I fell for this guy at first sight. I'm not to blame, he got a great body so who would not fall for him? I still remember that day - the first day of my school when I saw him practicing on the field. I was walking aimlessly on campus as it was my first day and Naina took me to the football field. She wanted to show me some hot guys as she wished me to be in a relationship. She and her boyfriend were having a pretty great relationship and she knew that for the last two weekends I was stuck in my room alone as she went out with her boyfriend- Chadley. My other friends were busy in their ways so I had nothing to do on weekends except for counting floor tiles, watching Netflix, or reading Novels.
I still remember seeing him on the field while he was running, his muscles, flexes, and that sweat on his body shining like diamonds in the sunlight. After seeing him on the field that day, he lived in my mind rent-free. This all crush thing lasted only till break time.
On-field, Naina showed me all the athletes including Tom and told me everything she knew about them all. No doubt, she's a big gossiper. I'm interested in only one guy and guess what, he's single.
In break time of my first day, when I went to my locker, Tom and his gang were standing at my locker. I was nervous and did my hair before reaching there as I had a crush on him.
"Excuse me, it's my locker", I said politely.
"Sorry sweetheart, we are standing here so it's ours", Tom replied without looking at me,
"I'm being polite can't you too?", I replied politely.
"No I can't", as he said this in sarcasm, his gang started laughing at me.
"Ouch!", Maxwell proclaimed. Tom turned around and set his eyes set on me for the first time. I was getting annoyed at his ego.
"New girl, you'll learn your manners and your place soon", he said raising an eyebrow. I never expected him to have this much ego, I have self-respect too.
"I should have figured out that you were egoistic. Can't you just move out of my way, I want to take out my lunch", I said once again in a polite manner.
"Humph... first, I'm not egoistic. Second, stop pretending like you know everything. Third, no I'm not interested in you, you are not my type so quit trying", he said rolling his eyes.
I almost laughed at this. It's kind of true that I like him but he can't be obnoxious.
"Listen Mr. first, I'm not interested in you. Second, I just wanted to take my lunch from my locker. Third, stop pretending to be a smart ass when you are just an ass", I said rolling my eyes at him.
"Fuck, Tom got insulted", Jake gasped. I need to answer him as he was getting on my nerves. I was being polite to an extreme level.
"Well pretty, sorry for his behavior we will move out from here if you tell us your name", Alex cut off Tom from replying. I'm not falling that easily in their games,
"Sure darling, I'm 'NIGHTMARE' dressed like a daydream", after saying this, I asked myself if I'm doing too much?
"Fuck you all that's my girl", Aleister shouted and came over to me.
Aleister Rourke is the second richest guy of school after Jessica Moon. I haven't met her yet but heard so much about her that she's so cool and sexy and is on leave from school as she's in London for business...Blah..Blah.... So, Aleister is a mature kid who protects his friends every time. He is taller than me and has platinum blond hair like Malfoy with green eyes, he's damn sexy. He also plays football but he doesn't like to hang out with his team. Instead, he likes to spend time with us. He feels like his teammates are bitches.
He came and rested his arm on my shoulder, we are literally like brothers. His arm on my shoulder is giving me a kind of confidence.
"She's your girl then ask her not to shove her ass in my area or there will be consequences", warned who? That jerk who's my crush. God, how can I fall for him?
Removing Aleister's hand from my shoulder, I took a few steps towards Tom,
"First of all, I'm not his girlfriend and second, consequences will be for you not for me Mr.", I said with a high tone that almost everyone was staring at this free drama. I was pointing my finger at his eyes. He came near me and I was walking backward until the wall stopped my feet and I don't know why I acted like I was scared, maybe because of that death glare he gave me... I was completely cornered by him and had nowhere to go. He kept moving till he was an inch away from me. I was angry with him and so hungry too, I didn't eat anything.
"I wonder if your mother is a bitch like you--", he whispered in my ear.
How dare he cross his limits? Before he can speak anything further, I punched him right on his cheek and kicked him in his stomach so hard that he kneeled and hugged his stomach. "Fuck" was all that came out of his mouth. Everyone was gasping and staring. Bell rang and everyone started disappearing as Alex and Maxwell shooed them away. I hold my ground and glared at him. He glared at me.
"THIS IS NOT OVER", he shouted through his teeth. Aleister pushed me to Literature class before I could answer his warning or challenge, whatever it was.
Fuck them all! Jerks, what do they think they are? The king of school? I didn't even eat my lunch. Now even my fist hurts. Motherfucker! Great first day - I fought with the king of school and everyone was talking about me. Who thought that I would have to punch and kick my crush?
I told Naina about my crush for Tom and the fight we had after school and she already knew about the fight, gossip spreads faster, and eventually, my whole group knew about that. They were not surprised at how I reacted to Tom as when I first met them all in the mall I kind of have punched and broken that jerk man's nose who tried to squeeze my ass. Brooke was so proud of me and we immediately left the mall after I caused that scene. So they were aware of my anger issues. Naina's relationship didn't work out and her ship sunk after sailing for a month. I was always around her when she needed me and when she returned to her regular phase today, this happened and the news about Tom being my crush reached my group just within 3 minutes. Classy Naina told them and they came over to my home and started planning for making my ship sail and they found out that it was almost impossible after how I treated Tom.
Instead, we had a sleepover at Aleister's and at midnight they celebrated my eighteenth birthday. Before falling to slumber, we played on Aleister's PS5 and Brace started convincing everyone for my ship.
Aleister opposed the thought of me dating Tom. Like that was going to happen? I hate Tom now. Brace, the ship maker, still found hope shortly and almost got everyone including me into believing that I and Tom could work out. Aleister was laughing at the thought of kicking one's crush at the first meeting, he was there witnessing everything. Still, they hoped for positive and told me not to insult Tom and if possible not to talk with him the next day and when things would be calmed, they would try for my ship.
This is bullshit. I'd literally kill him at first sight, but I didn't argue seeing their excitement.
The second day was well because it was my birthday until I saw them again in break time. Well, they called out for me while I was passing and I completely ignored them. Then I heard a thick British accent calling out, "Hey Aerial", it was Tom but Aerial, obviously not me. Though I turned and saw some random blonde talking with Tom. Maybe she's Aerial. I took my lunch from my locker and checked my phone and I had a notification from Instagram that TOM HOLLAND posted a new pic. I checked it out and God that picture was so hot, he was standing on the beach shirtless, staring at the sunset. Tom Holland is my celebrity crush besides BTS and I am a die-hard fan of him. That picture just made my day and 'MEOW' was all I can gasp out after looking at that post. When I closed my locker, two eyes were staring at me.
It was him yes my ten percent crush because of his looks and ninety percent enemy- Thomas David Stanley. I tried to ignore how adorable he was looking and kept neutral expressions and walked away from him.
"HEYA M.E.O.W", he shouted. And I knew that this time it was obviously me, whom he was calling out.
"WHAT THE HECK?", I turned and walked towards him.
"Do you want another kick in your balls so that you can't have children?", I threatened him pulling my leg half in the air towards his balls.
"What? I was just trying to be friendly", he said, shoving my leg back from his balls.
"FRIENDLY? I was waiting for another round, I guess", I almost laughed at the choice of my words. Friendly? Hell will freeze if Tom will be friendly with me after I shoved his reputation in the gutter. He's just planning something evil. Still, why I find him adorable, ugh my inner Goddess. Deep down I think he's a good guy.
"Yes, I'm being serious Meow. As no one, NO ONE tried to cross Thomas Stanley ever and punch him, no one will ever dream of it. You are different. You are confident, and I don't know why but you are the only one who's not fallen for me, and that makes me uncomfortable. And you were not even afraid when I threatened you instead you fought back", he completed his sweet little paragraph with a little pout. 'Only one who's not fallen for me', how can I tell him that I have fallen for him?
"First of all, stop calling me MEOW, and second if you want to be on friendly terms then fine", I extended my hand for a handshake. He hesitated at first but accepted it and Maxwell made me fall back while hugging me. Cringey! It can't be happening. Like I've read in novels that if you insult the king of school then they would get back at you, but it's completely different here. Someone pinch me.
"It was easy, I thought you would be hard to convince and would insult me once again, and then we would be enemies forever", he said giving me a little smile.
"I think it's better if we are friends, instead of planning every night how to kill each other we can just share milkshakes", I half-joked. He laughed. He's so adorable, he didn't have dimples like Maxwell still he's the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
"And happy birthday", Tom wished me. How does he know? Anyways, focus on the good, don't overthink, I begged my subconscious.
After the break, I went to my Biology class, and then everything went downhill....