School was over now and I was heading to my car. I had no idea what I was going to do this evening,I'm bored as hell.I decided to contact Milli and see if he would like to hang out. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer?
"Hey little boy!"he answered. I laugh.
"Bitch! you wanna hang out".
"Yea, meet me at central park".
I ended the call and went into the car, I drove out of school and headed to the park. Chad had to stay after school today so I was alone.
Milli was there, sitting on top of one of the tables in the park, I shook my head and made my way over to him. He look in my direction and started to grin evily.
"Hey bro".he hit my shoulder,I sat beside him and took in a deep breath.
"What with the deep breathing?"he ask.
I look at him before answering.
"Ahh,nothing just some things mixing up in my head".I touch my temple.
" A certain guy."
"Oh you like someone."
"Yeah but I'll tell you ab out it another time."
He nod understanding.
"Wanna go mess with the mass cops?".he smirk.
I gave him and evil smirk before getting up and motioning him to the car.
I was sitting in a class room with my friends,they were all talking about the game from last night but I zoned out into my own little world. I couldn't keep Rumi off my mind and for some reason I felt disappointed not seeing him a lot today, was he avoiding me? I don't blame him though. I was starting to regret beating him up the other day but he asked for it.He looked so cute the way he opened his mouth in shock when I first hit him,I couldn't stop though.I was angry.
Wait!!! way!.I have to be careful with the things I say,next thing I'm saying them out loud.
I shift in my chair and turn to my friends.
They were all looking at me.
"Welcome back dude". Damien grin.
I roll my eyes and flick him off.
After about ten minutes of talking we decided to go to the mall,we always go there on boring days and skate or whatever.As we were heading to the arcade, Damien hit my chest making me stop in my tracks and glare at him.
"Dude check it out". Damien said.
Confused, I followed his eyes and what I saw confused me even more ,two guys running from two mall cops,I looked closer and saw that the two guys were Rumi and his friend,they were laughing as if they enjoyed being chase by the cops. They ran our way and out the big glass door, out of sight with the cops slowing down as if they couldn't ran more.
"Bro this kid is crazy, even crazier than you". Ricky said.
I turn around and glare at him.
"Shut up".I growl.
He put his hand up in surrender and turn to walk away.I took one more look at the big door,hoping to get one last glance at Rumi before I walk away but I didn't.