It’s been a year since Eddy has seen her. He still regrets everything he has done to her. He still remembers each and every moment he has spent with her. He thought about calling her back...... Heck, he even dialed her number numerous times, but he didn’t have the nerve to call her after what he did to her. But one thing is for sure; if he gets a chance to meet her, she will forgive him instantly because that’s who she is. His best friend. But he doesn’t know if he can call her that now.
Well, today is their first day of senior year at Woodstock High, although he is pretty excited about it. But without her, it doesn’t feel the same.
Enough about his best friend. Well, Eddy is short for Edward Loraine, the 17-year-old quarterback of the football team of Woodstock high. Yes, you would have guessed that he is popular, and yes, he is also called a so-called player, and that’s only because he flirts a lot. And why wouldn’t he be as he is a jock with good looks and girls just love him, and the boys want to be like him. He also has good grades, so that’s a bonus. Eddy knows that he is arrogant, but hey! Attitude builds up as your popularity increases.
Unlike other people, he loves going to school as he gets all the attention. So yes, he enjoys being the jock of this school. It has its perks, but at the same time, he regrets it. That is because of this popularity; he has lost his best friends. He has tons of friends and knows that they are all fake, but one of them is his loyal friend. His name is Carson. He is the only one now with whom he can be his true self. Maybe that’s because during this year, Carson has changed a lot and why wouldn’t? He had a reason to change; his girlfriend, Kayla.
Well, today, everyone is excited about coming to school. Every boy hopes to see a new girl student, and every girl hopes to see a new boy student, and guess what? Yes, this year they do have two new students: a boy and a girl. To be honest, he doesn’t care, but for some odd reason, he really wishes that the new girl should be the one who used to be his buddy.
Eddy doesn’t even know what he will tell her if she came in front of him. He has no clue how he will react. He knows some people might dread Karma. As they think, Karma is a bitch.
But he doesn’t believe in it. He knows that what he did to her was wrong, but she will accept it if he asks for an apology. So how will Karma get back to him? The saying is bullshit. It’s just a myth that people believe. If you make a mistake, just apologize and take the corrective measures, and your job is done. So how will Karma get back to you? Well, that’s a mystery to him.
This year he has an instinct that lots of surprising stuff are going to take place. It’s like he should expect unexpected things for himself.
Well, let’s see. Only time will tell.
Hopes up and fingers crossed.
He took a deep breath and asked for his new schedule. Let the new senior year begin.