We were all in the principle's office. Damien was holding an ice pack to his face,Milli was okay and Chad was shaking nervously. Isaac was turned facing the window ignoring everyone in the room.
"Now..explain". The principal,Mr.Marcus said in a harsh voice.
"They attacked us!!".Damien yelled.
"Because you hit my friend".I yelled back.
"Quiet!". Mr.Marcus yelled then turn to Milli. "I've never seen you before, you don't attend this school".he raise an eyebrow.
"That's not important ,what is important is why you and your stupid guards interrupted our fight?". Milli ask.
"You can't be serious." The principal said shaking his head.
I chuckled softly.
"You don't even belong here".
"And...?" Milli asked and roll his eyes before smirking at Damien.
Mr.Marcus sighed.
"Can someone just explain please".
"Okay, Damien hit Chad and I was going to kick his ass but Chad said not to so I let Milli here do it but Isaac wanted to get involve and we all started fighting,except for Chad".I explain.
I was surprise Isaac just sat there.
"Chad did Damien hit you? Mr.Marcus ask.
"Do you not see the black eye?".Milli pointed at Chad's eye.
"Okay then and why did you do that Damien."
"He bump into me".Damien whine.
"So you think that you should hit someone because they bump into you?".I ask.
"Shut up you son of a bitch".
Bitch huh?.
I was about to jump on him and attack him but then I remembered we were in a principal's office and two security guards were behind us.
"Fuck off Damien." Was the only thing I could say.
"Enough!!....I don't want to hear anything else.I'm giving each of you two days suspension except for Chad, I'm giving you a detention because you were there and also. And you, I'm calling your school and they can decide your punishment".
He handed Milli a paper and he wrote the name of his school and their number on it before giving it back.
"Now all of you leave, It's lunch time for Christ sake".Mr.Marcus said harshly.
"Nice meeting you sir".Milli said as he walk out.
When we were all outside Isaac glared at us.
"Fucking bastards!"
"Now you decided to speak".I roll my eyes.
"Come on Isaac". Damien touch his shoulder, Isaac gave us a death glare before turning and walking away with Damien
I walk Damien back to his car."Until next time Babyboy".He smile
"Yea right".I punch his shoulder playfully and he got in his car and drove out of school.
I walk back to the cafeteria and sat beside Chad. As soon as I sat down he started glaring at me.
"What?".I ask innocently.
"I hate you".
"Oh you love me".
"No seriously, I told you not to mess with them and then you bring Milli into this."
"I help you and -".
"I didn't need your help, it was fine".
"Whatever, you should be glad I'm here.I can see before I got here, you were just a-a....i don't know but I'm here to protect you and I'm your friend".
"I so hate you".
I laugh.
"You have a little bruise under your eye". Chad pointed out.
"Its nothing".
"You know, you're a good fighter you and Milli let Damien and Isaac look like they were struggling. Damien's face is a mess and you did give Isaac a lot of punches I was so shock when everything started."
He took a sip of his water before continuing.
"Do you like Isaac?"he ask.
"What?no-y-i don't..grrrr".
"Exactly, you have a thing for him and he does too but you two are just too hot headed to see that".
"If I didn't tell you I was gay,none of this would have come to that foggy little mind of yours".
"True, but I know now and I've been watching you two".
"Chad,he's not gaaaay".I emphasis on gay.
"That's what you think, think about it".
He got up as the bell ring and gave me a smile as he walk out of the cafeteria to his next class.
Pssh I'll think about nothing.
"And you see didn't do anything wrong." I sighed and leaned on the sofa in the living room.
"You like a guy that bullies you?" Alicia ask looking at me weirdly.
"Is that all you heard woman? I should have left that part out." I said and walked away from her.