Hello Kurt now maybe his fun now Kase has a woman. Woman Human Humaniya and the child yet Mygodd ..
Ohhh Tehhh Anya Sau "said Nathalie"
Nothing Many Those Who Threats Bebe My "I said"
What Who Athena? "he said"
I don't Know Just News My Child Yung Gf Her I don't Shall He Know Children "I said"
Haystt that Now many people love and old so let first move on that Athena Ok "Nathalie said"
NO Saakin Kurt He's Only Mine "I said"
Tehhh Kita Monaman May Jowa Yong Man Wag Kanga frozen wag Kna judge "harvest and I just taught him"
Drinking us "I said"
Sure "Nathalie said"
Cheers "we harvest two"
i dont please i have before she loves her she so me she still goes back me kurt remember you
Kurt POV.
We are now home and Lyka went up to the height of his room because he was tired he was tired he was tired he would eat him just one I did not eat him and he was just girdle. I just went to the kitchen and Getting Water I Just Destroyed Dunnahin I first went to bed in Lyka's bedroom for NMAN returned Yong Mones we used to be always going to bed at the same bedroom ... so I would do that again today ... climb up to the bedroom. The door I saw Lyka sleeping in her bed and I came to me and lie down beside her because she woke up for her bed.
Hoyyy !! brother what are you doing? 'He shouted "
Relaxx I just want to lie down next to you "I said"
lie down in the bedroom you wag here "he said"
I don't want to get me out of sleep "I said"
What's because I'm not comfortable ehhh "he harvested and embraced him."
Starting now to get used to side by side we sleep "I harvest"
But brother may have a young bedroom you go ahead "he harvested me laughing"
hahaha not that is true "I harvested while embracing him?
It's true "he said"
just scares yan manga young like you "I said"
really? "he said"
Yes Btw Remember Mupaba Sinabite You Saakin Nung Child Love Want Moko? "I said"
No longer why? "he said"
weee? "I said"
Yeah "he said"
oky fine goodnight babyko sleeping kana "I harvest at once kissing her forehead"
I do not want you to do something bad "He said I'm laughing"
hahaha mad kong miron man, hopefully kona yan yan yan yang yng on your mind "I said"
Or you see you saying !! "He shouted"
All right to go to bed early we are tomorrow "I harvested and closed her manga her eyes and I just looked at her until she had been drowned
~ Everything Its Block ~
Kurt POV.
I'm awake now on the nose diko knew why am I on the floor and stood up with me and I looked at Lyka in the bed of her mother's position. His hayss hayss his feet in the head of the bed And it's going to fall asleep when moving forward haysss so I immediately beat it her head back in bed ..
ehmm "he harvested and he was very different position"
It came up to her bedroom to cook when we had breakfast when she had taken care of the kitchen immediately and started to cook ...
After recovery to cook I immediately went to Lyka's bedroom to wake him up to get to school ... When I arrived at the front door he immediately opened Yong door I saw asleep decision so I was awakened and Yong thigh he no choice I touch his thigh ....
Hey wife I'm awake "I said"
ehm "he said"
Hoyy What's Malalate we're "I said '
What? "He said and he opened his eyes"
Awake to stand Kana Siyan We're Malalate "I said"
I do not want to get tired of me "harvest and return to bed"
Abayyy Aabsent Rightage "I said but I'm just ignoring"
Ahh Kayan Kana Kana Saakin Ahh "I harvest and I came to him and got him together with the lips"
Hoyyy Ku
What you do not enter "I harvest"
Yes I do not come in so I represented me "said, and I did not ignore him out of the bedroom while I was from him"
What Ku
nak! "They shout"
Ma, Dad, "We said at the same time but they were daddy LNG they would say alm they had the relationship KMI of Lyka
lyka pov.
I was surprised because they saw Mama Kuya took me might because what they think of Kuya ...
Nak "Mama said while we were in a meeting.
yes ma? "I said"
Hello Kana Maid Kana Kanga Nak Diko Shares You grow up "Mama said"
haha yeah it "
Has Boyfriend Kana No "Mama said Kuya said"
Crush Only I'm not banned I mourn "I harvest"
Who Crushhh you nak "Mama said"
Kian Po "I said because of Kuya Kuya Kuwin"
Hahaha You really are your kid Hello Kian DBA friend is your friend's boy bigger? "Mama said"
Opo Ma big nased and the handsome yet "I said cause Kuya grizzled"
Departure I'm late as I "harvest his cold"
brother! "I shouted and turned him"
I will go with "I will harvest and I am ignoring"
Mama Dad Depart.
brother! "I shouted and saw that inside the car and entered nakas"
brother "I said"
What? "He said Cold
Are you mad? "I said"
Why did you ask "he said cold"
Kuya sorryyy that "I said"
sorry its enough "he harvested"
Kuya What's !! "I cry"
What? "he said"
You hate you!? "I cry"
How can I not be angry ehhh topic Kian I know you became a friend of your child but why did you like him more "harvested"
I'm a brother I "I said"
Is it just a brother? "he said"
Opo "I harvest"
But when did you say then that Crushh Moko and want Muko married Can Do Ntin Yan today? "harvested and stopped like yong yong car in parking lat"
* Imagination *
PE - "It was cut off that he would have kissed me on the lips but I thought he would soon kiss him but he was more tired of kissing him until he went out.
K-Uy-a "I said he reprimanded"
brother no I'm a child"I NEGAL ANY IT '
I want that baby my wife "he said"
I'm I don't!! "I cry it's up to"
Oh why do you cry out? Don't Muba Saakin "He harvested I Ille"
Want Kuya "I said"
who you idiot finished suddenly kissing What Is You Problim? "he said"
None bread does not ignore "I harvest"
Kian hayss Thinks What "He said"
"i harvest"
Luhh Would I kiss you? "he said"
Nothing Namn We Kuya Ehh "I said"
TSKK Starting now GF Napta and BF I'm bright? "HIS COLD TONE"
Yes "I harvest and I immediately kissed me on the lips and drive named car held him handed my hand my first time I was able to make me mad.