Kurt POV.
f * ck lyka my wedge annoying who Kian Nato t * Na * that the flirting of her Ky Lyka tskkkkkk while I'm offensive happened earlier called Manga my friend to Picky here inside I do not care my manga women I just drink because my day is now because of P * Ste Kian Nayan ....
* FastForward *
While I'm waiting for I will suddenly find Lyka in the kitchen taking a water and looked at Kipkkk why he smelled his eyes dipurkit.
Hoyy Lyka !! "I harvested and he appeared to achieve"
p-o? "he harvested
Come here "I said"
SAN? "he said"
Come here sitting you here by my side "I harvest"
Why? "he said"
Do not many questions as long as you come here? "I said"
OK "He harvested and walked onto Salakin he approached me immediately to pulled him to the sofa to fierce him and I sustain him"
Ku-ya an-or doing m-or "he said harvest"
We'll play with you "I said and I immediately kissed it with pesnge and sustained my clothing kick him to the lips immediately came into our house ....
wowwww b * ld "harvest by Kivier"
Child Abuse amp *? "said Lorenz"
Haystttt why yet they come Haysttt whispered when I brain
Kurt POV.
And we are now in the living room Driving I don't still forget the happened earlier Tskkk Diko Namn thought they were going to know it in this time manga adding my manga friend ...
You're a sister as you are trying to go first? "said Kivier"
Yong you think manga mad "I said"
Isus mad I crazy we know I want to be in Step Little Sister "Kivier harvest is weak"
haysss do not you know Ehh Imagine hunchback Later nights we'll be wondering why it is your way? "I said"
Hahaha Gf Ehh does not allow "harvest of Kivier"
My Club Metting me later "said Lorenz"
Is it so? "I said"
Yes "they once harvested"
OK "I said"
Hoyy Kurt chagger slowly to you move to your brother child Payn Ehh done to take his virginity "harvest Lorenz"
Do I know boy how do you do? "I said"
20Years Old He 15years old you are your old man to her so you will think that you are right because you matured than to her Ok "Lorenz said"
I knew but jealousy because he had kian kian he "I said"
Okey that Kanian Really Today May she have a Crush Crush That Hayst Don't Thinking Right Men To Yes "said Lorenz"
Oh Tagy we first siyin "Kivier said"
Cheers we harvest three once drinking alcohol ....
They went home because they were somewhat drunk that they could not cope to drive..kaya let kona they went home and I'm blasted in a manga clutter in the living room ... and I saw Lyka dress sleeping ..
Done you drink? "said Lyka"
done to eat you ? "I said"
Yes I ordered a meal "Lyka said"
okey you Sleep Pudience Ha Kng I'm not in school because I'm drinking "I harvest"
It's okay goodnigth brother "harvest he would leave that he would have suddenly grabbed his hand and embraced"
Ang Kuya What's your "harvest"
kiss me? "I said"
Goodnigth brother once kissed my chicks and ran into the bedroom ...
Hayst 1Points Kurt Ayuss Nice1 That's just first I'll have my Little Sister ...
lyka pov.
I wake up early because I wanted to come in early I did not want Malate I would like to see Kian in advance of Yong wife I yieeee shovel her pickled pickled for the sweet he really .... so I immediately bathed fast and made routine I and after I made my routine I immediately came out of the bedroom and I saw Kuya in the kitchen cooking ...
Goodmorning Kuya "I said"
Morning "he said cold voice"
It has been Hayst Hayst at any time Cold he really haysstt my harvest in mind ..
Kuya have you money? "I said"
Why? Will you take the money? "Kuya Kurt said"
Just buy a bread "I said"
I have we bread in the Ref so no worry's bought "he harvested"
I'll buy a cake kuya pleasss give me first "I harvest"
for whom? "he asked"
in my room "I said"
Let's Eat I Give You're Later You're Money "He said cold voice"
Thanks Kuya "I said once a yess I can buy a cake for kian kian..aan so it can eat? I do not want to see us together because I know he's going to ...
lyka pov.
I'm arrived at the school and bearer I was a cake for Kian I was happy I was really sorry for Kona because Kian.
Good Morning Lyka My Luckygirl "He harvested I'm fine"
Hehe Good Morning also Kian Tara Let's go to the rooftop Nothing else is so that we can eat Yong cake I bought for me "I said"
Sure "He harvested and went out of the room and suddenly I was nervous when I saw Kuya deflected on the wall ... and looked at me sharp manga eyes and turned a brow
ohhh san you go lyka? "said Kuya Kivier"
k-uya kivier on the rooftop just "i harvest"
And what do you do? "He said yet"
Why is the quantity of the question we preign so do not know that many questions "said Kian and touched the hand I just went to Kuya Kivier ..
Hoyyy Kian! "harvest of Kuya Nako dead"
yez? "said Kian"
What do you say you're two of Lyka? "Kuya said"
Yez Bagadate Kame Actually She My Future Gf Soon "Kian harvest and suddenly Kuya's forehead Kuya Kaytay Kiano did not tell me to Kuya Ang Mind"
You know Pre Before you flirt with the woman youigher first with a Shota or not my wife Lyka is the strength inside you say Yan Saakin "Ani Kuya once punched to Kian"
what!!!! "I shouted and I came to Kian"
Lyka !! "Kuya's cry"
Why did you make Kurt to Kian leave Kananga "I cry"
No. You'll be with you "Kuya said and suddenly I'm like a sack"
Kurt What's! "I cry"
Shut up Lyka !!! "She shouted and much looking at hayst ... Brother Below I first pleas just ... Why do you smile my wife Ehh siblings We just gagi family stroke made you" harvest my mind "