I walked to my class and took my usual seat at the back. After what seemed like forever of taking note the bell rang for lunch. Everyone got up and I followed behind them. I made my way to my locker where Chad was tapping on his phone smiling.
"What are you smiling about?" I ask.
"Nothing".he chuckled.
"I would have said the same".I mumbled and put my books In my locker.
We walk into the cafeteria and soon as my eyes made contact with Isaac. I grab Chad hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria. You might say I'm acting crazy right now but you wouldn't understand.
"What is it?!"Chad ask.
I pulled him out side and under a tree where I told everything to him.
There was a awful lot of silence. Chad was in deep thoughts looking into open air.
"So you're trying to say that you're staying away from him because you don't want to kick his ass because of what your dad said about your mom? I didn't know your mom was gone, I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"Well how are you going to stay away from Isaac?".he ask.
"What do you mean?".I ask.
"Well you can avoid someone but you can't avoid someone you're secretly in love with".he smirk at me.
"Whatever".I rolled my eyes.
"See, you can't even deny it. You do like him and I know he likes you too, If only you two can stop fighting". He smiled
"Chad shut up and come on ".I said and walk back into school.
We walk into the cafeteria and I kept my head down as we sat at and empty seat. We ate in silence, listening to the sounds around us.
My next class I had with isaac. I sighed. I sat down in the corner at the back and spot Isaac two desk away from me. Another two desk from him was Jonathan. I smile when I saw him and got up,I couldn't stop my feet from going over to him. I sat down beside him and caress his cheek,he jumped and look over at me.
"Hey there".I smirk.
"Gosh you scared me?".he said and held unto this heart
"Aww I'm sorry, How are you?"
He raise a brow before answering.
"Are you flirting with me?"
"Naah, I'm just starting a conversation. You look good today by the way" I whispered and smile when I saw him turn bright red but not from anger. Aww he was blushing.
As I was about to speak again a book fell on the desk followed by a loud bang. I look up to see Isaac smirking.I got up and got in his face.
"Don't you see I'm talking".I growled.
"Stay away from him fag unless you want me to teach you something again".
"Pssh,you got lucky bastard, I'll get my revenge even if it kills me in the end".
And like that I walk back to me seat.
He just had to ruin the moment.