurities, but she activated it again when she pulled herself together and started a new life.
When she opened her account, it was filled with messages, notifications, and friend requests. First, she checked her notifications and then messages.
Messages were from a few of her friends asking her about her first day at Rosewood and how they were missing her. So, she replied to their messages, telling them a little about her day here. Last but not the list, she checked friend requests, and it was filled with hundreds of them. She is not lying, nor is she exaggerating. Before a year, she hardly had ten to fifteen friends on her list, and now the entire school wants to add her.
Evy accepted everyone’s request. It actually took her an hour and a half to accept all of them, but that’s okay. She was kind of enjoying this.
Knock knock!
“Come in!” Evy said loudly.
“Heya,” Max greeted me.
“Gentleman as always,” she smirked. But Max was looking around her room as if he was searching for something...................... Or she would rather say, someone.
“Hailey will come in half an hour. She had to pick up her little sister.”
“Okay. Well, I didn’t ask for her.” He was scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh, come on, Max, you need not lie to me. I know that you like her.” His eyes were wide.
“I just met her today.” He tried to defend himself, but the poor guy always forgets that he can never win an argument with her.
“Yeah, right, that’s why you were giving her your famous hugs.” Evy rolled her eyes.
“Well, I don’t know why I did that, and anyway, she is too good for me.”
“Well, I think you both are perfect for each other. In fact, you both will make a cute couple, and both of you are single as well.” Said suggestively.
“She is single?” Shock took over him.
“Yeah, she has never had a boyfriend before. Remember, I told you. And you should go for her. I mean come on, you are waiting for the right girl, and she is waiting for the right boy. Maybe you both are right for each other.”
“Maybe you are right. I should finally start looking for a girlfriend,” he said while rubbing his temple.
“You don’t have a girlfriend?” Hailey suddenly blurted out of nowhere.
“Oh yeah, I never found one. How about you?” Max asked.
“Same here. Well, I can’t have a girlfriend, you know,” raising her eyebrows.
“Well, you can have one, you know, if you are...” Max tried to mimic her.
“Ha-ha hilarious, I am very much straight.”
“I was just suggesting.” He shrugged.
“By the way, Evy, your mom asked you to come down in five minutes to get the snacks,” Hails informed her.
“Well, I better get going now.” She ran downwards, but before she could enter the kitchen, she heard the doorbell.