Kurt POV.
While Lyka walked to his school I followed him so I really knew that he had no calamentar doing so I followed him and when we came to his classroom he saw him smith and entered the room.
Or toler do we have? Why are you here in Lyka's classroom "said Lorenzo"
Just here first we will be sure I just don't have her calamentar "I harvest"
luhhh? "They harvested and suddenly saw Lyka come out with a man Ohh said Congrab with the calamentar he was doing here ..
Oh san you go lyka "harvest Kivier"
K-Uya Kivier s rooftop just "he harvested while I just looked at me"
And what do you do? "Kivier said and suddenly Kian replied"
Why the Quantity Mung Quantity Previous We Do not WAG I WAW WAG Many Questions "Kian Wow Date Naol P * Ta Me Lang Yan Di Sayo .. They get rid of Kona Kona.
Hoyy Kian "I harvest"
Yez "he said"
What do you say you're two of Lyka? "I said"
yes idadate kame actually she's my girlfriend soon 'harvest Kian cause my forehead "
You know Pre Before you flirt with the woman youighed first with a Shota or not my wife Lyka's the strength inside you say that she said and smacked her .. .
what!! "He shouted and he approached Kian gag * The you also Lyka no? T * ngina ...
Lyka !!! "I cry"
Why did you make Kurt to Kian go away! "He shouted"
No one would be with you "I harvested and I lifted him up prong and let Kian bedday tskk ..
Kurt What's !! "He shouted"
Shut up Lyka !!! I cry because he's silent Tsssk The Landi Landi you at Kian village Ehh more handsome paako dun ehh and mka outside we at school ride that we were in the car I did not care about earlier.
We're here at home and we're just quiet Tssssk as I look at Lyka standing in front of me suddenly he said ..
Ku "he said"
So I did it because I did not want to do him bad sayu "I said"
The Badbad whhaa "harvest he cried"
don't wept Tsskk "I said at once kissing his lips cause he was surprised and went out to kiss me."
Ku-y-a "he harvested while hanging to me
Why like ? "I said"
I don't "He said answered once the runway to his bedroom hahahaha.
lyka pov.
I do not think he'll do it.
Lyka Let's Eat "harvest of Kuya"
No appetite !!! "I cry"
I do not want to keep pace with food? "He said"
I'm not just so much "I said"
Muba knows your lips "harvest he caused me to heat up my body"
The Mistake Kuya Why Have You Taken My First Kiss !!! "I cry"
I will noticed you will come to the man because I can not realize you really do it so I did it "he said"
Jeee will survive you leave the saddle! "I cry"
I don't so much just love you as sibling "he said"
Brother PABA Yun did you? "I said"
Yes Tskkkk I thought I wanted me to do not happen Yun Dahl first of all my youngest brother's youngest brotherhood and happened earlier I just said because for my kniya do not want you to get ahead of you in the male Yun "long harvest"
Baliww I will be pregnant not no one has myself mind my brother I'm not sure I'm silly and what you say Siyan can be betrayed with Baliwww twitter! "I cry"
Respondent to your child !!! "He shouted"
IM not a child! "I cry"
Aware of your life! "He shouted"
Bala Karin "I harvested and lying down in bed annoying you brother when they came home and when they came home my mama accuse me to do you Saakin Yung First Kiss I took you BW * Sit you ...
lyka pov.
Hayst hungry but I'm afraid to go down because you might have done Kuya Hayssttt when he kissed his tskkk diko he would be forgiven of what he took his first kiss I would be self-descend Exit the room and went down to the stairs and I arrested Kuya in the room.
Your duration? "he said"
no one dun tskk "i harvest"
ahhh so "harvest and took food"
Who said you will eat? Diva don't you appetite? "he said"
hayst hungry naako ehhh "i harvest"
Ahhhh illegal! "he said"
brother !!!!! what!!! Hungry nausea Ehhh "I cry forced to get food"
It's not that you say you have no appetite "he said"
Idi you're Jeee !!! I harvested and I left him in the room and went out "
Where are you going night! "He shouted"
I will buy myself Fry Chicken outside "I said"
Do not go out I order food on the way nayun tskkk damn foam outside so do not get out! "He shouted"
Order Sapala Ehhh cattle for you just "I said"
no foratin yun hinde for nap "he harvested me"
Thanks Kuya "I harvest and run toward him and hugged"
Luhh Sorry Kuya "I will harvest and emerges Embracing Sakaniya"
what do you just pursue mocking "he harvested and stood up and hugged me tightly very lucky i really because there was a brother i am like i'm so sweet he's so sweet he once cold he is most unwilling
Kurt POV.
I was surprised at the embrace he sat in the neck and so much I did that he made Yun Solara I'll be able to get me happy because I'm happy as I'm happy to be happy with me sometimes I'm also curdy I'm just as I know I'm sorry I know it hurts him? Nayun happens because since now unobtrusive will be Cold Sakaniya ...
brother !! "He shouted"
What? "I said"
Dick sleeping? "he said"
Why? "I said"
hahaha not true monster "I said"
You go here in the bedroom and you can See Real Monster "He said I'm laughing"
hahaha haynako "I harvested and climbed up the staircase and went to his bedroom"
Nansiyan Kuya Yong Monster "He harvested as he pointed Yong Box and approached it and saw the box and suddenly I screamed because I screamed because Yong Box" ....
Ayyyy p * ta dagger "I cry and hit my box and jump falls because the rat size"
whaaaaa kuyaa yong monster freedom !!! "harvest he loses while weeping"
hahahaha do not be afraid rat yan "I said"
Papa !!!!! Papa !! Papa !!! whaaaaa "she shouted while crying"
It's right to cry Lyka no longer ohhh "I harvested and embraced her and she suddenly stood up to get out of her bedroom and went to my bedroom ...
What are we doing here? "I said"
Here I'm going to sleep in the roommate I do not like my bedroom because I have a monster yet! "He shouted"
Haystt Rat Lang Yun big "I said"
even! "He shouted and he pulled me to get into the bedroom"
hahaha even really yes monster my monster really "i harvested laughing and laying Lyka in bed and faded"
Lie Kuya "harvest him and lie down beside him suddenly he hung haggang we visited the drowsiness"